Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (2024)

Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (1)


Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (2)



Manuals for FGS-222 firmware 2.1 –2.2:

Operating manual – English

Instrukcja obsługi – Polski

Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (5) Short manual – Multilanguage

Operating manuals forFGS-221 firmware 2.1 –2.2:



Operating manuals forFGS-221 firmware 1.9– 1.10:



Operating manuals forFGS-221 firmware 1.4 – 1.7:



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Declarations of conformity:


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Description and features

Important safety information

Read this manual before attempting to install the device!

Failure to observe recommendations included in this manual may be dangerous or cause a violation of the law. The manufacturer, Fibar Group S.A. will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from not following the instructions of operating manual.

Danger of electrocution!

The device is designed to operate in electrical home installation. Faulty connection or use may result in fire or electric shock.

All works on the device may be performed only by a qualified and licensed electrician. Observe national regulations.

Even when the device is turned off, voltage may be present at its terminals. Any maintenance introducing changes into the configuration of connections or the load must be always performed with disabled fuse

Required overcurrent protection

The device must be protected with an overcurrent protection (fuse) with a value not higher than 10A.

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FIBARO Double Relay Switch is designed to be installed in standard wall switch boxes or anywhere else where it is necessary to control two independent devices drawing up to 1500W each.
As with all other Actors, FIBARO Double Relay Switch allows to control connected devices either via the Z-Wave network or via a switch connected directly to it.

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  • Compatible with any Z-Wave Controller
  • Advanced microprocessor control
  • Executive element – electromagnetic, micro-gap relay switch
  • May be oparated by momentary or toggle switches
  • To be installed in wall switch boxes of dimensions allowing for installation, conforming to provisions of applicable regulations

This device may be used with all devices certified with Z-Wave certificate and should be compatible with such devices produced by other manufacturers.

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Technical data

Power supply:110-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Rated load current (resistive load):6.5A per channel,
10A total current
Power consumption:up to 0.8W
Power output(resistive load):2x1500W for 240V AC
2x750W for 120V AC
In accordance with EU standards:RED 2014/53/EU
RoHS 2011/65/EU
Operational temperature:0-35°C
Active element:micro-gap relay switch μ
Durability (resistive load, 6.5A):200 000 switches
For installation in boxes:Ø ≥ 50mm, depth ≥ 60mm
Radio protocol:Z-Wave
Radio signal power:up to 1mW
Radio frequency:868.4 MHz EU;
908.4 MHz US;
921.4 MHz ANZ;
869.0 MHz RU;
865.2 MHz IN;
Radio transmit power:up to -1 dBm (EIRP)
Range:up to 50 m outdoors
up to 30 m indoors
(depending on building materials)
Dimensions: (L x W x H)):42.50 x 38.25 x 20.30 mm

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Connecting the device in a manner inconsistent with manual may cause risk to health, life or material damage.

When connecting the device act in accordance with the following rules:

  • Connect only in accordance with one of the diagrams
  • Electrical installation must be protected by overcurrent protection (fuse) of with a value not higher than 10A
  • The device should be installed in a wall switch box compliant with a relevant national safety standards and with depth no less than 60mm
  • Electrical switches used in installation should be compliant with the relevant safety standards
  • Length of wires used to connect the control switch should not exceed 20m

Notes for the diagrams:

S1 – terminalfor switch no. 1 (has the option of entering the device in learning mode)
S2 – terminalfor switch no. 2
IN – input terminal for load power supply
Q1 – output terminal of the device(controlling first connectedload)
Q2 – output terminal of the device(controlling second connectedload)
L – terminal for live lead
N – terminal for neutral lead
B – service button (used to add/remove the device)

Installation of the device:

  1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse)
  2. Open the wall switch box
  3. Connect with one of the diagrams below
  4. Verify correctness of connection
  5. Arrange the device and its antenna in a wall switch box
  6. Close the wall switch box
  7. Turn on the mains voltage
  8. Add the device to the Z-Wave network

Switch connected to the S1 terminal is a master switch. It starts the learning mode (Add/Remove). The switch connected to the S1 terminal will switch load connected to the Q1 terminal and switch connected to the S2 terminal will switch load connected to the Q2 terminal. Functionality of the switches can be reversed by adjusting advanced parameter.

Wiring diagrams:

Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (12)
Single switch – mains electricity power connection

Double switch – mains electricity power connection

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Arranging the antenna

  • Locate the antenna as far from metal elements as possible (connecting wires, bracket rings, etc.) in order to prevent interferences.
  • Metal surfaces in the direct vicinity of the antenna (e.g. flush mounted metal boxes, metal door frames) may impair signal reception!
  • Do not cut or shorten the antenna – its length is perfectly matched to the band in which the system operates.

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Z-Wave network

Adding to the network

Adding (Inclusion) – Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to add the device to existing Z-Wave network.

To add the device to the Z-Wave network:

  • Generic
  • Home Center
  • SmartThings
  • Vera
  • Homey

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. Set the main controller into the adding mode (see the controller’s manual).
  4. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  5. Wait for the adding process to end
  6. Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. Log into Home Center configuration interface.
  4. In Devices section click Add or remove device.
  5. Click Add to start adding mode.
  6. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  7. Wait for the adding process to end
  8. Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. Click the Plus (+) icon on the Home Screen.
  4. Select FIBARO and click on the device.
  5. Choose a hub you want to add your device to and click Next.
  6. Choose a room where the device will be placed and click Next.
  7. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  8. Wait for the adding process to end
  9. Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. From your Vera's Dashboard, go to Devices > Add devices
  4. Choose a Generic Z-Wave device from the list.
  5. Follow the instructions on screen.
  6. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  7. Wait for the adding process to end
  8. Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

Click here for more detailed instructions for Vera gateways.

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. In Homey app select Devices from the tab bar.
  4. Find your device's brand and click the [+] icon in the top right corner and search for FIBARO and tap the logo.
  5. Find your device on the list. Then click the device's icon. A dialog will appear that confirms if you want to continue. Click install.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  8. Wait for the adding process to end
  9. Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

While adding the device to the network with connected toggle switch, ensure that all switch contact is open (off). Otherwise it will prevent adding/removing the device to/from the network.

For toggle switches in default configuration perform six position changes.

In case of problems related to unknown configuration or type of external switch use the B-button to add/remove.

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Removing from the network

Removing (Exclusion) – Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to remove the device from existing Z-Wave network.

Removing the device from the Z-Wave network restores all the default parameters of the device.

To remove the device from the Z-Wave network:

  • Generic
  • Home Center
  • SmartThings
  • Vera
  • Homey

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. Set the main controller in remove mode (see the controller's manual).
  4. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  5. Wait for the removing process to end
  6. Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. Log into Home Center configuration interface.
  4. In Devices section click Add or remove device.
  5. Click Delete to start removing mode.
  6. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  7. Wait for the removing process to end
  8. Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. On the Home Screen, select Menu icon and click Devices.
  4. Select More Options (three dots) icon and click Edit.
  5. Select the minus icon (-) next to the device.
  6. Click Delete to confirm.
  7. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  8. Wait for the removing process to end
  9. Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. From your Vera's Dashboard, go to Devices.
  4. Choose the device you want to remove and click the arrow next to it.
  5. Go to the bottom of the page and click Delete Device.
  6. Click Unpair.
  7. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  8. Wait for the removing process to end
  9. Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

  1. Place the devicewithin the direct range of your Z-Wave controller
  2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns the light on) or the B-button (located on the device’s housing)
  3. In Homey app select Devices from the tab bar.
  4. Click and hold the device you want to remove.
  5. Click in the gear icon in the top right corner.
  6. Click Remove device.
  7. Confirm that you want to remove this device - click OK.
  8. Quickly, three times press switch no. 1 or the B-button
  9. Wait for the removing process to end
  10. Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message

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Operating the device

Controlling using an external switch

Momentary switch (after releasing the switch a spring automatically pushes back and disconnects the switch):

  • Turn the load ON/OFF: briefly press the button corresponding to the chosen load

Toggle switch (operates as a two-position switch, it has no spring that would set one position of the switch):

  • Turn the load ON/OFF: change the position of the button corresponding to the chosen load

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The device responds to commands ALL ON/ALL OFF that may be sent by the Z-Wave controller. ALL ON/ALL OFF commands are usually implemented in the remote controllers using Z-wave protocol, and they are used to issue commands directed to the entire system.

By default, both commands ALL ON and ALL OFF are accepted. Settings may be changed by modifying the value of parameter 1. In this way the user may determine to which commands the device should respond.

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Reset procedureerasesmemory of the device, including all information on the Z-Wave network and the main controller.

Resetting the device is not the recommended way of removing the device from the Z-Wave network. Use reset procedure only if the primary controller is missing or inoperable. Certain device removal can be achieved by the procedure of removing.

Resetting the device:

  1. Disconnect the power supply
  2. Remove thedevicefrom the wall switch box
  3. Connect the power supply
  4. Locate the B-button on the housing
  5. Press and hold the B-buttonfor 3 seconds
  6. After few seconds the device will be reset

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Additional features

Operating alarm data frames

FIBARO System allows user to set response of devices to alarm situations (response to data-frames ALARM_REPORT and SENSOR_ALARM_REPORT). The device responds to the following types of alarms:

  • General Purpose Alarm – GENERAL PURPOSE ALARM
  • Water Flooding Alarm – ALARM WATER
  • Temperature Alarm – ALARM HEAT

Alarm data-frames are sent by devices that are system sensors (e.g., flood sensors, smoke detectors, motion detectors, etc.).

The device may respond in the following manner to received data-frames (settings are configured by the advanced parameters).

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Association (linking devices) – direct control of other devices within the Z-Wave system network e.g. Dimmer, Relay Switch, Wall Plug, Roller Shutter or scene (may be controlled only through a Z-Wave controller).

Association ensures direct transfer of control commands between devices, is performed without participation of the main controller and requires associated device to be in the direct range.

FIBARO Double Relay Switchallows for the associations of three groups:

1st Association Group is assigned to S1 terminal– sending commandframes to the associated deviceswhenever button connected to S1 terminal is pressed.
2nd Association Group is assigned to S2 terminal – sending commandframes to the associated deviceswhenever button connected to S2 terminal is pressed.
3rd Association Group reports the device status and allows to assign single device only (the main controller by default).

FIBARO Double Relay Switch in 1st and 2nd group allows to control 5 regular and 5 multichannel devices per an association group. 3rd group is reserved solely for the controller and hence only 1 node can be assigned.

It is not recommended to associate more than 10 devices in general, as the response time to control commands depends on the number of associated devices. In extreme cases, system response may be delayed.

To add an association (using the Home Center controller):

  1. Go to device options by clicking the icon:Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (14)
  2. Select the „Advanced” tab
  3. Specify to which group and what devices are to be associated
  4. Wait for the configuration process to end. Sending relevant information to devices added to associated groups may take even a few minutes.

Any new association order given while any association commands are already being sent to devices, cancels previous one.

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Advanced parameters

FIBARO Double Relay Switchallows to customize its operation to user’s needs. The settings are available in the FIBARO interface as simple options that may be chosen by selecting the appropriate box.
In order to configure FIBARO DoubleRelay Switch (using the Home Center controller):

  1. Go to the device options by clicking the icon: Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (15)
  2. Select the „Advanced” tab.

Allows to activate/deactivate ALL ON / ALL OFF functions.

Available settings:
255 – ALL ONisactive, ALL OFF isactive
0 – ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF is not active
1 – ALL ON is not active, ALL OFF isactive
2 – ALL ON isactive, ALL OFF is not active
Default setting: 255
Parameter size: 1 [byte]

Auto off relay after specified time, with the possibility of manual override – immediate Off after button push.

Available settings:
0 – manual override disabled. After single button push the relay turns on and automatically turns off after specified time.
1 – manual override enabled. After single button push the relay turns on and automatically turns off after specified time. Another button push turns the relay off immediately.
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1 [byte]

Relay will turn off automatically after time specified in this parameter.

Available settings:
0 –auto off disabled
1-65535 (0.1-6553.5s, 0.1 step)
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 2[bytes]

Relay will turn off automatically after time specified in this parameter.

Available settings:
0 –auto off disabled
1-65535 (0.1-6553.5s, 0.1 step)
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 2[bytes]

Available settings:
0 – commands are sent when the device is turned on and off
1 – commands are sent when the device is turned off. Turning on thedevice does not send control commands. Double-clicking buttonsends ‘turn on’ command, dimmers memorize the last saved level.
2 – commands are sent when the device is turned off. Turning on thedevice does not send control commands. Double-clicking button sends ‘turn on’ command and dimmers are set to 100% brightness.
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Available settings:
0 – commands are sent when the device is turned on and off
1 – commands are sent when the device is turned off. Turning on thedevice does not send control commands. Double-clicking buttonsends ‘turn on’ command, dimmers memorize the last saved level.
2 – commands are sent when the device is turned off. Turning on thedevice does not send control commands. Double-clicking button sends ‘turn on’ command and dimmers are set to 100% brightness.
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Assigns status of the toggle(bistable) switch to status of the device.

Available settings:
0 – turnon/off the device on switchstatus change
1 – device status depends on switch status (the device is ON when switch is ON and vice versa)
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1 [byte]

Parameter defines type of connected switch

Available settings:
0 – momentary switch
1– toggle switch
Default setting: 1
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Enabling this option allows the user to dim lighting/shut roller by associating Dimmer/Roller Shutter Controller. Hold button to change levelor double press to set level to max(only momentaryswitch).

Available settings:
0 – Dimmer/Roller Shutter Controller control is not active
1 – Dimmer/Roller Shutter Controller control is active
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1 [byte]

The device can save its state from before apower failure and restore it after power is back.

Available settings:
0 –does not save the state after a power failure, it returns to “off” position
1–restoresstate from before a power failure
Default setting: 1
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to General Alarm command frame.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 3
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to FloodAlarm command frame.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 2
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to Smoke, COandCO2 Alarm command frames.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 3
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to Temperature Alarmcommand frame.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 1
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Determines how long the flashing will last in case of an alarm.

Available settigs:
1-65535 –time on seconds
Default setting: 600
Parameter size: 2[bytes]

Response to General Alarm command frame.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 3
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to FloodAlarm command frame.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 2
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to Smoke, COandCO2 Alarm command frames.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 3
Parameter size: 1[byte]

Response to Temperature Alarmcommand frame.

Available settings:
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames
1 – ALARM RELAY ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm
2 – ALARM RELAY OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm
3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite, when it detects an alarm within 10 min.
Default setting: 1
Parameter size: 1[byte]

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Remotely Controlled Double Relay Switch of FIBARO System is designed to operate in a wall switch box or in locations where the control of two electric devices is needed.

The Relay Switch should be powered from 110-240V AC (50/60Hz).

The main difference between 2×1.5kW and 1×2.5kW is number of physical outputs and load capacity.

It can be any voltage up to 240V AC.

No, only previous generation of the device was able to do so.

No. The Relay Switch needs to be connected to Neutral Wire. To control circuits where there is no Neutral wire at the switch location please refer to the Dimmer module.

Yes, you can – the relay is volt free by default.

Group 1 is assigned to S1, Group 2 is assigned to S2 and Group 3 is only used for reporting module’s state to the controller.

These terminals are designed to be connected to the switch. S1 is designed to control O1 output, S2 to control O2 output.

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Double Relay Switch - FIBARO Manuals (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.