under the steam heating pipes on the drat door, and after a futile effort to extinguish them rushed from room to room giving alarm. The result was a panic among the young ladies which was made worse by the noise of the Are engines' as they clattered. pp to the door of the school Thinly dressed girls and barls fremen were badly mixed up for a time, but nobody was burc and none of them hare anything worse than a few frost bites to complain of. Took Long Odds for Tickets. The girls were taken to the residence of Mrs.
Helen Starrett, across. the street, where as fast 85 the firemen brought in their, clothes they were dressed, and then provided with on temporary bomes by the neighbors. In the excitement and darkness many interesting Incidents occurred. Miss Graves Miss Clara Brown had left a couple of theater tickets their clothes. On reaching the street they remembered the tickets, and frantically rushed back through a dense volume of smoke to reach their room.
In this they were unsuccess. ful, found and that when the they tried to make a by the staircase shut off by the flames, They ran to a window and screamed for belp. They were assisted to reach the ground by means of A ladder which the firemen placed to the second story, Remembered Their Music. Miss Lolu Burkhardt and Miss Ger trade Strauss were two more who bad made their escape, but remembered that their music was in peril of the fumes and rushed buck to get it. They barely escaped when the staircase went flumes.
Miss Irene Rosenfield saved norbing but blackboard, which she carried out under her arm. When made her appearance in the street she wore a red slipper and nightdress, which was a plaything tor the wind. i The fire burned nearly an and junmediately after it was extinguished temporary repairs were made, and some classes were held in the building next morning. The loss is probably not greater than fully Josured. CIRLS IN THIN ATTIRE.
Driven Into the Aretic Atmosphere by Fire in Kenwood Institute. CHICAGO, Jan. daniaged the Reuwood Institute for Young Ladies at 8001 Lake avenue at 5 o'clock yesterday morn19g and drove Afty of the pupils into the streets, clad only in their night robes. The janitor discovered the flames breaking out THE DOG WAS SUSPICIOUS. Ranaway Prevented by Newloundland's Distrast, NORTH LYNN, -Jan.
attempted elopement at Apple Orchard, a small town ucar New London, came to an unexpected but not the less happy end. Everything was in readiness for the elopement, and the marriage in which the affair ended would have been less conventional bad it not been for the distrust which Newfoundland dog had of the pro- a ceedings. Miss Nettie Colton, a pretty woman of 20, is the recognized belle of the place. She is organist of the church. Dad Didn't Like Young Styles.
Her father, well-to-do tarmer, was very much opposed to John Styles, a farmer of the place, and forbade Styles' attention to his daughter. The young people met clundestinely and arranged to outwit. Colton. Sunday night Miss Colton went to church with her parents and presided as usual at the DIgAD. As the last hyun preceding the sermon.
was sung she slipped quietly from church and entered the sleigh with which her lover was waiting for her outside. 'The young couple would have got atray but they had not counted on the interference of Miss Colton's big dog, All's Well That Ends Well. He regarded the proceeding with: evident distrust, and as sleigh started the dog leaped to the horse's bead, seized the reins in his teeth and hung on with all Its weight, bringing the horse to standstill. Mr. Colton, whose suspicions were aroused by the dog's barking, the church and discovered the trouble.
A stormy scene ensucd. Miss Colton refused to obey ber father's orders to leave the sleigh, The larger part of the congregation surrounded the party and their sympathies were with the young people. Dir. Colton gave way and the parcy adjourved to the church, When services over the pastor married the couple. SMALL POX BREAKS OUT IN IOWA.
The Disease Taken to Case County by a German Immigraut. DES MOINES, Iowa, Jan. 17. -Residents of Cumberland and vicinity, in the southern part of Cass county, are grently excited over an outbreak of small pox in a mallgnant four, which WAS not recognized until scores of persons had been exposed, A young German immigrant brought the dis. ease to the hoine of Henry Borchers a bundle of clothing.
The bundle WAS taken opened sick Us and Borchers died. little Borepers girl, who was and another member of the family have also died and two otbers are very sick. Made a Wrong Thefamily wus attended by Dr. Murphy, of Cumberland, who fulled to diagnose the case properly. The true disease became known when a German girl who came over with the young man revealed the fact that there were cases of small-pox on board the ship Solar, on which they came to New York, and that they had been quarantined.
At the close of the quarantine period, according to ber story, the immigrants structed to throw their luggage overboard. Threats of Lynching, of Course. The youag man secreted: hie small bundie of clothing and brought it ashore and with it. the disease germs. The state board of health.
has taken active measures to combat a further outbreak. bat mans have been exposed and great fatality is anticipated. The residents of Cumberland, they learned of Dr. Murphy's error, were were bights indignant aud threats of lynehing freely made. neavy snow an the south.
NASHVILLE, Jan. 17. -Reports from east says that great damage has been done by heavy snows. Bristol and surrounding towns are covered by four feet of snow. In-coming Drains to Knoxville are tearly all snowbound The Tenneasee river is frozen over from Knoxville to Chattanooga, but indications are that the thermometer will rise steadily for.
the next twenty-four He Renounces Presbyterianism. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. -The Rer. Edward Clark, D.
who has for the past. twenty Fears been the pastor of the Church of the Puritans, publicly renounced bin allegiance to the Presbyterian general assembly. "I cannot endure the tyranny of the general assembly," Dr. Clark said. "It cannot diewhat I shall think or believe, or.
rather I. cannot think and bellere what it may dictate. I am done with ft." Ct LaTe casa Jap. the Hebreir Nad will not be compelled hereafter to marry according to Jewish rites. The rule nuaking Such marriages obligazory was abolished attar 'a warm and the annual meeting of.
the order which gan in Maupercho: hall, this citr. Sunday 1 a a a a a a INQUIRY ORDERED. Charges Against Warden Patton To Be Investigated. AGREEABLY TO HIS OWN REQUEST. The Mattar Sent to the Regular CommitPostponement of the Case of the Attorney General -A Tramp Arrested Charged with Murder--The Oblo Frozen Over -Natural Gas Shut Of As Lebanon -Fell Into an Airhole-Hoosier Items.
INDIANAPOLIE, Jan. charges Against the management of -the state prisou south were made. the subject of discussion in the senate Mondas, Warden Patton addressing a communication to the president of that body, asking that a committee be appointed to investigate the charges, and saying chat they originated from malice and were made for political effect. This was followed by 'a resolution referring the investigation to the regular committee. The resolution was adopted and like was taken in the bouse, in both branches the Republicans and Demourats voting for the resolution after an effort on the part of the latter to bave a special committee appointed.
The Attorney General's Case Postponed. The resolution asking that Attorney General Smith give the senate an itemized statement of the funds collected during his expired term, the amount received for the same, the amount paid deputies and the law governing such employruents and ments, was called up ay the special order in the afternoon. After the reading of the resolution Senator Kern- stated that the attorney general was- compelled to innke an. annual report to the governor, that his report was in the bands of the printer and offered a resolution. that the matter be postponed until it could be printed and laid upon the desks of the senators, The resolution was adopted by a party rote.
HE SWORE TO GET: EVEN. Arrest of San Sapposed to Be Mina Coley's Murderer, GOSHEN, Jan. Smith, alias George Holtz, wanted st Niles, for the murder of Mias Mary Comley, arrested here Saturday night. He protested his innocence, saying he WAs a tramp and bad come here from Kalamazoo, but nephew of the murdered. woman, who arrived Monday, swears that be is man wanted fully identifies him.
Smith arrived bere Dec. 8, and bias been working atodd jobs unsuspected until Sunday, when be was arrested because of strong resemblance to photograph sent out from Niles. The Crime Be In Accused or. The evidence against him is tial, buc conviacing. A few years ago was sentenced to three Fears for stealing 4575 from Miss Comley, for whom he was working.
It was chiody her evidence which convicted him, and during his stay in prison he always swore to "get He was released Oct. 94 and on Dec. 7, it said, he entered her bouse while she was alone and shot ber. Earned Hemp Necktie. Jan.
Jamies Jewell, desperado and ex -convict; Sunday 'killed George, alias "Bug," Greene, at notorious dive on Wall A woman, Letitia Barlow, of Cave City, is in the case. Sewell and Green bava been paying attention to her, and they met at the house simultaneously. Jewell- Green to leave the premises, but the latter refused. Jewell thereupon shot three times: at Greene, wounding hiin in the abdomen, right leg, and left wrist. The wound in bin 'abdomen resulted fatally.
For hours after the shooting Jewell defled arrest. He was subsequently overpowered at. the murzle of a revolver. He was relessed from the southern penitentiary March 14 last, aftor having served two years for assault butters with intent to commit murder. The Population Went to Bed.
LEBANON, a mis understanding of orders between employes the natural gas supply of this city, which comes through a pipe line twenty miles in lengtb, was shut off about 11 o'clock Sunday with the thermometer 15 degrees below zero. A great deal of suffering was experienced among the poorer classes, Church services -were discontinued and most of the population went to bed to keep WA272. The supply came on again 8 o'clock. Ohio Frozen at Evansville; EVANSVILLE, Jan. 17.
-The Ohio river is frozen completely over- at this point, and river traffic is completely closed. This is the first time in fourteep years that the river has been frozen over, and the coldweather for eight Fears was Sunday, the thermometer registering 5 degrees below zero at 7 From: Newburgh, twelve miles above here, to son, thirteen below, there in a solld gorge ice, in some places piled several feet Will Build a Towu. MUNCIE, Jan. Aldridge Laud and Building company, limited, of Detroit, Saturday purchased a twenty acre tract of land just south of the city and north of the Midland steel works, which is known as the Smith tract. The price paid Ope handred two story dwelling houses will be erected on the ground in the spring.
Electrie Car Kans Down a 'Bus. EVANEVILLE, Jan. 'bus oui transfer line of this city collided with an electric car Sunday afternoon. The two occupants of the "bus, traveler C. D.
Benedict, Chicago, and L. S. WAr ren, Buffalo, were about Injured. the face Benedict and was dangerously cur neck by broken glass. Warren had both thambs broken.
Sunil Strentna Frosex Solid. Jan. cold wave struck this part of the state at 5 o'clock Saturday. Attar ten mowstorza the thermometer ran down to 20 below sero, she coldest since 1855. All mall streazos are frozen solid, and farmers are sudering for water.
The coal supply in this city is timed to last toro dare. Sort of Cool for Bathtug. JEFFENSONVILLE, Jan. of the thousands of people who cromed the river GD the ice Eunday: T4 ward: Reschar and his dance, Mtw Annie Bentel; are certainly congratalating themselves that they are not at bottom of the Obio. The couple on teaching the middle of the river stepped in an: air bole and an instact later were lost night ol' Ther mained under water ope minute before they arose to the wha a bystand: ex went to their No sconer: had be takes hold of Miss.
Bentel than -he was grasped by Reschar and he, too, palled The trio finally reached. the edge: of cake and by their combined forte rescued rbemselves. MIYCE, d. Jus, JOHN GRAY'S CORNER ON Ladies and Children Muslin Underwear Annual Sale commences today and continues until further notice. P.
Piease remember we nave a few nice Winter Wraps left that we would like to sell at a sacrifice. OBSERVE! H. G. Tucker, the Pearl Street Tailor, a very attractive line of Suitings and Overcoatings for Winter woar. His line of famous Scotch Woolens are again taking the lead.
The beat koode on earth to wear. Yours "traly, PUCK. A CURED MAN. INNING. THIRD WEEK.
SIXTH WEEK. P'hotographed from Life. the Front Turkish the only preparation that will elect magical showa bore. Cares Nervous Lost Manhood, Erit Dreams, La the Baok wasting on error of uter arartion or the tobacco, opiam or stir which alti-. lend to inanity anti saleida at 11 par be dr for 8, id a cons to care or money matupded.
Circulars (rm or mat by mail. Address Interantional A 209 Dearbern St. Ohiongo, Ill. THE GENUINE FOP SALE ONLY AT Chan Fisher' A Drug Store: Ind, "MOTHERS'! FRIEND" To Young Mothers Makes Child Birth Easy. Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians.
Hook to'" Kothers" mailed FREE BRADFIELD REOULATOR CO. ATLANTA, QA. SOLD BY ALL: DRUGGISTS. For Salo by Ben Flatier: Druggist Logansport J. W.
HENDERSON SONS Bed Room Sets. Parlor Sets. Easy Chairs. FURNITURE Of all Kinds. An Indian Outbreak is a dreadful thingundoubtedly caused by the irritating effects of dirt.
Outbreaks, and crime generally, are, never possible aruong people who are addicted to the use of KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP The great soother of angry passionsthe protecter of and goodfeeling. Cleans everything- injures nothing don't be afraid to use KIRK'S Soap on the most delicate fabrics. KIRK A Maty Noned in A PEACE PALAVERS Proceeding Between the Two Kansas Legislative Bodies." VERY BLOW PROGRESS BEING MADE, An Informal Committee of the Whole cider on Another Effort at Compromise, -Gov. Lawelling Explaias the Topalist Position -Dodge City Citizens the Colorado Solon Goes la for G. 0.
P. Gaini a Point In Nebraska Points. TOPEKA, Jan. white winged dove of peace fluttered over Topeka resterday, but thus far has obstinately tased to alight, Still the prospect peace was bettez last aight than at time since the famous wrangle began. rival houses bave decided to bury their animosities no far as to appoint a confer ence committee composed of.
three Populists, three Republicuns, and one Democrat, This committoe has been in session several houra, and although no conclusion bas been arrived at as yet, there, is good ground hope that it may dud a way out of the Aculty today. Governor Lowelling Explains. Governor Lewelling last evening guve out a statement for publication explaining his departure from custom in recognizing the Populist house before the senate had even by resolution taken cognizance of existence. He sald that' he gure bis official recognition of the Populist house on Thursday. The bouse bad alroady notided him of ita organization and had sent a concur rent resolution to the senate appointing committee to inform him, that the house was for business.
Instead of adopting that resolation the senate hnd aDpointed a committee to inquire into the legal status of the Populist house. Senate Wont Beyond Its Righin, Then senate had no right, although it mignt take the privilege, of inquiring into the legality of the orgunization of the house. should judge simply on the face of the facta before it, which was the legally orgauized house. He bad waited two days the senate to pass the bouse resolution, The senate baving failed to take that action had on Thursday sent his message to Populist house recoguizing it R8 the legally organized. The next day the senate having passed the house resolution informed the joint committee that be would transmit bis message today.
Down to the Most of the Matter. The governor said that he bad recognized Populist house because he had believed it to be rue one constitutionally; organized and becaase he did not wish to appear to be influenced by the senate's action on the mutter. The Republican officers who constituted the board of election had prepared the roll of members the legislature, had nullifled the law and made it appear that the Republicans A majority, when, in reality, the Populists had elected majority of candidates and were entitled to organize the and carry out. the will of the people. HOW THE NEGOTIATIONS The House Had Nothing Else to Do, At 4 o'clock yesterday.
aftornoon -the rival bouses assembled pursuant to tho agreement of Saturday. The attendance on 1 the floor was confined almost wholly to members and members of the press, all others being excluded. The galleries were locked, and for tho first time since the session opened a week Ago there was -something like order in the hall. There had been talk all day from both sides that there no hope of a compromise, and the members of the rival houses nt once began conferring among themselves with a view to making a start toward a pencaful settlement of their troubles. Novel Committee of the Whole.
REPUBLICAN FOR PAPI, Appears to Be the Political States of Colorado Man, DESTER, Jan. 17. The Republican majority in the lower house of the legislaLure yesterday became a minority, by the bolt of Representative Funderburgh, who bas gone over to the fusionists because of failure to secure all the patronage be thought he was entitled to. The present organization is threatened and the scenes of tiro sears ago are likely to be repeated, when the regularly elected speaker WAS supplanted by a combine speaker. The Republicans are doing everything in their power to bring the bolting member back' the truces, but he knowe his power Aud the fusionists are bidding high for his support.
Too Good an Opportunity to Trade. Funderburgh had very little to say, but be declared that the Republicans bad broken every promise made to him in the various caucuses, aud he did not propose to atand this sort of treatment any longer. Several Republican members insisted that no pledges bad been broken with Funderbargh. They declared that he was given the appointment of the only thing he asked for, and that besides a place was secured for him on the World's tair commisalon which was better than ball a dozen clerkships. THE POPULIST CAN'T PRESIDE.
Balloting for United Stater Sountor Begins in Nebruaka Today. LINCOLN, Jan. Republicans won the first wove in the senatorial game yesterday by defeating the amendment that the Populist speaker preside joint sessions. This was accomplished the aid of three Democrats. This allows Majors, Republican lieutenant governor, to preside, and the Republicans jubilant.
The balloting, begins today. Neither party will caucus nominees until the strength of each of the fortythree avowed candidatet is made known ballot. The Leudiug Candidates. Last night the Republican tide seemed be setting in toward Jobn M. Thurston.
John Powers seemed to be a favorite with the Populists, but the Democrats oppose him and the two parties must act together in order to defent the Republicans. Excitement is at fever heat and the hotels are crowded to suffocation. It is not likely that more than one ballot will be taken today and it will be made the occasion to pay some political debts by giving some complimentary votes. Took the Inaugural Oath at Home. WINCHESTER, Jan.
scene never witnessed before in the history of Tennessee took place yesterday at Wolf's Crag when, in the presence of the supreme justices of the state, a committee from the legislature, and a few friends, Peter Turner took the oath that made bim governor of Tennessee. Governor Turney hay been seriously Ill, and is suffering from rbeumatism so that it nous impossible to 20 Nashville. Delaware Indorse GrAy, DOVER, Jan. -The Democratic members of the Jegislature last evening nominated George Gray for United States senator by acclamation. Bornite was nominated for state treasurer Jobn P.
Dulaney for auditor. Both houses will meet in joint. session today and cast the: vote will The Washington Senatorship. OLYMPIA, Jan. senatosituation has not changed materially from last Saturday suve in respect to perceptible diminntion of condence in the Turner contingent.
That Allen will be re-elected seems to be the. drift of POPULAR ELECTION OF SENATORS. The House Adopts a Jolut. Resolution to That End. CRUMBLED TO RUIN Four-Story Brick Building at Philadelphia.
BEVEN MEN OAUGHT IN THE DEBRIS Three Killed, One Severely Hurt, and the Others, Though Walled in, Escape Whole muel -Another Grade Croising Horror. at Chicaza A Locomotire Wrecks A Street Cur and Catches Soren ol Its Passengers- One Fatally Hurt bad rise Other Six Badly Injared. PHILADELPHIA; Jan. atternoon the four story brick building at 517 Commerce street, occupied as a salesroom and warehouse by the Nixon' Bros. Paper company, collapsed.
Seven men were in the building. at the time. Three were buried in the ruins and killed: one was badly hurt and chree escaped uninjured. The dead are: John KcKinna and Joseph Wallace, packers, and Albert W. Markes, foreman.
Albert Gales, a colored porter, was injured internally. The three. upper stories were stored full of paper bags. In the office in the rear of the building on the ground door W. H.
Nixon, head of the firm; Samuel Bayles, treasurer, and C. S. Forsythe, agent for the Wilkinson Automatic stoker, were seated talking shortly before el o'clok. Barled by Brick, sud Badly Hurt. Gules, McKinnu, Wallace and Marke were working farther down toward the doors.
"An cracking of splinterIng joists was henrd and then with terrible suddeness the whole upper part of the building came down with a rush upon the men on the first floor. Gales was Dearest the front door and as the falling plaster began to rattle about his head he made a rush for the street. Just as he reached the pavement the front wall fell, burying him out sigut. was dug out by the firemen and was found to have been fortunate enough to have escaped with serious, but. nor.
fatal injuries. When the building bezan to cave in McKinna, Markes ADd Wallace ran toward a window in the rear of the store. The first two reacbed it, but the tons of brick, joists and paper fell upon them just as they were about to jump out and crusbed the life out of chem. Dug Out by. the Firemen Unhinrt, Wallace was caught further back.
The three gentlemen in the office escaped uninjured. They were effectually walled in. however, by the ruins, and were assisted out by the police and fremen when they arrived on the scene. The cause of the collapse of the building was probably the weight of paper stored in the upper floors, Although Mr. Nixon claims that the stock piled up there was pearly SO great as it has been on many other occasions.
The building is a total rain, and will have to be entirely rebuilt. The loss is about $30,000. THE DEADLY GRADE CROSSING. It Gathers la Seven More Vlatims at Chicapo, One of Whom WUI Die. Both began in the usual WASHINGTON, Jan.
17. -Morrill, in the glass. first the rolls way, senate yesterday spoke against the McGar- Saw the Train Coming. by calling the Then listening to rahan bill: Peffer in furor of limiting the The conductor of the car, John Taylor, and then prayer current resolutions chaplin. for adopted joint con- presidential office to oce term, and Cull in and the injured driver, Charles Saunders, rentions the providing election con- defense of the were both placed under arrest, notwithtoday for of a state consticutionality of the anti- standing the serious wounds of Saunders.
printor, the Populists fixing the hour of option bill. Progress was made on this The collision occurred 'nt 11:30. The car aud the Republicans the of 11 bill. The amendments that, had been containing the six o'clock a. m.
Having done this both offered by Vilas and Daniel were defeated passengers WAS on its houses took a for. an hour way to state street in charge of Jobn Taybodies recess and the by large majorities, and some amendments lor, conductor. As he approached the two immediately went 'into com- offered by Washburn were agreed too, one well known mittee of the whole to devise a way. of set- of them fixing the first of July, 1803, as the looked abcad. and crossing the says be be that tliug the troubles.
The suggestion to go time when the bill in tO go into effect. up he saw the train coming. He gates claims were although into committee of the whole was made by For almost an bour the time of the house that be notified the Seaton driver to stop, but that tion (Rep.) Warner of Archison, and 0n mo- WAB consumed in the considaration of a as be did so some one called to Saunders (Rep.) of Whit- resolution to which there IFAS DOC the to proceed, as the way was clear. of Cacrokee. Lincoln was chosen chair slightest opposition in ADy quarter, and ever the cause started Whattin (Pop.) of cur was and mau.
which way finally adopted without ob- fairly on the track when the swiftly-morAppointed a Committee on Peace. jection. It was one calling the exe- ing train bore down upon it. This step toward peace so harmoniously cutive departments for informacion as to Was Nearly Across the Tracks. Warner, a Troutman, and Sentou, consisting Republic- of the and amount claims The car had pearly succeeded in crossing taken, conference committee number, and Coburo, Ryan.
allowed or disallowed by such depart- the tracks when the engine strack the rear A05, Campbell; and Pop- menta The house defeated a bill to settle end of it and it was overturned. The force was appointed to the question of the cluims of Arkansas and ocber states was terrific. Tue car was a total take wreck a settlement in band, These gentlemen acc- under the swamp laud grants. joint and the six the duty, and ut 5 o'clock retired to a resolution for a constitutional amendment beneath shivered passengers were bnried epted the glass and broken room minutes to in delibernte: which. They were given thirty for the election of the United States sena- timbers: While the passengers arrive at an agree- tors by popular vote vas carried without buried beneath the ruins of the car were yet -to ment, with -the understanding that they a division.
arrived from the immediate vicinity and belp were to bave more time if thoy wanted it. ABBREVIATED TELEGRAMS. efforts were made to rescue them. The six While this was a good beginning, it was I passengers and Driver Saunders were taken not believed that It could arrive at a satis- Donelson Caffery, who has been from the appoint- into mass of wreckage and carried factory agreement, but it a chance for ed Uaited States senator from Louisiana in a neighboring saloon, where a peaceful solution of the trouble, and as a place of Randall L. Gibson, WAS the leader once.
received medical they at attention. Driver conservative spirit seemed to have taken of the state senate at its last session. Saunders was taken the side since the un unconscious condition. to a police station in possession of afternoon session began there wAs hope- Moors have liberated the Spanish comful feeling all over the door. After wait.
mandant at Albuccins, whom they kid. Sufocated by a Charcoal Brazier. ing conference till after. 5:90 houses and pothing from the naped Kornell' recently. NEW YORK, Jan.
17. Stereno'clock ia the both adjourned until Lotb, the murderer of Mrs. De son, second enginoer, and Henry ThompMighty evening. 1892, mascsek, suffered at Schenectady, electrotbanasia N. in Clinton Jane, som, third engineer of the British steamMaking Slow Progress, at At 8 o'clock the two houses were called prison, Dannemora, N.
Y. ship were suffocated on that Glenbervie, 10 order again only to bear that the com- When Mrs. Mary Olson, of Chicago, woke were caused vessel yesterday. The deaths mittee was not yet ready to make a report. up in the morning she was astonished to by of poisonous gas the inhalation Br agreement a recess was then taken so find that her 34-months-old child was ly- bad been of by kept a brazier of charcoal, which given that each house could caucus for a state ing dead by her side.
It is not known what the burning the prupose of printer. After this was done; fading that- caused the sudden death of the infant, warming cabin. the committee waR still unable. to report. co*ke workers in the Westmorcland and Tile Canadian Squabble.
the house adjourned for the day. Fayette county (Pa.) co*ke regions are WASHINGTON, Jan. corresponting ready for another big strike or higher dence -over. of Americans in Backing for the Republicaus. DODGE CITY, wages.
Canadian: canals will soon be published. ing of the citizens the Jan. following a resolution meet- Glerbut Waescher, of Chicago, has just Canada claimed that she had rightto tolevy finished the feat of riding horseback from discriminating tolla becanse the Cniced IFAR adopted unanimously and wired to the the Windy City to San Francisco. It took. States had not given Canadian Vessels we, citizens of Ford county, regard- about 3,000 miles, provided in the treaty, and had not permitspeaker of the Republican house at Topeka: bim ninety-eight days.
The distance is, equal privileges New York canals, as of former parry Obirunry: At New York, Rev. I ted free navigation of said canals and the in mon our consent have met to our faith Isaac John, director of De La- Hudson river to Canadians, finally oTering. representative, M. W. Sutton, and Salle.
ineritute. Springfield, to abolish the discriminating tolls' If the I to assure him that we are ready support Homice Smith, formerly of the Enited States would extend Canadians him br all means in our power in standing Swith Wesson. At Pueblo, privileges to the Hudson. Secretary of by the lawfully constituted majority of his Judge Henry Richardson, aged 7. At State Foster drst shows that Canadiana colleagues, regardless.
of Any: question of Holland, John Vandyke, aged 8. have had equal privileges on New York policy or compromise. That ite command At Carthage, James Comstock, a ver- canals, and next that navigation of the him to stand for the right of the majority 1. teran of the Mexican war, aged 64. At Hudson is not the.
treaty. The secreto rule, as Against the machinations and London, Thomas Shaw, M. aged 38, At tary's reply is a vaccessful defense of the risurpations of anarchy "and disorder, and Montreal. M. P.
Ryan, collector of cos- position of the United States, constitutents will -abide the couse- toms. At St. Paul, Charles H. Bellows, of: Caucas of Republican Senators. quences.
Gearge R. 'S. WASHINGTON, Jan. The: Chicago. At Banker Scoughl.
At- London, Frances senators Repablican Stevenson Vidting at Anne Kemble, well-known, caucused yesterday on the order Vice Presi aged $3. At Newark, N. George R. of business. It was decided that a vote LOUISVILLE: Jan 17- actress, on dent-eleot Stevenson is in, the city.
accom- Grabapi, founder of Graham's Weekly. the anti option bill be taken tomorroi, a panted by his law partner, Janies Ew. END STOP A decision to the same effect. having, been ing. They are stopplug with Scott ROVE, Jan.
created four. come to by the Democrate. The anti- silver pope Sterenson's sister. Both mien will be teen cardinals st. the consistory resterdas, senators wanted the Sherman law repeal of the Commercial clad at the fan- the.
list. not incinding any Americans. bill to come up pert, bat the silverites opnual dinner" tonight' ntithe Gals, Archbisbop. Vaughan, of Westminster, posed this and there being a small attendStevenson will respond to A toast, but will Jass elevated to the cardinalate, also Arch acce the matter. was left Ad.
make Do set speech. He and Yr. Ewing hishop Logle: primate of Ireland. mission of territories as states dis will remain. here tintil Wednesday After- cussed nad it is probable that' an omnibus noon, when they will return: to Blooming Nev Satlonil Bank bill for the admiasiun of New Mexico, Ari Jan: First zona, Ok Is homa and Oral will be intro tonal bank of Arianam, capital.
duced by Carey: 600, has been authorised to begin business. CRICAGO, Jan. Another street CAL railway collision at Forty-seventh street last night seriously injured seven persons, one of whom will die. A through train on the Rock Island road leaving the city. at tore -through a strect car and each.
of. the seven passengers and the driver were buried beneath the wreck of iron, wood and glass. Those injured are: Wm. Collins police officer. skull fractured, badly cut about tie face and will die: Arthur Clark, inspector Erie railway yards, badly cut about the hend; Chas.
Saunders, driver of the car, seriously cut and crushed about the bead and body; Simon Jurgeson, cut on che head aud bruised; Mrs. Jurgeson, wife of above, face, head and bands cut with glass badly bruised; J. C. Carberry, head and face cut with glass; Chas. Fox, cut about the head and body with broken WARM CAPS! GLOVES UNDERWEAR.
DEWENTER. The Hatter and Furnisher. COLD Is likely to appear any day. Are you prepared for it? You are'nt. unless you have secured more coal and more: Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of D.
A. Hauk. Lots of goods left. to be sold very low. With many thanks for past remain yours truly, D.
A. HAUK, The No. is 410 Broadway. It for bu the one be the of bad bad strike in the Lake Erie and Western sards this point remains unchangert. The Mancie nail mills closed down Monday, throwing out employment 300 men, because no material could be gotten to the milla.
If a settlement is not reached goon every fuctory in the company's belt line will be closed down, Death of John Buskirk. BLOOMINGTON, Ind. Jaw. W. Buskirk, the best known Democrats in this part of Indiana, died Monday morning from Bright's disease.
He was born in in 1845, was a leader of the Monroe county bar and represented the county for one term in the legislature. Shot Herself Through the Heart. GREENBURG, Jan, 17. -Mrs. W.
T. Johnston, witeot the chief the fire ment, committed suicide Sunday by ing herself through the heart. Temporary derangement of the mind, caused by loss of sleep in watching at her busband's bedside, was the supposed cause. Railway Station Burned. MUXCIE, Jan The new BiN.
Four Milway atatioo at" Yorktown burned Sunday night and is total 1058. Only a small mount of the contents was. rescued. The Muncie switch engine went to the cue and saved several Got Leas Than His Deserts. Jan.
IT. -Benjamin Borditt, of Convers, War sentenced to two years in penitentiary Saturday for obstructing the Panhandle tracks add. endangering a passonger train, Now Jurady Has a Shiver. PLAINFIELD, N. Jan.
slight earthquake Aback was felt bere at 8:30 o'clock night, when beavy rumbling was beard. and windows and doors rattled. The direction shock was from west to east. do, The Weather We May WASHINOTON, Jan The following are the weather Sodications for twenty-four boors m. yesterday: For Indiana and pols--Fair weather, except rain or aDOW In southern Illinois; warmer; winds shifting easterly.
For Lower Michigan--Fair weather, except snow. furries Hear the warmer; vAriable winds, shirting to easterly. For Up per weather: Michigan variable and, winds. Wisconalu-Fair, warmer sh*tting to ensterly. For Iowa--Increasing cloudiness and mON: warmer; easterly winds.
Christmas Shopping Fatigue. A woman stood in the toy department of of china dishes unusually large' and bandone of the shops holding in her hand a net She www looking at it; evidently trying to make up her mind if wanted. Suddenly her hands were empty: was A loud crash, and. on the floor lay a bundred bits of broken china. There was a rush of doorwalkers, salesgirl and cue tomers to the spot, The wontan stood still, though her face flushed at the curious eyes directed at her.
"I broke them," she suid to the girl serr. ing her, "I am 'so tired couldn't bold. them. I will pay for. There was look in her face which showel it would be a relief to burst into tears -from sheer Otis fatigue.
And an onlooker thought what a welgher gift it would make it one's friends could be presented with: the tangible bowing of just the amount of time, strength, effort, thought and nervous wear and tear which their gifts cost. How the bit of money would lighten in comparison with this As it cannot be shown, it. must be understood, and if you are onderine. why Helen dent spair of toilet bortIes Which she bare known you bad no less than padre in your room now, or why Dick should have hit on a prayer book after hav. ing gone to church with you a doxen times when you' carried the beauty your: aunt brought you from abroad, why just reflect that Helen and Dick thought and pondered on what you would like until what -Dr.
Holmes calla "the idiotic was so hope developed in their craniums that. Do. lucid idea was left, -Her Point of Fleir Wu New York Times: Might De So. A. -Why are they so slow about Autahing your new house? they are buildingit out of Philadelphia' brick, suppose.
bin Spectator. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Chicago. CHICAGO, Jan. 14.
Following were the quotations on the of. trade. January an July, closed, opened blo, May, closed opened January; closed" co opened. closed 484c; July; opened: 48)c opened closed 3174c: February. May, opened.
January, opened $18.70, $18.80, cloned opened closed 118.00. Jane. Ary, opened closed Live Stock -Prices at the Union Hock yards today ranged -Market active on packing and shipping account; prions with-: out material chauge; mics ranged 07.50 pigs. light, packing. $7.500,7.85 mixed, and 054 haary packing and shipping lots.
Cattle Markel rathor, quiet on cal and shipping account and without much change; chalce to extra shipping a 0.5.80 good 10 choice do, fair to. good, common. do, 88.00 batchers' deers 2.75 atockers, 82 210.4.75 Teras steers, range seer, feeders, COWS, balls. and 20.00 calves. Sheep- Market active and prices wall parted; quotations ranged ea 0 ibe westerns, natives, Jamba.
Produce: Butter -Fancy per fancy dairy, stock, Eep 1 per dos; joe house, Dressed poultrySpring chickens, ONe: per ducks, 2001 Jous: Wiscondin rose, pet ba; 8067: Wisconsin Burbanks igni Burbanka, 680 10e; mined Sweet potatoes -Illino! Apples -Common and poor per bbl: fair to good, Cranberries- -Jerseya, bbl; Cape Cod, fair to- good, coptip Bell and Bugles, fancy standard 30.00. New York, New YORE, Wheat- No. winter January, February, May. Corn-Na 1 JANUArY, MAT. mixed May.
light request; in car Jots' two-rowed state, 00070c; state, 703.80c: new, and nominal Live Stock: Cattie-Trading acdve grades at RA. advance of 1 gile poorest to best native steers, bulls and dry. cow, Lambs. Sheep, steady and 1 and per lb higher, alieep, Jamb Hopsteady: live back per 100 Data Laud Joah the hut hind made for Stucal nut, St in fuse aud a will not tho f*ck Sri dale in that Mukd Hard. Made N.