The News-Star from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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The News-Stari

Monroe, Louisiana

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SSCRHWJ'IPPPSIPJIRMI XL News Star World Sunday July 26 1931 SPORTS SCOPE Baseball It 25 a a 72 65 41 75 11 U1 Pct 356341340 J31 Ml329 33 J26324 423 EAST 1 a a M4 42 WEST 23 22 3 Dili Ch gj Bui Kon Bal Bmi lekt Bal lord Bu rekSaa Al moo Chi Winfield NY LRoberta Tex 0 10 124 ISO 1 12 I44 5M I i Oddi 14 61 4 12 5 $4 61 IS ISO I 174 ISO I 146 61 IM Ml SOI Chfcap rir ln AnfHi CtndMatl Hanston Atlanta Unl'recae Sad Diep Texas league By The AMortatod Ptom New YrkBaltimore MUwuto Boaton Oreland Toronto Oakland iTnaa Chteep Kamaa Cty Seallie Minnesota 34 31 31 31 II 37 33 3i 31 21 17 NATIONAL 31 30 30 17 IS 37 S3 43 44 $6 $4 S3 Hmm 1 Phlladelptrf Sllmls Mnnfreal Conceled games Bv The Aaoelated Preu A leim by teim list ot games canceled que to lha major league atnke thratgji garnet of Sunday July The WUg began with games ol riday June tjftseball standings Major Lesrue Baseball At A Glance mji By lha Aaaadated Ptcm kUZfUCMi HAGUE Pft GB W77 574 J64 344 W6520 771 417 400 M3 417 4M JU 3M uuntir Pet GB III 600 S21 413 3tt 132 025 491 463 4M 411 ftrtt half rhampion Salunhy'a Reaulla Tulaal KI Pawl Shreveport 10 San Antonio 4 Arkanaaa 34 Amarillo 0 2 Midland 7 Jackaon 4 Games Tulia at El Psm Shreveport at San Antonio Midland at Jackaon SAN DIEGO (39) (19) Chicago Loa Angeles 1 San rancisco 1 Cincin nati 1 New York i Montreal 1 hiladcl AMERICAN LEAGUE Eat NEW YORK (W) Away (171: Mdwars kee Baton 1 Minnesota 1 Oatland 1 California 2 Seattle 1 Home faECaSor Baseball's top ten By The Audited Preu Baaed tli at Bais lATtUNAh LEAGUE AB 31 54 $5 41 SI S3 54 45 SI 47 Hmm I a vo wav kuw BALTIMORE (til Away tlK Mil MIWUKiX (MlMrar I7: Nnr A Botttaore Toaa 1 California 1 Seattle 1 Oakland i Home Wi: Ctoczra Seattle I New York Baltimore Ka mo City Jorwrto 3 DETROIT (Mi Away (i: Boston OrjoW! Chicago New Yort I Seat Jo Oakland California 1 Home (IS): Ksmm City Oakland Cleveland 4 Beaton 1 Chicago BOSTON (StH Awayim New Port Detroit 1 California 3 Baltimore 4 Kan mo City i Tortola MmnaaoU 1 Home (17): Toronto 3 Caluorrua Detroit I Now York 3 Tests Minnesota 1 CLEVELAND (41) Away (Ml: De troit 4 Oakland 4 Kansas City 1 Balti more Toronto 4 Minneaota Chicago 1 Home () Minnesota Oakland I De A 1 Chicago 3 TORONTO (47) Away (hi: Boston 1 Kraus City Seattle 1 Minnesota I New Yorks Milwaukee I Baltimore I Home (Ml Texas 4 Minnesota Seattle 3 Cleveland 4 Baton 3 Baltimore 1 OAKLAND (43) Away (U) Detroit 4 Clevelrad 3 Texes 1 Kansas City 3 Seal Je 4 Homa (33) Oeveland 4 Texas 4 Karuu City 4 Minnesota 3 New York 2 Detroit 1 Milwaukee 3 TEXAS (HI Away M): Baltimore 3 Toronto 4 Oakland 4 California 4 Cleve Jrad4Boston3KanusClty4 Homeflkl Milwaukee 3 California 3 Oakland 3 Kan pilcago 4 Baltimore 3 CHlCAGOitJI Awaydli Milwaukee 3 Kansas CHy 3 Seattle 3 Minnesota 3 Detroit 3 ClevelandlTexttt Home(22l: Detrort 3 Baltimore i Minnesota 4 Seat tle 4 Kansas CHy 1 Cleveland 3 CALIORNIA (rfl Away (II): New York 4 Boston Texas Minnesota Kansas City 4 Home () hostnn 3 Seat Texas 4 Kansu City 3 Milwaukee 1 3 Detroit 3 WY Mr De troit Oakland California 3 Milwaukee 3Texu3ChlcagoS Home (hi: Chicago 3 Toronto 3 Oakland 3 Cleveland Calt lornla Boaion Texas SEATTLE Away (Ik): Baltimore 3 Milwaukee Toronto 3 California 3 Chlcaj4Home): Baltimore 3 Toron SaLS'lTi DeUwl MU VaUKM York Awav (21): Nev York 1 Oevdand 1 Toronto ChicMo 4 Em PHILADELPHIA Away (1: St Louis 3 Chicago 3 Cincinnati I Hous ton 3 Pittsburgh! San rancisco 3 Home 231: Atlanta I Cincinnati Pittsburgh 3 Montreal 3 New York 4 San rancisco 1 UAnerleil8anDlego3 ST LOL IS (b Away 135): New York 4 Chicago 4 Los Angeles 2 Cincinnati 4 San rancisco 4 San Diego 3 Houston 3 Home 721 San rancisco 3 Philadelphia 5'NW Montreal 3 Pittsburgh 3 Atlanta 3 Cincinnati 3 MON TR RKD (41) Away (Mi: Phlla delph a 3 Pittsburgh 3 Houston 3 Atlanta I Chicago 1 StLouls 3 Los Angeles 3 Home (21) Cincinnati 3 Houston! Newrk 3 Chicago 4 Pittsburgh 3 Los An rancwo 1 Away (341: Phila delphia 3 Montreal 3 Los Angeles i San rancisco 1 San Diego 3 StLouis 3 Cin cinnati 3 Houston 3 Allanta 3 Home (211: Los Angeles 3 Houstra 3 Montreal 3 New York 5 Philadelphia 3 Chicago 4 NEW YORK (Cl Away (fi): Montrv 3 ltsbujjh i Cincinnati 3 Allanta 3 StLouls 3 Philadelphia 4 San Diego 3 Home (331: Houston 3 Atlanta 3 SLLouls Chicago 4 San Diego 3 San rancisco Los Angeles 3 CHICAGO (45) Away (25): Montreal 4 New York 4 Los Angeles 3 San rancis co 3 San Diego 3 Pittsburgh 4 Atlanta 3 Ctoclnnatl 3 Borne (): San Diego 3 Phil adelphia 3 StLouls 4 Montreal I Allanta 3 Houston 3 Wn( LM ANGELES (40) Away (211: Pitts Houston 3 San rancisco 3 San Mo 4 Montreal Philadelphia 3 New Yori 3 Home Ik) Chicago St Louis 2 Pittsburgh 3 San Diego 3 Houston 3 San ranciscos Montreal 3 (43) Away (17): Phila delphia 3 Montreal 3 Houston 3 San Diego 3 Atlanta 3 StLouls 3 Home (8) New York 2 Philadelphia 3 StLouls 4 4San Diego i Houston 3 Pitts burgh 3 Chicago 1 Pt! Montreal 1 PitUburgh 3 New York 3 Atlanta 3 Loo Angela Cincinnati 3 Chicago 1 Home fjjx'ciphia 3 MontrealS Los An pta 3 Cincinnati 3 Atlanta 3 Pittsburgh St Louis 3 ATLANTA i (41) Away (): Philadel phia 3 New York 3 Cincinnati 4 San ran cisco 1 Houston 3 Chlcap 3 StLouls I Home (31): Montreal 3 New Vork 3 San rancisco 4 Houston 3 Cincinnati 3 Chi cago 3 Pittsburgh 1 SAN RANCISCO (Ml Away (): SI Louis 3 Atlanta 4 San Diego 3 Los Angeles 3 Philadelphia 3 New York 3 Montreal 1 Home (III: Pittsburgh 1 Chi Youngbld NY A Howe Hln Rose Phi Modtock Pgh Dawson Mil Guerrero LA Raines MU Easier pgh Matthews PM Perkuu SD Kingman NewYork 14: Schmidt Phila delphia 14 oster Cincinnati 14 Daw son Montreal 13 JCrux Houston II Rana Batted lit oster Cincinnati 4t Cncepcton Cin cinnati 44 Schmidt PtilladeTphla 41 Buckner Chicago Garvey LoaAn gelea 37 Pitching (I Dochloos) Carlton PlillaStohla kl 300: Seaver Cincinnati 7 3 ITS Rhoden Pittsburgh 51 457 Lyle Philadelphia 51 38 Camp Atlania 51 1U Knepper Hous ton 1 83 Sanderson Montreal 53 reg a A Ik ffl dv WMEWUl I 19 44 a 17 a a a i raiiwawMCM: i Eavans noston 13 Annu Oakland li Gray Sealtie Danord California 11 Rum Battod In BBell Texas 43 Armaa Oakland 41 Winfield NewYork 40 Evans Boston Thomas Milwaukee 34 Ptldtotf (I DiieMom) Clear I7I Honeycutt Ttxaa I 157 Vuckovich Milwaukee M9 Morrli Detroit 750 orsch California 13 750 McGregor Balti more frl 750 Torrei Boaton tl 750 Burna Chicago 750 39 EAST 21 23 27 WEST 21 21 21 29 a Odd 12 5 72 511 25 1 50 1 500 1 10 1 75 1 II IS Ill 211 ttl 175 IM 221 VI ir? 210 127 llM Thomas Milwaukee IS I iljlornia 12 Runs Battod In JBBk Pct GB Shreyeport 15 15 SOO Tulsa 15 IS sod Jaekaon ria 1 Arkansas 13 la 41k 3N WEST Midland is to ew Ban Antonia 17 soy Amarillo is is an El Para II so? 7 AB Pct I 13 15 44 355 I in 34 344 i 221 8 73 330 IM 17 45 JM 154 3 325 I 151 77 42 325 203 8 U322 147 a S3 217 IM 27 55 317 143 II 45 215 Rum Golf ootball 2 I Soccer NASL standings Busch scores Miscellaneous leading money winners 148 122 118 103 PA 72 125 103 131 12 12 15 32 40 45 41 60 47 38 36 39 39 33 124 123 99 87 143 120 119 42 0 0 0 143 12 82 ao 105 83 61 55 56 45 52 38 49 37 ft 71 52 65 132 114 111 103 Dea Lem DPoN Draia WaUoa 75 71 111 73 73 71 21771 71 217 73 73 217 71 74 72 21774 74 21774 6MS7S 217 72 6B 77 218 75 211 72 7472 21175 71 218 73 7173 21173 21l 7H7 74 219 7271 76 219 72 74 74 220 74 71 75 220 7447 79 226 69 76 72 73 76 22172 79 221 71 74 77 222 Pts 172 113 105 61 BrColumbia Edmonloo Winnipeg Hamilton Ottawa Montreal Toronto UULr Through July 20 Men 48 40 43 35 41 101 Golf Club course 75 7044 209 7247 70 209 7147 71 209 73 7067 210 71 7148 210 71 7049 210 747047 211 70 7348 211 7047 74 211 71 7348 212 73 7049 212 734648 21272 70 2127369 212 73 7347 213 73 7347 213 764948 213 73 7248 2137149 213 744970 213 73 7O 72 7l 21372 71 213 7347 73 213 694975 213 69 6973 71 213 72 7448 214 75 7148 214 75 7149 214 75 7I 74 7149 214 784749 214 717370 214 754970 214 71 71 73 214 68 73 73 2147649 72 73 70 215 74 71 70 215 72 72 71 71 73 215 72 2)572 73 215 71 70 74 215 76 70 73 73 70 216 74 71 71 2)6 74 71 71 216 shootout victory One bonus point for every goal scored with a maximum ol three per tfama Mm 11 1 Dave Eichelberger Roger Maltbie bTb 71 Tto 57 kll I7H kll Tl TLSt tll 215 7WB 5I5 iii 7i 2i5 iMUk ai JIM Tk MT 71 7I HI 73 75 74 215 75 75 75 215 73 7571 515 75 774S 215 70 BU 2 74 7472 220 75 73 72 220 7040 75 81 74 75 72 221 74 75 71 81 75 73 73 221 74 75 71 81 74 8 75 82 7573 74 28 77 8 8 28 74875 28 88 75 223 7570 77 28 74874 28 8873 28 8 74 888 224 874 75 225 87475 225 8874 225 851 75 225 51 875 86 88 74 226 874 88 2a 8 874 28 8874 87 874 74 227 8 88 227 8 888 23 74 875 23 60 875 23 888 23 874 75 23 74 8 8 229 8876 23 Western Division 1 15 II 40 IS 10 47 10 16 47 56 11 a phu 1 Home louis Qucago 3 San rancaro 3 CinuuuU New York 1 PCT750 J33 833 AM Waatero DtvUioa 1 9 1000 J67667667 nt Game Loa Angela oan uiego California ban joae Northwest Division 0 14 13 12 10 uubawre irtmateurt: Kathy Whitworth Boonk Lauer Beto Darnel Pat Bradley Debbie Mauey Crntoia HdJ Marlene toyd North American Soccer League At A Glance By The Associated Press All Times Eastern Division Amn Garner Kyle Donna Capwd Dorothy Germain Dale Lundquist Louin Parks Hoilis Stacy Amelia Rorer Shelley ami to Penny Puli Pally Sheeh Amy Alcott Amy Alcott Catoy Shirk Mariene Hague Judy Clark Sandra Hayme Connie Chilleml Sally LttUe NwLopa Meiton Vicki ergon Murte Breer Mare Lawrence Jan Stephenson Julie Stanger Dale Douglass Tim Norns Lanny Wadkin John McGough 2 Rsy loyd 1324 3 Bruce Lietike 1275611 4 Tom Kite 814 Ml 5 Jerry Pate 5196962 6 Johnny Miller 518386 7 Hale Irwin tl84 8 Craig Stadler 5179148 9 Bill Rogers Slto240 10 Curtis Strange Ed Dougherty Vance Healner Gena Lererara Jack Newton Bob Murphy Barry HarwU Bill Sander Woody Blackburn 5 A fewan 1 Women's Open scores LA GRANGE IH (API Third round jtores Saturday to Hie 5150000 US Wanes! Open Coif Championship over toe IJM yard par 72 La Grange County WILLIAMSBURG Va I AP) Third round scores Saturday In the POO 000 An heuser Busch Golf Classic on the 6622 yaro par nmgsmiii Curtis Strange John Mahaffey Howard Twltty Andy North George Cadle MlkeSullivan Lyn Lott Butch Baird Wayne Levi Gary Player Lon Nielsen Mark McCumber Jack Renner BUI Britton Tom Jenkins Mike Holland George Archer Bobby Clampett Danny Edwards Mark Lye Mike Smith Tom Purtter MUler Barber Peter Ooslerhuis Jim Booros Ben Crenshaw DA Welbring Jon Chaffee Jerry Heard Bruce lasher Brad Bryant Jay Haas Greg Powers Doug Tewell LonH inkle BUI Rogers Bob Glider BUI Callee Mark Hayes Jim Nelford Pat McGowan Scott Hoch Bill Kratxert Lee Elder Jim Simon Hubert Green Gary McCord Dan Halldorson Peter Jacobsen Vancouver Portland Edmonton Six points are awarded for a regulation or overtime victory our points for a chzxl A it uirtlM i Sradn Post Lxun BaugbCole Debbie Aiutm xUurie Rinker i Cathy Hinton Jerilyn Brill Judy Rxnkln Gull Hart a Edwina Kennedy Mary Baker Sandra Palmer Kathy Ahem i PafUe Rlzxo Alexandria Reinhardt Chrta Moughra Chria Johnaon Marilyn Smith Patty Hayex Rote Jones Mary Mills Mary Porter Susie Berning Barbara Moxneu I Lancy Smith Kathy Poallewall Sandra Spuilch Jenniler Davis Catherine Morse Joyce Kumlerski Vicki Singleton Kathryn Young Penny Hammel Jeannette Kerr Alice Miller Debbie Melsterlln Peggy Conley Same No bonus point Is awarded for over me or ahoolout goals: Games Cosmos 2 Montreal 1 OT Minnesota 3 Washington 1 Jacksonville 2 Atlanta I Tulsa Edmonton I Calgary 1 Vancouver 2 Loe Angeles 3 San Jose 0 Sra Diego 2 Portland 0 Sunday's Game Toronto al Chicago 1:30 pm Monday's Games No games scheduled Women I Nancy Lopex Melton 5149468 2 Pat Bradley 5132182 3 Donna Capon! 118633 4 JoAnne Corner 1125296 5 Amy Alcott 5115127 6 Sally 71 Dniel 57 8 Kathy Whitworth 592117 9 Jane Blalock rtday'a Game Calgary Saskatchewan 16 Saturday's Game HAmilfM 47 Tnennfre 11 Ottawa al British Columbia (n) Saaday's Game Edmonton at Montreal 12 30 CL standingt Canadian ootball Laaiue I At A Glance All Ttaea CDT By The Asaodated Pnaa Eaatere Dfriston LPKUburgh I Loe Angeles GA BP 88 76 229 Cosmos 3 5 59 54 8879 230 Montreal 12 so 43 43 87175 230 Washington 12 13 45 46 39 230 Toronto 5 31 60 31 881 Southern Division 230 Atlanta 15 10 52 41 44 8 Lauderdal IS 10 42 32 8 874 51 231 Tampa Bay 12 IS 50 57 43 8 879 231 Jacksonville 13 13 8 40 31 8 879 81 Central Division 87479 81 Chicago 17 7 55 8 43 8 75 80 232 Minnesota 14 II 46 43 42 8 76 234 Tulsa 13 13 48 40 43 Dallas 4 8 8 57 19 Tennis H3W 19 biepneftson 75198 BOWUNG Men Earl Anthony 6133705 2 Marshall Holman I1056S 3 Tom Baker 595905 4 JJfrt Ro'S 85 5 Wayne Webb7448 6 Steve Martin Uito 7 Mike R'ttoy Lightfoot IftP AnlbY to Gil AUTO RACING Grand Prix Standings Cartas Reutemann 43 2 Nelson PI raet 8 A Alaa Jones 24 4 tie Jacques Latnie and Gillos ViUennrve 21 6 John Watson IS 7 Alam Prost 13 I Riccardo Patrese 10 9 tie Eddie Cheever and Elio De Angrily 1 Star results WASHINGTON IAP1 Saturday's re sults In the S2n0000 Washington Star Inter national Tennis Tournament: Andres Gomel Ecuador def Ivan Lendl Czech 2 4 74 Stanlslov Blrner Cxecti def Mel Pur cell Murray Ky 14 6 3 51 Jmadraa Ore Argentina def Raul Ramlrea Mexico 74 52 Guillermo VUaa Argentina def Mario Martinez Bolivia 5A 51 Mena Doubles Quarterfinal Round Mayer Mayer def Caln Harmon 54 7 Damlanl Ycaxa del Purcell Van allen Stall Taypn def Bengoechea Petei 5 Transactions By The Aaaoclated Preu OOTBALL Nations ootball League DENVER BRONCOS Waived rank Ttos linebacker: William McClung cen Yom Schretnp defensive end Placed Scott Kessler defensive back and Lon offensive uckle on Injured re HOUSTON Waived George Woodard fullback and Ernie Rogers of fensive tackle SAN RANCISCO 49ERS Waived Spi der Gaines wide receiver and Charles Stone offensive guard SEATTLE SEAhA WKS Waived Benny Anthony and David Bayle light ends Mike Babb Gary Johnson and Woody Umphrey punters: Kim Baker Bob Dan eahauer Steve Griffiths and Danny Kirk linebackers: Brsd Chace safety Ken Dawson Bill enn and Unce Olander running backs Bob Chsuis aod Greg LeroY KlnS nl Jlnt Welsh fullbacks Steve Dudley and Al uubenthal wide reclevers and Andy Graham kicker STLOUIS CARDINALS Signed Dan Dterdori offensive tackle te a series ol one year contracts HOCKEY SPRINGIELD "iNDllfistohn Wil son coach resigned Hired Tom Webster coach jjRecreation Softball schedule Monroe RecreaUon Department Week at July 17 CHURCH LEAGUE Monday irst Bapt vs Winner 6 Winner vs irst Bapt 7:30 cm (Games at Benoit) BaPL vs dinner 9 pm (Game at Benoit! CHURCH league Monday Troevine vs Winner 9 pm (Game al Benoit) Tuesday Truevlne vs Winner 6 pm Troevine vs Winner 7:30 pm (Games ai Benoit) CHURCH LEAGUE Moaday West Monroe Naz vs Win ner 6 pm Winner vs West Monroe Naz 7:30 pm (Games at Benoit Dixie) Tuesday West Monroe Naz vs Wln (Game at Benoit Dixie) CHURCH LEAGUE Monday Ch of Christ vs Winner 9 (Game at Benoit Dixie) Twredaj Clr ol Christ vs Winner 6 pm Ch of Christ vs Winner Jo (Games at Benoit Dixie) CHURCH LEAGUE Monroe St Thomas 6 St Thomas vs Monroe Naz 7 pm Monroe Bapt vs ellowship 9 pm (Games at Adler) Tuaaday ellowship vs Monroe 6 pm Monroe Bapt vs ellow ship 7:30 pm SL Thomas vs Monroe Adlfl INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Monday Monroe Jaycees vs Coca Cola I erm Coca Cola vs Monroe Jay ce 7:30 pm (Games at Ouachita Jr Wednesday Coca Cola vs Monroe Tau UAW UAW vs Sig Tau 9 pm (Games at Oua chita JrJ INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE utelday YI vs Howards 6 pm Howards vs LTI 7:30 pm (tiames a Lida Benlon) Tueaday West Moo Office vs Unit ed Gas 4 pm United Gas vs West Mon Office 7:30 pm Howards vs LTI i pm (Games it Lida Benton) Veteaaday West Mon Office vs United Gas 6 pm (Game at Lida Ben Un) INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Monday Bayou DeSiardOpt vs Bentz Elmore 9 (Game at Lida Ben ton) WadMaday Bentz A Elmore vs Bayou DeSiard Opt 7:8 Bayou DeSiard Opt vs Bentz A Elmore I pun Games at Lida Bentoo) INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Wataaadn National Steel vs Plant 40 6 pm Plant 40 vs National Sled 7:30 pm (Games st Beooit) Thursday National Sled va Plant 40 I pm (Game at Benoit) CITY LEAGUE Tuesday Harvey A Lane vs Guide 6 pm iGaroe at Ouachita Jr) Wednesday Harvey A Lane vs Guide 6 pm: Guide vs Harvey Lane 730 (Games at Benoit Dixie) CITY LEAGUE Tbmsday Carter Poots vs Brskefield Sackman pm Brakel ield Sackman vs Carter Pools 7:30 pm (Games at Ben riday Carter Pools vs Brakefteld Sackman 6 (Game at Adler) CITY LEAGUE wedneaday Motor Supply vs Shawnee BMn 9 (Game at Benoit) Thursday Rempac vs Winner 7:30 pm Winner vs Rempsc I pm Games si Benoit Dixie) riday Rempac vs Winner 7:8 (Game at Adler) CITY LEAGUE Wednesday MK oods vs Newriders 6pm Newriders vs (Games at Adler) Thursday MK oods vs Newriders 6 pm (Game at Benoit Dixie) CITY LEAGUE Wofceaday loors vs Ooh Ah 9 (Game at Adler) Thursday Ooh Ah va Wade's Joors pm Wade'i loors vs Ooh Ah 7:8 pm Ecco vs Monroe Axtros 9 pm riday Monroe Astros vs Erco 7 8 Pjn Erco vs Monroe Astros 9 IGames st Ouachita Jr) CITY LEAGUE Wednesday HJNRW vs Brookshires 6 mj Brookshires vs HJNRW pen Ravens vs Decelle A Taylor 9 pm IGames at Ouachita Jr) Thursday Ravens vs Decelle A Tay lor 6 Decelle A Taylor vs Ravens 7:8 (Games st Ouachita Jr) rway HJNRW vs Brookshires 6 pm (Game at Ouachita Jr I Horse racing La Downs entries La Downs results SPORTS CASTS 1320 1000 1340 BOO 600 460 380 300 111 114 114 109 114 114 114 109 114 114 114 760 8 60 740 780 400 280 3 80 2 60 a 260 Jetr okfe one mile turf ays Joey (Robkieeux) Navajo Diamond (Holland) Moody Dancer (Rini) Peaceful Symmetric (Snyder) Zawchebamu (King) Nobbubbie razier i Brazen Ruler (Ardoin) Hedvar the Wire (Young) 113 113 124 117 113 113 113 Purse: H000 3 year 780 510 SfiO Also ran: High And Sweet Suede Tone amous Wan Dancing Nalee Gertie's Lime Miss Ellen Peg's Policy 2nd l8400 cl 3YO4up if Time: Play RN (Smith) Tiny's Mascot (Maple) Poison (Perez) 1780 880 540 860 660 920 Also ran: King M'Lard Distillate Boy Officer Officer wrong Surf Sooner Cat Doctor Raja Stone Marshall Declining Prime Scattered Bidding Daily double (6 10 144280 114 122 114 114 112 111 112 122 114 114 114 114 Piircra tVl Wi CliH 3 year olds and up 74 furlongs turf Dr Riddick (RlvaS) Gun Steward (Maple) Turbulence Romero Concussion (Ardoin) No Dribble (Poyadoui Houdini (Snyder) Mister Rouge (Vanberg) i lin i tiAir runu okb and up one mile and 70 yards Loretta's Guy (Court) Brazen Ego (Rivas) Cinematographer (Romero) Go To Jucbon (razeir) Munnount (McBride) Run Ron (McBridge) Moment's Notice (Mabry) Cool Slone ox (razier) Byera Hope (Mueller) ArUe Baba (Pyadou) Poach (Barrera) or Saturday 67800 tom 3YOiup 61 Time: i 141 Commanding Giri (Engle) 3320 Medley (Court) Don't Sit On It (McKenna) 615000 alw hl 3YU 61 Time 1:114 Gold Etching Tallev) 1280 500 320 Ragtime Babv (R Rbmero 4 00 280 She's Got A Secret (Snyder) 320 Also ran: Plain Speaking Mississippi Oil Honey 610000 cl tom 3YO4up 6( Time ru i Rough Stepping (razier) 11 00 Knockitout (Ardoin 1 jwan Norooz (Sovder) Also ran: Song Obit Beztmy shake My Red Wing Ball lop Merry Miler Our Proto Call Exacts (5 7) 815700 5to C9XO stk fU 2YO 7M Time 1:321 Lady Christa! (R Romero)6 00 4 40 3 4u Miss Molakai (Holland) 700 580 To Tall Tara (Guajardo) 5 60 Also ran: Squaw Bold Interval Double The Truth Neon Light Cowgirl Grey Reliance Dateless Miss Diabolic Heroine Wardwaw Princess 612500 cl 3Y(toup 6f Time 1:113 Prince Raj (Snyder) 13 40 5 20 3 Dang Right (Rivas) 3 00 2 8o Best Possible Bank (Maple) 480 Also ran: No Detente Battling Blue Wahsbelah Untamed Refractory Exact (8 7) 810750 820000 alw fil 3YO 6M Time 1:17 loat Upstream (Maple) 1220 580 3 80 Spare Tne Queen Romero) 400 2 60 Hidden Value (razier) 280 Also ran: Honey Pro Starlet Lou's Dance Princely Motion DJ Pet 614000 alw tom 7'3f Time: 1:311 Wife (Whited) 13 40 400 3 20 Cheryl's Home (Ardoin) 300 240 Me And Mamma (Snyder) 3 80 Also ran: Judie's Dawn Nipsv Ella No Tolling Betcha Luv It I'm Guilty River Hatch Radio Dance Leyenda Exacta (4 7) 87900 632775 stk 3YO 6'if Time i ii Dan Doc (Kelly) Shiskabob (Ardo'n) Smooth Wood (fvUirtrvi Also ran: Noodle Ruler Quadrangle Son Lt Steve Country Jim I 10th 815000 alw 3YO4tup 7WTime: i Occaskmaly Monday (Engle) 2680 Ice Cool (Mueller) Port Eds (Holland) Also ran: William Bos Mohamid More Selma's Boy lamesaway Bayou Black Old 'N Bold Leather Britches JHi Bo Black Exacta (SI) 8406 00 5 Attendance: 16165 Handle: 82471617 112 116 112 122 114 114 114 110 EIGHTH RACE Purse: 814500 Highlight'' 3 year olds and up six tur wqp Iron Man (Hargrove) African Walers (Brothers) uture Hope Holland or Your Highness (razier) Major Run (Talley) Quoto lgllo (Guajardo) Contortionist (Rini) Noble Ties (Smith) Lucky Sunny (Vanberg) Best (Romero) Ole Wind Bag iRinb Lanyons Gray (Maple) vwAwv zreA aaa aa run in rvAur rurse: or Sunday IRST RACE Purse 84800 4 year oids up 64 furlongs Ocean Devil (H Herndon) 114 Bold Danny (Mueller) 1H Right Noble (Coleman) 114 Premire (Sorrows) 109 Here Comes Jack (Holland) 116 Monty Heathen (Cell) 114 Sheckv (Maple) ih King Oasis (Ardoin) 114 Paso Bobby (Mini 114 Prince Lance (Talley) 106 Buster Bold (Maple) 114 Landing Stripers (Romero) 114 SECOND RACE Purse: 86100 4 year olds and up 6 furlongs woo Spurt (Snyder) 114 Bv Leonardo (Tafiey) 109 Mama's Roman (Maple) 114 Swift Lick (Young) 1)4 He's a Cutter (Seoastion) 114 El Rancho (Ardoin) in Royal TV (Herrera) 114 Spider Dan (Rini Pepperstone (Whited) 114 Puny Prince (Whited) ih Burned Admiral (snyder) ih Rocketeer (razier) 109 THIRD RACE Purse: 88000 3 Year olds and up one mile and 70 yards Welsh Knight (razzier) 109 Lonesome Obit (Engle) 119 Seminary (Herrera) ih Dtp Stick (Smith) ihi Public (Wells) ih Real Tiger (Rini) ih Swim's Waited (Burwell) IH Moving Miles (VanBerg) 114 Glrldulus (Romero) 122 Star Quillo (Ardoin) 1H OURTH RACE Purse: 67600 3 ear olds and up: six furlings ExUrpater (Ardoin) ih JJ Lark (Whited) H6 Gambling Dancer (razier) 109 PAss The Buck (Smith) 116 Groovy Movie (Woodruff) Retor Plan (razier) 114 Gun ast (Engle) 116 Mono Tell (Herrera) ns Alamo Leador (Guajardo) 116 Ask Dr Wells (Ebanks 116 Truxton Hank (Talley) Pinhook (Whited) H6 ITH RACE Purse: 816000 the 3 year olds aod up one mile turf Girl (Mueller) 121 Mudear (Guaiardo) 1)1 Anders n' Anders (Maple) Tee One To Base (Ardoin) 116 Double Dial (Romero) 116 Alteulua (Engle) n4 SIXTH RACE Purse: 810000 3 year olds and up 6 furlongs Candolit (Guaiardo) 115 Pappa Max (Guajardo) 119 Osage Bully (Romero) 115 Extension (Romero) 115 Coaltrain (Romero) 115 Metal Vendor (Court) 115 Time Call (Romero) 118 Hog Town (Talley) 110 RU Listening (Mueller) 115 SEVENTH RACE Purse: 816000 3 Sunday Tetevtetoo I a (ESPN) Sportscenter 6:30 am (ESPN) Superstar Volley ball: British Columbia vs Ontario 7 am (ESPN) Bowling: Canadian Open a (ESPN) Sportscenter 1:30 am (ESPN) Auto Racing South African Grand Pnx 10:30 am (ESPN) Soccer: Scotland vs Northern Ireland 12:30 pm (KTBS 3 KTVE 10) National Sports estival if 30 pm (ESPN) CL ootball: Ed monton at Montreal pm (WTBS 17) Minor League Baseball: Richmond at Pawtucketl 3pm (KTBS 3 KTVE 10) Goll: US Open 3 pm (KLAA 14) Sportsworld: Bobby Czyz vs Rich Noggle middleweights Sur vival ol the ittest 3:30 pm (KNOE 8 KSLA 12) Sports Sunday Lupe Pin tor vs Jovilo Rengifo for WBC bantamweight championship 3:30 pm (ESPN) Arm Wrestling 4 pm (Esfn) ino Ban Hall oi ame Inductions 430 pm (KLAA 14) Sportsman nend (ESPN) Rodeo: PRA Semifi nals (WTBS 17) Professional Wres tling 5:30 pm (KTVE 10) Outdoors with Bob McAllen Dm (USA 2) Sports Probe (ESPN) Sportscenter 6:30 pm 2) Tennis: Washington Star Tournament Semifinals 7 pm (ESPN) Minor League Bale ball Evansville at Omaha 10 pm (ESPN) Sportscenter 11 (ESPN) Bowling: Canadian Ctoen Midnight (USA 2) Tennis: Washington Star Tournament Semifinals 1 am (ESPN) Sportscenter 1:30 am (ESPN) Minor League Base ball: Evansville at Omaha 4:30 am (ESPN) Weightlifting America Cup Championship SPORTS QUIZ TODAY'S QUESTION Tony Dorsett scored 59 touchdowns during his career at the University of Pittsburgh to tie the major college record for ca reer TDs With whom does he share that record9 QUESTION Who holds the Na tional ootball League record for field goals in one season? ANSWER Jim Turner of the New York Jets kicked 34 field goals during the 1968 season RIVER STAGES lood Stage labour St Louis 30 226 15 Rise Memphis 34 113 12 Rise Helena 44 181 07 Rise Art City 44 Vicksbg 43 157 02 all Natchez 48 225 09 Rise Bln Rouge 35 144 14 all New Orlns 17 47 04 all OUACHITA Camden 26 55 01 all Monroe 40 211 02 all BLACK Jonesvdte 50 172 10 all ATCHAALAYA Simmespot Melville Bl LaRose Morgan City Jackson Pearl River Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cairo Shreveport Alexandria Little Rock missing 129 05 all 41 99 05 all 28 70 04 all 04 17 01 all PEARL 28 41 12 4101 all OHIO 25 52 40 RED 30 8 10 2 all 32 68 08 all ARKANSAS 23 ON THE RUN NLU hosts trainer workshop fiharlie Martin head athletic trainer and Rliky Mestayer assistant athletic trainer wlU again be the hosts for the 17th annual Northeast Louisiana University Workshop which will be held July 17 31 at Malone Stadium Special guest lecturers for the workshop arA Dr Myron Bailey who will speak on neck knee and muscle injuries Dr Douglas Brown foot and upper extremity injuries Dr Rifat Nawas ankle injuries Dr Tom ields head injuries and Dr RT Lolley will speak on hip abdomen and chest IrOurles Other instructors at the workshop will belChris Gillespie Robert Williamson and Dltfvid Overturf all student trainers atNJ3XJ Approximately 108 people have signed up for4he workshop rip Alexandria A Monroe Pirates blasted the Alexan dria lyers 12 2 Saturday afternoon in a semi pro baseball game The Pirates raised their record to 27 4 for the season 11 of the Pirates players will be tiling part in the Ark La Tex East West All Star game to be played at 2 pm at theRugon Baseball Complex On the Saturday game Scott Smith hit a grand slam homer in the fourth inning to erase a 2 0 deficit and the Pirates never trailed again Gary Holloway also hit a two run homer and Barry Brasher went 3 for 3 for the winners Buddy Aulds raised his record to 8 1 in taking the win on the mound Junior tourney slated i DELHI Entries are still being accepted 1 for the Hallrell Realty Junior Invitational Golf Tournament set for Wednesday at the 5 Delhi Country Club Junior golfers under age 18 are eligible for the tournament which will begin with a 9 a start Any interested golfers may ob i tain more information by calling Harrell Re alty at 878 2154 Women's tourney scheduled LjWINDEN Every team will have at least three games to play in the Invita tional MDA Slowpitch Marathon scheduled here for Sept 4 5 Brackets are set up for double elimination with a consolation brack et Entry is limited to the first 32 teams with a $75 entry fee Trophies will be awarded to the top four teams plus the winner of the conso lation bracket Individual trophies go to members of the top two teams or further information contact Larry Seegers in Sibley at 371 0077 or I Perritt ih Minden at 377 6294 Waltrip captures pole LONG POND Pa AP) Darrell Waltrip drove his 1981 Buick Saturday to the pole position for the Mountain Dew 500 NASCAR stock car race at Pocono International Race way but he might find the Number One spot an undesirable place to start No driver has ever won this race from the pole Waltrip will get his chance when the event gets under way at 1 pm Sunday Waltrip the ranklin Tenn driver who has won six NAS CAR races this season earned the pole position for the fifth time with a lap at 150131 mph in the mile trial Neil Bonnett who won at Pocono last year put his ord Thunderbird alongside Waltrip with a lap of 149943 mph Benny Parsons will start third in a Thun derbird after qualifying at 149562 Richard Petty is fourth in a Buick at 149443 Other drivers in the top 10 were Terry Labonte in a Buick 149034 Harry Gant in a Pontiac 148965 Ricky Rudd in a Buick 148881 Dale Earnhart in a Pontiac 148837 Kyle Petty in a Buick 148781 and Cale Yarborough in a Buick 148731 Swedish delayed by rain I BA AST AD Sweden (AP) All matches in the $100000 Swedish Open Tennis Champion ships were rained out Saturday delaying the tournament at least one day Weather permitting the four semifinals in the and singles now will be played Sunday the organizers said Thierry Tulasne of rance will face Joa kirn Nystrom of Sweden and ernando Luna of Spain will play Anders Jarryd of Sweden in the singles semifinals Chandler retains title ATLANTIC CITY NJ (AP) Philadel phian Jeff Chandler retained his World Box ing Association bantamweight crown Satur day with a seventh round knockout of Julian Solis in their scheduled 15 round title bout Chandler 24 scored the knockout with a left jab ahd a right coss to the chin of Solis The 24 year old Solis who lost the title to Chandler in November was counted out by referee Tony Perez at 2:58 of the round It was the third successful title defense for Chandler who decisioned Jorge Lugan in January and battled to a draw with Eijiro Murata in April! Indiana eager injured INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Indiana Univer sity basketball star Landon Turner suffered some paralysis in both legs and hands Satur day after a one car crash earlier that day on a winding road about 50 miles southeast of Indianapolis A neurosurgeon who examined Turner at Methodist Hospital was uncer tain whether Turner would suffer permanent paralysis red Price a hospital spokesman said The 21 year old Indianapolis resident who was a starting forward center for the 1981 NCAA champion Indiana basketball team was listed in serious but stable condition Price said Turner also has head injuries the extent of which was unknown and was drifting in and out of consciousness late Saturday after noon he said Price said doctors needed to run more tests and hadno plans to operate yet According to Bartholomew County sher deputy Steven Moore the accident oc curred at 8:45 am Saturday about eight miles east of Columbus on Indiana 46 Turner was driving when he apparently lost control of his car on a curve He and three friends were en route to Kings Island amusem*nt park at Kings Island Ohio Moore said Officers were still trying to learn why Turner lost control of the car One of companions Suzanne Jones 20 was thrown from the vehicle and taken to Bartholomew County Hospital at Columbus with a hip injury authorities said Experimental swap over AUSTIN Texas (AP) The Southwest and Atlantic Coast conferences have ended their experimental swap of basketball offi cials for Saturday games after one year "I believe the coaches and everybody liked the said SWC Commissioner Cliff Speegle problem we had was financ ing the travel of Speegle said however SWC officials had been in contact with the Big Eight South eastern and Missouri Valley conferences pbout possibly swapping officials in the fu ture: All Star games remain at USL LAAYETTE The Louisi ana High School Coaches Asso ciation awarded its annual Coaching Clinic and All Star Games to the University of Southwestern Louisiana and La fayette for 1982 and 1983 during its annual business meeting Sat urday USL which has hosted the clin ic and All Star Games for the past two years was the only bid der at the business meeting which was the final activity of the 1981 clinic LSU had hosted the clinics every year since their inception until 1980 Pete Boudreaux of Catholic High of Baton Rouge president of the LSHCA praised USL for its efforts in hosting the games and the clinic over the past two years have asked for more gracious he said we are very happy that USL has invited us to return for the next two USL athletic director Dan Roy coordinator of athletics Sherry LeBas and USL Student Union director Glenn Menard who represented the administration made the bid proposal for the university In other business the LHSCA awarded 25 year plaques to six coaches The recipients were Henry Alexander of Destre han Elaine Burkett of Pinehurst Lee Hedges of Captain Wilbert Sams of Southern School for the Deaf rank Barousse of Lafayette Johnnie Harris of GW Carver and Bernard Lucas of Chaneyville The association also awarded two $500 scholarships to children of present or former members of the LHSCA Those scholarships went to Tim Talbot son of coach Billie Jean Talbot of Hanson and Timmy Douglas son of the late coach Warren Douglas of Marks ville The association also elected of ficers for the 1981 82 school year David Moore of LaGrange High in Lake Charles was named pres ident of the association CJ Alexander of Donaldson ville was named first vice presi dent and Grover Colvin of Park way High in Bossier City "was elected second vice president rank Spruiell of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association was re appointed secretary irea suer Holman Continued from Page 1C draw double coverage peo ple we played came up with dif ferent defenses and different coverages to try and stop me and that opened it up for Grif Naturally the prospect of op ponents trying to cover both Hol man and Griffin creates a bit of a sideshow should be interst 1 ing to see who leads the team in Holman sheepishly admits But rest assured the only numbers Rodney Holman will be watching will be in the Green won lost column what makes him so valu able Ironically statistics not nec essarily are the (rue measure of his worth Opponents concentrated on Holman last sea son after he tied a team rec ord by catching 47 passes Jiis sophom*ore year That freed Grif fin who caught 45 for 802 yards and 10 touchdowns Green Wave posted a 7 5 record a perfect example of concept of team victory Despite all the attention' jlol man still caught 42 for 481 yards but only one touchdown what made last season so said Holman one of an elite group of tight ends that.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.