Infinite Campus Dmps (2025)

1. Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal - Des Moines Public Schools

  • Forgot Your Password? · Forgot Your Username? · Emergency/Weather...

  • Des Moines Public Schools uses Infinite Campus as its web-based student information system. The service allows students and parents/guardians to access academic information and other student records. The questions and answers below provide additional information about Infinite Campus. If you ...

Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal - Des Moines Public Schools

2. Des Moines Public Schools - Campus Parent - Infinite Campus

  • Des Moines Public Schools Staff and Student Login (SSO) or Parent Username (Required) Password (Required) Show Forgot Password? Forgot Username? Help

  • User created content

3. Parents - Des Moines Public Schools

  • If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, click here to login.

  • Here is a gateway to resources and information to help and support Des Moines parents and guardians as your child progresses from preschool on to college and careers. About DMPS Academic Curriculum Career/Tech Education Equity, Inclusion & Compliance ...

4. Infinite Campus - Virtual Campus - Des Moines Public Schools

  • Infinite Campus. If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, click HERE to log in.

  • If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, click HERE to log in. Please call the VC main office if you need help with your Infinite Campus portal account. 515-242-8483

5. Parents & Students - Infinite Campus

6. Forgot Your Password? - Des Moines Public Schools

  • If you do NOT have an account recovery email set in your Account Settings of Infinite Campus, you will need to contact your student's building main office.

  • 1. If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the blue link titled “Forgot your password?” 2. Once you click on the link, you will be prompted to enter your username and click continue. 3. Once ...

Forgot Your Password? - Des Moines Public Schools

7. Infinite Campus - Virtual Campus - Des Moines Public Schools

  • Infinite Campus is a software platform that helps parents and students keep track of and manage various aspects of their education.

  • What is Infinite Campus? Campus Parent & Campus Student Video · Infinite Campus Click here to pull up Infinite Campus: Campus Parent ( How to navigate: How do I navigate the Infinite Campus Parent Portal? – YouTube Help ...

8. Forgot Your Username? - Des Moines Public Schools

  • 1. If you have forgotten your username, you can click on the blue link to retrieve your username · 2. Once you click on the blue link, you will be prompted to ...

  • 1. If you have forgotten your username, you can click on the blue link to retrieve your username 2. Once you click on the blue link, you will be prompted to enter an email address. 3. You will ...

Forgot Your Username? - Des Moines Public Schools

9. Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) - Brody Middle School

  • Click HERE to access the Parent Portal. For more information on the Parent/Student Portal and Infinite Campus click HERE.

  • Click HERE to access the Parent Portal. For more information on the Parent/Student Portal and Infinite Campus click HERE.  

10. Infinite Campus: A Gateway to Support Student Learning - Des Moines ...

  • Feb 3, 2016 · Infinite Campus is a helpful online tool Des Moines Public School parents can use to access their student's attendance, grades, transportation information, and ...

  • Infinite Campus is a helpful online tool Des Moines Public School parents can use to access their student’s attendance, grades, transportation information, and more. When parents talk with their children about the information found on Infinite Campus, it ...

Infinite Campus: A Gateway to Support Student Learning - Des Moines ...

11. Infinite Campus - East High School - Des Moines Public Schools

  • Infinite Campus is an excellent tool to track how your child is doing in his or her classes. Here you will find the link to the parent portal.

  • Infinite Campus is an excellent tool to track how your child is doing in his or her classes. Here you will find the link to the parent portal, giving you access to student attendance, behavior and grades. You ...

12. Students - Des Moines Public Schools

  • DMPS Library Catalog · Equity, Inclusion & Compliance · Graduation Requirements · Illnesses at School · Infinite Campus · Iowa Alliance Conference · Library ...

  • Our greatest asset is you: one of more than 32,000 students who attend Des Moines Public Schools. Here is information on academics and activities as you progress towards graduation. Activities Campus Crime Stoppers Canvas Career/Tech Education Code of ...

13. Canvas Tutorial Video - Virtual Campus - Des Moines Public Schools

  • Duration: 6:52Posted: Aug 18, 2020

  • Des Moines Public Schools

14. Payment Instructions | Des Moines Public Schools

  • School Fees Payment Instructions. Login to your RevTrak account, or click on School Fees. Enter the User Name and Password for your Infinite Campus account.

  • School Fees Payment Instructions

15. Class to resume Thursday for DMPS students - KCCI

  • Jan 11, 2023 · DMPS said access to Infinite Campus student information is now available, phones are working, some staff members will have internet access ...

  • The district is recovering after a possible ransomware attack

Class to resume Thursday for DMPS students - KCCI

16. Infinite Campus

  • Login · Teacher · Parent or Student. Student/Parent Mobile App: Apple App Store Icon Google Play Store Icon. Company · Blog Careers Events Infinite Campus ...

  • Privacy Terms and Conditions Contact Sales

Infinite Campus Dmps (2025)


How do you drop the lowest score on Infinite Campus? ›

Mark the checkbox to Drop Lowest Score, which automatically removes the lowest score in the category (by percentage) from calculating into the student's grade. See the drop lowest score logic in the section following.

How do you override a grade in Infinite Campus? ›

Modifying Semester Grades for Specific Students:
  1. Click in the Posted letter grade cell for the grade to be overwritten.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow in the letter grade cell and choose the appropriate grade (including P or an INC).
  3. SAVE.
  4. Do NOT re-post. If re-posting is necessary, the overrides will need to be done again.

Does Infinite Campus show your GPA? ›

Step 3: Click on “Transcript” (middle of screen at the bottom of the menu) to view your unofficial transcript Check your GPA under the GPA Summary. The GPA on your transcript is weighted and it includes all of your HS credits.

How many students are in Des Moines public schools? ›

Our greatest asset is you: one of more than 32,000 students who attend Des Moines Public Schools. Here is information on academics and activities as you progress towards graduation.

What is the color of pass fail in Infinite Campus? ›

Pass failing grades - color codes grades – green for passing and red for failing.

How to post pass fail grades in Infinite Campus? ›

Click the context menu to the left and make sure you select the correct year, school, school calendar, and structure (grade level) and then click the Save button. On the left side of the window, scroll down to and click “Post Grades.”

How do you get rid of dropped students in Infinite Campus? ›

Under Admin, click Preferences. Check the box to Hide Dropped Students. If you want to assign this to multiple classes (or all of them), click the Mass Assign to multiple classes link. Check the Check All box to select all Sections in all terms.

How do you autofill grades on Infinite Campus? ›

Infinite Campus Autofill
  1. Copy adjacent columns with student names in the first column and scores in the second column.
  2. Expand the target assignment in Infinite campus.
  3. Right click and select "Paste Grades" ( not the default "Paste" ).

Is a GPA of 1.0 good? ›

A 1.0 GPA is generally considered low. On a standard 4.0 scale, a 1.0 GPA indicates that you have mostly D grades. A 1.0 is significantly below the typical "average" GPA and will likely significantly impact your chances of being admitted to most colleges.

Is a GPA of 2.8 good? ›

Is a 2.8 GPA Good? Because a 2.8 is two-tenths of a point from a B average, a 2.8 GPA indicates several above-average grades and that your performance on homework and exams was up to par. With a 2.8 GPA, several colleges will consider your application, so you have a decent number of options to choose from.

Is a GPA of 3.7 good? ›

Overall, a 3.7 GPA is impressive. As a percentage, a 3.7 GPA means you've achieved an average of 90-92% in your classes. Achieving a 3.7 GPA in high school is good, and with an excellent application, there are many schools where you have a shot at acceptance.

What is the largest private school in Iowa? ›

With 4,685 students, Drake University is the state's largest private not-for-profit school.

What is the meaning of DMPS? ›

No matter how brilliant an ad might be, if it isn't seen by the right target audience then its tangible value will be limited. Demand-side platforms (DSPs) and data management platforms (DMPs) help digital marketers to both identify potential customers and then show them the right digital ads.

What is the largest high school in Des Moines Iowa? ›

East High School is not only the largest high school in Iowa, but has one of the richest traditions of any school in the Midwest. Des Moines Public Schools serves more than 8,500 students at our five comprehensive high schools, one alternative high school, and a multi-program magnet high school campus.

How do you drop the lowest grade in Teacher Access Center? ›

Click to create a new assignment. On the Categories tab, you can manage if you want to allow the lowest grade in a category to be dropped (Drop Lowest). Example, if you want to allow the lowest two daily grades to be dropped for the students, click the icon to edit and change the value from '0' to '2'.

What does "dropped" mean on Infinite Campus? ›

If you see the word "Dropped!" in place of a grade in your Grades list, do not worry. This means that your instructor is dropping one or more grades in that category. An instructor may give 7 Projects and drop the lowest 2 as in the example below.

How do you move grades on Infinite Campus? ›

If you have current grades in your IC grade book, click Grade Book. Make sure your term is set to Q3 and task is set to Quarter. The easiest way to transfer all grades at once is to click the Post button in the post grades column. Clicking Post in will transfer all grades from that column.

How do I change settings on Infinite Campus? ›

After logging in, click the user menu in the top right and then click Settings and Notification Settings.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.