The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)

41 SHEBOYGAN (WIS.) PRESS, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1953 AUTOMOTIVE 1 rwia-YUM! RADIO PROGRAMS PHONE 4344 iGAVEMErC. BOY I I 6COUTBOOK All programs are subject Network programs are (IN HERC 7 PTrACTiClt5 MfNlMO W40T5? 'Mh WANT ADS Accepted Until 9:30 A M. All ads will appear The Same Day PHONE 7711 TONICHT Jl WHBt" BC 1330 tU. 780 Kt.

Itiiilm Pit; Ik ll uet I Diunn 4 1 UO liitoK.I Ik lalU ihwa Utt linu 4 I'Mia, MHu S.IHJ l(iHi. Jrwtrt Kalules itg. JraaH fcalules. (l in Hu(liiiMwrf 8 4J INI'iiaOri TlMI Hk'IHI kllUU .1.1 lHarll S'ali 9 Ml i'Mmic; J4. I.

MMI "tni Harp ftpunH lulial Ket'thff MrH UlllK Neaa Ctiieaguaia nif MrTeiTNui Mm Mr. 1ua time. t'ift Inn, ll Aiytrira Amrneae (Hup (M NfHie Urop Itf A Neli, Answer to Previous Puzzle af J. Ilarriuxioti flful liaJM in eawrla S.I HV I'muOlj We ujnj i a I I a aiT.Kjft c- "a Oic I I 6 I 6 ej lA L- cj Altlf- i jr rr J5: utT ICOiaa 8 Tu Z. 5 A Z.

I a i 6 fg" a n' i l. fi" TTa a In rj w'rm'" 'e 's IX) Neaa Ibr 141 HUD 10.80 IuI.IbI. Hill Uiaic-0 ii the MM Ctllh MORNING PROCRAMS 6:4 liul A.4 Nt-i N-: Piul lilhton. I'lul (Knurl; Nrwi Wufld Nfwt Ht 21 Dibble 43 Measures of 24 Protuberance cloth 25 Nobleman 47 Gives food to 26 Exchange 49 Consumed premium 50 Skein of yarn 28 Biblical weed 51 Eight (comb, 30 Bath form) 31 Level 52 Indonesians 32 Lampreys of Mindanao Precisians 54 Painful 38 The man 55 Great Lake is well-dressed 56 Expired 40 Companion 59 Lion Kill Hid And i Milf: MfHla1ln I Si-; 'Win. Wmhit.

llil And Urnllr; I.UU (CratlMl tluu iHlflMt 1:30 I'HmtiMi nm I 4. 'Hirailwi Huh Jufin Hmiiuii e.inrt iif JI0 ton lid Wiinuw AiUiu Aririu ArlWl tiltff Arll lKrt. III) N'l 1 ip And Tuw. (IS til Aiki lum Ti And Tiinn 4a fl Ann lui W'W. lu uo I'ilulrrii inaurnZIZ.

111:16 Tht lo liuutiif ui Noihim 4S I'IhiuM 0( 4ulh1rn U.w i'Iuhi To A fmiid I'MmkI. Jr Hch. 11:30 Bill Killl Nm Kniiln rrmi fan Arltiui Uulli Aniiui iNl1Pr Mltf Up Your Nwnyir Wrruli Marred Aitfil iriaiy HumanrrUf 1 1 its uai nimriat Ntvi. fcUurirft frtm AFTERNOON PROCRAMS H.ilfU. trum Ituai' Ul bit.

riHta. Ma KMHr. 12 SO Horn, folki krollra. Julian KMitln 12 4) Horn, roiu rroiirf. 1 no I tipliinini ft hl 1:15 Klrl Kpinniiif 1:30 I'll'il) Hull.

145 I XilnourUri In ainlt ijuhi ivroiid Mra KurtorL PHrfO Maaoo. Tim Nura lra Hnnnw 1 rWuTfpfrfnTStKelj. 2:15 I'Jirk'l Plar, 2 30 Ji-k'a Pl.r. 2 it lJd' Pl 'Hilltop Houm. Houh Hartf Houa, Parlj YllMrd (II

K.UU 3:15 8.3U a t5 "4:00 4:15 4 30 4 ..) Jti'k htm iia oiiiy, (lioo lour Mron 4. Utnnptt lold Coaal filS lillmm Caul Paul iJ. 'B Crockrt. KM). Merry Bound Srii-n Mirrj (M Hound Klit4.

Mt-rry Round hrwt Mrrry-do Round i lb 17 I ti 1 6 'i 19 H2i 1 "ft 'M i5 lit it" oS Neiril. Wiopptni With 5 15 5 ,10 5:45 Hhili. Mi rrj Round MfiTf () Hound: Art Lrnu Whp Kporit I'arad, Alan Jac-kMjo Jong Hamnitoo un Mmd lim, Ull Tbomaa Ntt. EVENINC PROCRAMS no 15 5:30 MI Trading I'ont; famil, Slfk i in, Koaary i CBill Ktwn Sport, fuiian 7. 1 10 7 15 7:30 7:45 13 fn By l.ln, I SMlllmniul Mood.

(Hnllynmid tiraj. I'Mltf Mullny 'Mr Mi Struck Kla(, Sinict no 1:15 .10 8 45 I'llzzl, And Harriet I'ltai, And Hirrtrt Korliaa Arrlw (orllst MUM Sla Ktnirk Top Tun, 00 6 15 9:45 I'Boilm I'Bor Mmrh ('oivianiit Grow Orrh I'CiK-oaiiiil (inw, (pilut Cloakroom 'lapiiM (loakroora. Suiuhln, R'ford 10 0(1 10 15 10:30 10:45 I I Th, 1330 ClHh K.lwtn f. Hill; I ira j. wo J.

Harrintjion Ni-na. rtpoihti.i i M. Kporu 21l Prrrinrt 21t FrmiK-t Automobile For hale A Good Buy Tonsist not only of price, but more the product the price represents, the place that sell It and the service back of It! 1949 HUDSON "Commodore 4-door Sedan. Newly reflnlshed In a Legion Blue, wi'h white wall tires, gs-saving Overdrive, automatic shift, ha air conditioning heater, good radio. 'gnal lights The safest ear you tan buy with step-down design.

SI.MS 1950 OLDSSfOBII-E "Super Equipped with that powerful R'rfket motor, light blue finish, white wall tires. Hydra-Matic drive, ngnal bghts, etc. $1,395 1918 MERCURY Hub Coupe GiXid grev finish, has radio, air conditioning heater, and new seal covers $095 Several Other AL GROTE, Inc. "Franehised New Car Dealer" New Car Showroom 704 Center Ave. Dial 3691 USED CAR LOT 2026 Calumet Drive Opposite Arndt Bros.

"OK'cT Used Cars Vuur Best buy. Ask about "Carllfi" Guarantee GALE MOTORS. INC. "Franehised New ar Dealer" Your CHEVROLET Dealer 433 Monroe St Dial ft-3061 Sheboygan Kails Ooen Mon. and Frl Eve, til 8.

VALUES HARD TO BEAT '52 Plymouth "Cambridge" 2-door SS1.295 '50 Nash "Statesman" 2-door 875 '49 Kaiser "DeLuxe" 4-door 795 '47 Frazer 4-door Sedan 495 '4! Nash "600" 4-door 175 '48 Dodge Pickup Truck 345 All cars have heaters, most have radios, every one winterized. W. A. KNAAK MOTOR CO. "Franehised New Car Dealer" Kaiser Willys Sales Service 13th at Georgia Ave.

Dial 5252 Open Evenings Sat. 'til 4:30 Automobiles For Sale Automobile Dealers, Plymouth. Wis. 11 SELECT USED CARS 3 1949 NASH Ambassador 4-doors, radio, neater, overdrive, air conditioning. TAKE YOUR TICK $795 1950 MERCURY 2-door S1.195 1948 NASH "600" 4-door with overdrive 9 400 1946 NASH Ambassador 4-dr.

450 1946 NASH "600" 4-door 350 1953 CMC -4-ton Pickuo, 3-spced transmission, 1,500 miles. Nash Sales Co. Hwy. 57 snd County Trunk Plymouth, Wis. 1949 NASH Ambassador 4-dr.

795 1951 DODGE Coronet 4-door Sedan $1,325 1951 SASH 4-door Sedan $1,095 Dodge Plymouth Sales Service CESSERT HOFFMAN Eastern Plymouth Ph. 2-2421 SHOP AT H-W In Plymouth, Wis. Oldsmohlle DeLuxe 2-door Sedan $1,595 Erazer 4-door Sedan 595 Plymouth Special DeLuxe 4-rioor Sedan 695 Oldsmobile 2-rioor Sedan 395 Olrismobile 4-door Sedan 175 Ford V-8 2-door Sedan 95 Buick 4-door Sedan 75 1951 1949 1948 1946 1941 1939 1938 H-W MOTOR SALES Cadillac Olrismobile Buick Sales and Service Phone 6201 Plymouth, Wis. 10CAL "One-Owner" CARS 1952 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Flectllne 2-rioor 1950 Plymouth 4-door Sedan 194H Plymouth 2-rioor 1950 Ford "V-8" 2-door 1948 Nash Ambassador 4-door WAGNER Chevrolet Sales Plymouth, Wis. mm 1950 BUICK Thi ii th most popular ear put eut by Buick, it ii th "'Special1' 4 door and it'i really a nie on, hat th original Miit qrn finish it off with lot of ehrom.

Th equipment in-eludai puih-button radio, air conditioning hatr, signal light, vary good tiro and if Ona-Ownar 30,000 mil car. A ral btaufy. $1295 AT ONLY l4 FORD "Cuitom V.b" 2 door idn, For '49 it'i dandy hat radio, htstar, signal light. tat covtr and vary good fir. At ONLY $995 150 PONTIAC "Chiaftsa DLu A rl thrillr for you in Chvron blu finih, hat radio, htr, signal and spotlights.

AT ONLY I 295 Svrl 0hri Alt Makat nd Moddt RODEWALD BUICK CO. "Fmnchiiad Car Dialer" 141? Calum.t Driv Dial 486? Opn Evas, 'til Sat. 'til noon CLOSED SUNDAY CALLED A GIVE If vV ANNOUNCEMENT Personal Interest 8 HEY, MOM Do you knuw question can never be answerei by "Yes Answer: Are von sleep ing? And if the question ever arises: "Where can we get- a delicious dinner'''' The one and only ajiswer Is GMAf'H'S. Remember, lis-Always A Treat When You Eat at CMAHrs. For Your Convenience "SCHMIDLER DRUGS' Offer Theie Services Complete Prescription Service Quality Drugs Complete Sc.ectlon Magazine and Newspaper Free Delivery Open Dally 9 A.M.

to 9:30 P.M. Schmidler Drugs Your Neighborhood Druggist 1502 Calumet Dr. Dial 480H year where hi-way crone ail, Thousands die to no avail. It's safe to say could thev come back. They'd look before they cross the track.

RAATZ INSURANCE AOENCY See. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ph. 2-2330 fKlire Societies) LOYAL ORDER OK Regular meeting Thursday, Nov. 12, 8 p.m.: officers' meeting at 7 p.m.

Card Party Sunday. Nov. 8, 2:30 Free Dance. Nov. 14.

9 p.m. In case of illness, notify sick steward, Irvin Zlegler. f'h. 2-0238, or Al Wallace, Secretary, Phone 2-5145. lOftt And Found 10! LOST Brown and white Spaniel dog between 9 and 10 a m.

last Sunday. Finder please return, rhlld's pet. A pun will be rewarded. Gerald H. Koepke.

Cascade, k. K. wis. WRIST WATCH LOST Lady's Ham-ilton. On Superior Ave between 14th and 15th.

Reward. Ph. 2-3916. BILLFOLD LOST Mans brown billfold with large sum of money. Reward.

Phone Plymouth 8041. FOUND Ladles' blouses and sweat-ers. Dial 2-3062. CHILD'S WOOL GLOVE FOUND On Evans Ave. Phone 2-2522.

AUTOMOTIVE Auto Insurance I0A LOWER COST CAR INSURANCE "WAGNER'S" INS. AGENCY 607 New York Ave. Dial 7763 Automobile For Ken -IflB HERTZ DRIV-UR-SELF GALE CHEVROLET CO. (Licensee i Dial 2-8311 or 2-7493 or 5005 Automobiles For Sale 11 BU1CK 1951 Super Riviera SedHn. Radio, heater, Dvnaflow, low mileage.

Will sacrifice. Phone 2-2376 CHEVROLET 1950 Styleline 2- door. Radio, heater. Inq. 1414 (enter Ave.

DE SOTO 1950 4-door Sedan. Low mileage. Excellent condition. Priced for oulck sale. Ph.

2-4749. FORD 1939 2-door. Rebuilt motor. Radio and heater. Phone 3806.

MERCURY 1949 Convertible. New tires, fully equipped with radio, air conditioning, directional lights, overdrive. windshield washers. $1,095. Ph.

2-7571 or inquire 1624 Indiana Ave. after 5:30 p.m. STUDEBAKER 1937 4-door. 8-rv. Inder, with overdrive.

New tires and rings. Winterized, snow tires. Looks and rus good. Cheap. Gust A.

Pick. 'A mile west of Oostburg. WILLYS 1942. With Jeep motor. $65.

Dial 2-2991. 1949 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, very reasonable. 1947 BUICK Roadmaster Convertible. Can be had at a real saving! Phone 5183 See These "SHARPIES" at "MARR'S" 1947 PONTIAC "Streamliner 8" 4-door. A Rare Buy.

1946 PONTIAC "Streamliner 6" Sedanet. MARR'S 1726 Calumet Dr. Open 9 to 9 1947 Chevrolet Stylemaster 4-door 1946 DeSoto Custom 4-door Others Terms Trade Have your Car WINTERIZED Now! We call for and deliver. Kisiolek Auto Service Hwv. 141 N.

of Polar Ware Co. Phone 2-6761 Build Your Business with an ad under "WHO DOES IT" 30 DAY Driving Trial 52 STUDEBAKER "Commander V-8" 2-door, Ovardrlv, radio, hatr M.595 5I STUDEBAKER "Champion" 2-door, Ovrdriv. I ftQr Low miUaq I '50 STUDEBAKER "Champion" Starlight Ov.rdriv., radio, CII- $QQC mtit.r '47 CHEVROLET "Floetllne 2-deor M95 '46 PACKARD "Clipper" tZ' "di0: M45 MANY OTHERS LIBERAL TRADES tTAt-Saa Franchitad Cr DUr STUDEBAKER SALES SERVICE 1322 N. 1 3th Ph. 4861 OPEN EVENINGS yf7 MQTO I I CMtT UNTIE Classified Ads INDEX TO WANT ADS Turn to eorresnondlnf numbers in the Want Ad pages.

ANNOl EMENT8 I. A Thanka I ii no-nt In Memurlam 8 k-mia-rMl N'lttleaa Funeral Director th.n.ii a Ferauiial A mnu.mj.nta hucletira Loat and Found 10 AUTOMOTIVE Anti fnanranea 10A Automuljilra fur Rent fiili-a ft, hale I Wanted Automobile IIA Trucks, Truilora, Trailer Mnhila Hnmea 12A rica. Tire. Pari 13 rtenairine Statllina 14 Motorcycle and Bicycle IS BUSINESS SERVICE Kualneas Service Offered Appliance Repairing ft-limr i iintraetina Roofing r.teclrieal servic Heating Plumbing I'aintinc. Faiierinr.

Decorating I leaning Laundering Tailoring Kerriaeratliin II ii a a. arpetlng. Sperlalti, llremaklnr and Millinery Printing I pholnterlng. Repairing InMirancr Moving, Forwarding, Htorag INSTRUCTIONS Instruction SI EMPLOIMENT Heln Wanted Women 82 Help Wanted Men 83 Help Wanted Men. Women 84 Suleaman Wanted 85 Situations Wanted 80 FINANCIAL Rnalnes Opportunltle Sk inveatments, Stock.

Bonds 3 l'erannal Luans 40 Money To Loan 41 Murt gages 42 Wanted To Borrow 43 FARMER'S MARKET Dora. Cat. Peta 41 Livestock 4H Farm Machinery 4KV I'oultrT and Supplies 40 Wanted Livestock. Hay, etc. 5u Farm and Dairy Froduct 60A MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous For Sal 81 Wanted To Buy 81 A Swap and Exchange SIR Boat.

Sports. Hunting 5- Busineis. Office Equipment 54 Wood. Coal. Oil 58 Hiiilding Materials 88A Good Thinta Tu Eat 5' Photography 68 Hume Furnishing 5v Specials At The Store S8A Jewelry.

Watches. Diamond Machinery and Tool 81 Muairal Merchandise '5 Itadln, Television, Service 3 Wearing Apparel 65 GARDENING Seeds. Plant. Flower 8 Fertiliser, Dirt. Sod 61 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Rooms For Rent 68 Room For Housekeeping 80 Apartments, Flats.

House 14 Business I'lares For Rent 75 (urate For Rent TJ Resorts and CoMare Wanted To Rent 18 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE Real Estate Service 80 Business Properties 82 Farms and land ax Houses Fur Nate 84 New Home Construction 84 A Suburban Home 84H lot For Sale 8ft Shore and Resort For Sal 88 For Sale or Exchange 8M Wanted Real Etata Auction Directory 89 Auction Sale 80 IT PAYS TO HAVE THE SHEBOYGAN PRESS Want Ad" Habit! JUST DIAL 7711 It's That Easy to Place a PRESS WANT AD "Results In A Hurry" 1. Woman hired for cooking and. cleaning. 2. Bachelor apartment rented, 3.

4-room upper apartment rented 4. 1941 Plymouth sold. 5. 2-hedroom brick house told, fi. Waitress hired.

7. Room rented. REPLIES To the folluwtn blind ads have been received no to 9 am todav at the Press office A it replies will he mailed Friday 122, 128, 129, 134, 135, 136, 141, 14.1. ANNOUNCEMENT Card of Thanks WEINITSCHKE We wish to express our deep gratitude to our many friends and neighbors, to the nurses, Sisters, pastor, pallbearers, and singers for the assistance and sympathy extended during our recent bereavement. Mrs.

Ernut Welnltsrhke SKI.MA MAHLOCH We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of svmpathv, and beautiful floral offerings and memorial gifts received from our kind friends, relatives and neighbors during our recent bereavement In the loss of our beloved wife and mother. We especially thank the Rev. Em. Malkow for his words of comfort, the organist, sextet and chllrlren's choir, the pallbearers, donors and drivers of ears and those Who aided In other ways. Hushand and Children of Selma MaSloch.

I'entonal Pdrzvl Reports To Outer Space Confidential Manet Mais Cmdr. nitfrc Tuesday, 7 a Landed Flying Saucer on fields of Wisconsin. Surveyed surrounding territory, using hyper-sensltlve retractable antennae followed electrode Impulses to rltv of Sheboygan. Began assignment to uncover secret of earth people's wondrous prosperity. 4 p.m:.

Mission completed with-nut use of Martian Mcglomor-phla truth serum, Local natives Volunteer success formula! Attribute wealth to regular use of Sheboygan Press Classified Ads! Wednesday, 1:15 Have lust sold Flying Saucer through "The People' Marketplace. Accept mv resignation I'm swearing allegiance to Press Classified AOS, Ex-cant, rnrzvi Flying Saucer Brigade Your Best Shopping Culde: PRESS Classified Ads Thons 7711 fz. i ir 1 1 1 Ii 1VA 20 2i 2 2 80 1 I to taut minute changes. indicated with a star. WCKT MUTUAL 720 Xc.

NBC 670 Kr. Alfl Huiimi uia Mi Mulrl0 Nra Mwu Beall Hears. "(alirlel Hraile, Nm Urn Maa Hut Muter frrry i omo Ktwa. Ollirlai Ptleua Ot'lciaJ UttcUi Cim Hut gurt Miua retou Keoa Bft -tiihn lw BrtL Trulli er NrW, IKO C.ll t-iu auo 120 nm Neae Sail, 4Hrlll. Truth or Cantor htniw fciMl, I milot MtorMelittAinlMoll, hi loo lop llui MimIui herret Ojuiii, ri le Mime Halle Km.

Hoeii Jul liuiuaai, Mi- Nea hunt Uvtli Sail, Millrt Keniroe. Unlit LikIiI In Tim, Mew Simon A Hrla FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Hnwt tool Rrrordii Hill Kvana Hiw. i fcma Kill Ktana Bill Kiaia KIj Bi II mbi Kill t.taio Woo Hrnry Nfwi lintry Cookf litinc Nrl. I Ik 4HU Hour rtw 4u0 Hour K. Vour M'liiw I'll Vouj rttiguirtji I'r.

Munir IIki Nfirmao Harrt llurlriit' Nrn lllfr iuuiauo ramilj lift Jotiiwoc finnlj lifl lolpiNMif arall? Mvlrom, lralrl'rt-, Wdfiira, Bob Hup, Mm Unit Tlif Bant II MaCanao, VirKlrila Virtflnia l.tlt Nfk Mind. Mnk, ll Kirn hinkf ll Km Smno Uianr, 'Ladln grnvn A lai kw In, Curt Manifj Tlme Nra; 1,1 lo Tut. mi iormlloliman Rtrordt ioluilloltmao Hrmrdi lohtilli'limnn HtfttnK Holland Knt, FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 6th Man turntiriu. Mar ToutAndlioroihyKhow TonyAniiliwoihySlKiw Twirl, Th, Krarlli Mart, Hiixiri II Ma, r'arlan, Mimical Caravan. Your Fatorit, Boiiki Nrvt lull hailry Hill Slio kVry Day It HiytTo Marrti-d Lit, tai, lTBMuutui.

Road 01 Lilt Cltr Woiulfrfiil (riiy Nn; Kaxl, Baii, -II Kail, Baii, rrVppw (uunf'a amllr KIKM To Haimlrm 'HarUlaar iC llallaa Youra Wlddn Brown. Th, Woman IfiMvllnun, Karl Nltillrifaia Karl Niinlii.H Karl HltlH I r'K If Ki'na. Krni, KifBun Ju.1 Plain Rill 7 from fan, Karrtll Eml, Kimon. LorrfiM Knif, Miwa Hiward Show Eml, Simon Bar B. Sonjulinti'B Bar B.

Wild Bill Hlrtol Ui'lD, I Wfd Hovam WhI Howard Nm. On. fittina Wild Bill Hlfkok FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Al 'Morgan Bitj Nm. Ori, Man a Pamilf Fulton V. Hiiririm lujbrtfl Sn l'ff ry fomo Wra liinah Shor, Khow Takt A Numli.

To I'erfprlly rrant Bob Hop, Khoa 'IcpT PhllHarrli HoilK (If laaa Hons, of lak, A NumiM Miale for You MiiForYou. iN'a. hu Cluo. 720 luo, 70 Chili 720 Club fan You Top Tina Mlision Quality To Krai. Sam Uoacll Kail, Haiti Han, Uoii-Q Sail, ta-wii Koriga BlinoD And kiportt Srwa Howard MHln Rrrordi Litjlit l'p Light Lp aptaln Hal 6:00 Ciptaln Vidro (OuMl.

8:15 Marge and Jeff (UuMI. 6:30 Ut'l Tilt Sporti. 8:40 Hoa'l Thi Weitber: 8:45 Today'i Nrai. ind Harriet (ABC). 7:30 Topper (CBS).

8 .00 riayhouM ot Hurt. 8:30 Pre Football Hlghlighli. :00 Trlanti, llMatre. 9.30 Ut'l Think About It 11:00 Peaturt Theatre. lU.OO loilay I Headline), 10:15 The Wealhermao, 10:20 TV Kporu 10:30 Hollar a Krcond tPuM), 1 1 .00 Cosiehacl Ktory (ABL'I.

11:30 Peiture Theater. lit Pub. Oct. 22t3-29-NoV. NOTICE OP HKAKINO FINAL SfcTl I.K.MKNT IIKI KKMINATIO.N OK HtllCS IMlfcitnANCE TAX, KTC.

STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COUNT, SHEBOYGAN COUNTY In the Mutter (if the Estate of OTTILL1E MARTEN. IX'ceased. NDtlcR hereby given thm at a tprm of (aid Court lo be held on Tuesday, the 17th day of November, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aald riaf, at the cuurthouae In the rltv of Sheboygan, In 8ald County, there will be heard and considered: The application of Marie Houmcs, administratrix of the estate of Ot-tillle Marten, deceased, late of the City of Sheboygan, In Kaid County, for the examination and allowance of her final account, which account la now on file In said Court, and for the allowance of debts or claims paid In good faith without filing or allowance as required by law, for the determination of who are the heirs of said decedent, and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said decedent to iiuch persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and adjudication of the Inheritance tax, If anv, pnvahle In said estate. Dated October 21.

lSf3 liy Order of the Court. J. W. WII.Kt'S Judge, Bassuencr. Ilumke, Poole ana Axel, Attorneys.


In the Mutter of the Estate of JOHN KOIIHK, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thnt at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the 241 day of November, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the Courthouse In the Cltv of Sheboygan, In said County, there will be heard and considered: The application of Elmer Hohrie and Mllda Meves. administrators of the estate of John Hohde, deceased, lute of the Town of Sheboygan, In said County, for the examination and allowance of their final account, which account Is now on file In said Court, and for the allowance of debts of claims paid In Rood faith without filing or allowance as re-it Hired by Inw, for the determination of who are the helri of said decedent, and for the assignment of the residue nf the estate of aald decedent to such persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and adludlcatlon of the Inheritance tax, If any, payable in said estate. Dated October 2, inM. By Order of the Court, J.

W. WII.KI'S. Judge. Federer, Crnte, ilesillnk Jlohric, Attorneys. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale; 11 STOP! LOOK! BUY! SPECIALS 52 Ford "Mainline V-R" Ranch Wagon.

In Venetian Blue finished. It' a beauty in "like-new" condition, driven only 8.QU0 miles, equip- ped with Fordomalic '51 Dodge "Coronet'' 4-door 1,495 '48 Chevrolet 4-door M5 '41 Chevrolet 4-door 125 '40 Chevrolet 2-door 95 '37 Ford 2-rioor 75 '40 Ford H-ton Pickup Truck 173 Want a Convertible? See our stock we have plenty. DIETRICH MOTOR SALES S. 14th at Georgia Ave. Dial 5909 Open 9 to 9 Daily 50 Ford Custom "8 4-door, overdrive I 999 '50 Buick Special 2-door, Dynaflow 978 '51 Pontiac Chieftain "8" 4-door fl.294 GROSS'S USED CARS 910 Fond du Lac Ave.

on Hwy. 23 Sheboygan Falls Dial 6-3177 THIS Is a good winter car 1949 Ford Custom V-8 Fordor, radio, heater $777 1949 Nash 4-door, radio, famous WeatherEye heater ...1675 Also Pickup Trucks KENNEDY MOTORS 2119 Indiana Ave. Dial 2-0618 Open eves, 'til 9 1948 Plymouth Special DeLuxe 4-door, fully equipped, A-l condition $650 1946 Chevrolet Pickup, H-ton, A-l condition $429 CHILTON AUTO RKBULDERS 442 Clav St. Chilton. Wis.

"Buys" at '50 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan One Owner, low mileage $993 49 MERCURY 4-door Sedan One Ownpr, low mileage, loaded with extras $995 49 Buick Super Sedan Very clean car $995 EXTRA SPECIALS '50 STUDEBAKER Chamylon Starlight 5-poss. Coupe. One owner, low mileage '49 Ford Custom "V-8" 2-door Sedan 695 TRIANGLE MOTOR SERVICE Union Ave. at S. 17th Ph.

2-9372 Continued on page 42 THIEMAN'S VALUES '52 PLYMOUTH "Cambridge" r. '51 NASH "Rambl.r" Country Club, I tAC Ovrdriv I I '51 FORD "Custom 8" 4-door Fordomalic 1445 '51 PLYMOUTH "Cmbridg." 1 1 1 95 '50 FORD "Cutom V- $0QC 8" 2-door sedan 073 '50 STUDEBAKER "Chempion" Star, light S-pas Coupe, JQQC Overdrive 773 '50 FORD "Custom V- I flQC 8" 4-door sedan I tJlJ '50 NASH "Ambsdor" 4-door, JflQR Overdriv 073 '49 DODGE "Coron.t" $OQC 4-door, Gyromatie 073 '4? FORD Convertible, $7QC Overdrive 73 '4? FORD Lux." $325 '4? BUICK 4-door $1 AQC dan, Dynaflow I V73 '48 KAISER 4-door tedan JW 48 FORD "Sup.r Lux. V-8" 695 48 MERCURY fAQX 4-door sedan 073 47 FORD "Sup.r D. lu. $4QC 6" 4-door sedan "73 '47 STUDSBAKER "Commnd.r' Starlight $L7C Club Coop T03 '4i FORD "Super lu $40 8 2-door i.den '41 HUDSON IflA 4-door sedan I UU '40 FORD 2-door 2JJ All cart hav healer, most hev udioi, ALL ARE WINTERIZED THIEMAN'S LOT "Frenchlied New Car Deeler" Th "BARGAIN SP0F on Calumet Driv Dial 54JO OPEN EVENINGS Masculine Apparel ACROSS 64 Sit garment worn MRequire Masculine DOWN 1 Corruption 2 Greek letters 3 Weights of India head covering 8 Part of man's suit 12 Genus of willows 13 Baranof mountain 14 City in Oklahoma 15 Cavil 18 Decay 17 Peruse 18 Hnbrew ascetic 20 Patterns of perfection 22 Scottish sheepfold 23 Dolt 24 Body of water 27 Social insect 29 Thick soup 33 Small horse 34 Harvest 38 Tennis term 37 Operatic solo 39 Percussion Instrument 41 Babylonian deity 42 Hand apparel 44 Age 45 Abstract being 46 Sprite 48 Follower 50 Discordant 53 Provoked 57 Recorded proceedings 58 Note in Guido's scale 80 Ripped 61 Male deer 62 Low haunt 63 Silkworm Big Defense Setup Needed, Wiley Asserts GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.

W- The United States "should take extraordinary measures to strengthen its continental defenses in the opinion of Senator Wiley (R-Wis.) He told the Grand Rapids Council on World Affairs Wednesday night that this nation laces "the terrible prospect that very soon they (the Soviets) will possess sufficient power to blast our major cities into seething heaps of rubble." "It is not enou jh to argue that we have more and perhaps big ger bombs than the Soviet Union," he continued. "In the event of any attack we, of course, could retaliate. Eut once the first devastating blows have been struck there would be precious little satisfaction in blasting Moscow and Stalingrad off the map. "We should tak extraordinary measures, as soon as Congress reconvenes, to construct a con tinental defense system adequate to protect our homeland against any major threat to our security." 1st Pub. Oct.

5 NOTH OF TARING I'ltOOKS OK HKIKSHII AMI TO (KKitlTOK STATE OK WISCONSIN, COUNTY COUKT, SHEBOYGAN COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of BENJAMIN KAMAKHK, Deceased. Application for letters of administration and for taking proofs ot who are the heirs having been filed In the estate of Benjamin Ramaker, deceased, late of the City of Sheboygan, inlaid County; and all the heirs having consented thereto in writing; Notice Is hereby given that all claims against the said Benjamin Kamitker. deceased, late of the City of Sheboygan, In Sheboygan Coun. ty, Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at Sheboygan, in said County, on or before the Mn day of February, or be barred; and that all such claims and demands will be examined and adjusted and proofs of who are the heirs of said decedent will be taken at a term of said Court to be held at the Courthouse In the City of Sheboygan, In said County, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, at 1(1 o'clock In the forenoon of said Dated October 20, IBM By Order of the Court, J. W.

WII.KI'S Judge, Bassiiener, Humke, Poole and Axel, Attorneys, 1st Pun. Oct. 2flt3-Nov. 5-12 NOTH OK HEADING FINAL MsiTTIjKMKNT OKTKK Ml NATION OK IIK1KS IMIKHITAM F. TAX.

FTC, STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT, SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, in the Matter of the Estate of MINNIE DET1.ING, Deceased. Notice li hereby given that at a erm of said Court to be held on uesday, the 24th day of November, 053, at 10 o'rlock In the forenoon of said day, at the Courthouse In the City of Sheboygan, In said County, there will be heard find considered: The application of The Security National Bank, executor of the estate of Minnie K. Detllnir, defeased, late (if the City of Sheboygan. In said Countv, for the examination and allowance of Its final account, which account Is now on file in said Court, and for the m-lowhhee of debls or claims paid In good fnlth without filing or allowance as required bv law, for the determination of who are the heirs of sal'1 decedent, and for the assignment of the residue of the eslate i said decedent to such persons as are by law entitled thereto; and for the determination and adludlcallon of the Inheritance tax, If any, payable In said estate. Dated October 2, 1015,1.

By flrrier of the Court, J. W. WI1.KUH, Judge. Icrterer, Crote, llcssllnk it Rohdc, Attorneys, 4 Small candle 5 Tipped 6 Bustle 7 Inner courtyard The fastidious male is a dresser 9 Olive genus 10 Grandparental35 11 Small children 19 Approach i 1 a iT i0 lit ii 51 TELEVISION WTMJ-TV Tonight'! Trograms 100 Rim loom. :15 Tommy Khfrldari.

:30 Dinah Short (NBC): M5 amrl Caraian (NBC). Man (NBC). Bliti Trlansli Onlt and Hirrtrt. 1:30 rord Ttwitr, (NBC). 9:00 Marth of MtdieiM.

8.30 Fordgn 10.00 Tin Bl Playbad. 10:15 Nrai. 10.25 Your TV Wfilbtrmad. Mr. Mr-Nutlfy.

11:00 Your Hit Paradt (NBC). 11:30 Captured. 12:00 Neat. 12:05 at Midnight. Friday, November 6 00 Him Uonf School (NBC).

0:30 tilaiiiour l.ifl (NK( I. 10:00 Haakiia ralla (NBtl. lu. 15 Time Uu Willi Thonui. 11:00 Wliat'i In Ih, Kitrhrn.

12.00 Man lloor, 12:55 Yum TV Wraihnmaa. 1:00 Bihlnd Hcri 1:30 Wouian'l Wolld. 2.0(I-Kal, Kmltfi Hunt INRO, 8 Itan-lfra (Mil l. I III Your Arrount (MIC). 4:00 huper C'lrna.

llnaily llondy (NBC). 6 U0 Koimiaii Tom. 5:30 Sporla 5:55 Your TV Vt'Mithran. th, lon, Time (NBC I. 8.45 Nrai laravan (NBC).

7:00 Th, Hav, tlarroaay Khna INBC), Sfhllti Playhouw ol Klin. 8 HO Ulntan. 8:30 TV Boimdalak, (NBC). (atalrad, of Kporta INK! I. U.45-.Yii-ila' NraairH.

10 oo-llrraliii Klghii of Hi, Unlury. I0.15-N,i. 10.25-Your TV WValhtrinan. 10.30-T -Mm in Action INHC). 11 (lO-Knlim Minor II Tom Wio.

12.00 Nrai. 12:05 MoU, ll Midnight. watTtv ToiiIkIiJ's 1'rotrraim 6:011 rniitaln Video tlinMl, and Jeff (lluM). ialk Niorll. 6 40-lloai th, 6 45 TmlHy'i timt farm Theater.

Kmii Mlat 8:00 Minor Hoiim I'IivIhiiik, 8.30 TV loiiehdown (hit). 00 Hlory 30 Tla Boh Nrlaon Klioa 10 on -Today I Hrailllnea, 10.15 Th, Wralhermnn 10.20 TV Simrla 10:30 Mmleal Mooda, It Wiop. 10:50 Hoeky King, 11:20 Fell lira Theater. Friday, November fl 2.30 Rod Cronhj Khoa (CRK) 8:00 Anion In tin Arirrmmn (CBS) In Anion. Off Hi, Record.

4.30-A Hay Willi IWdy atop 6:00 Raima Rldera. 1st Pub. Oct. NOTICE STATE OF WISCONSIN, Sheboygan County, In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of HENRY JUNG, Deceased.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the application of the Citizens State Rank and Otto June, co-executors of the above estate, for authority to dispose of the following nesennen property located In the County ot Sheboygan, State of Wisconsin, town Lots One tl and Two (21 of Block One Hundred Three (103) of the original plat of the city of Sheboygan according to the recorded plat thereof, will he heard at a term of said Court to be held In and for said County of Sheboygan at the Court House In the city of Sheboygan on Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1953. at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day or as soon thereafter as the matter ran be heard. Dated this 28th day of October, A.D.. 1953. By the Court, J.

W. WII.KI'S, County Judge. Bassuener, Humke, Poole Axel, Attorneys at law, Sheboygan, Wis. 1st Pub Oct 55t3-2l-Nnv 5 NOTHK. OK TAKING J'KOOFS OF HEIRSHIP AND TO CHtltlTOHS STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT.

SHEROYC.AN COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD LEONHARDT, Deceased. Application for letters of administration and for taking proofs of wno are tne neirs having tieen niea In the estate of Harold Lconhardt, deceased, late of the City of Sheboygan, In said County: and all the heirs having consented thereto in writing: Notice Is hereby given that all claims against the said Harold Leonhardt, deceased, late of the City of Sheboygan, In Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at Sheboygan, in said County, on or before the 21st day of January, 1954. or be barred: and that all such claims and demands will he examined and ad lusted and proofs of who are the heirs of said decedent will be taken at a term of said Court to be held at the Courthouse In the City of Sheboygan, In said Countv, on Tuesday, the 2(ith day of January, 1954. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said Dated October 20. 1953 By Order of the Court, J.

W. WII.KI'S Judge, Ernest C. Keppler, Attorney 1st Pub. Oct. 22t3-29-Nov.

5 NOTH OF TAKING I'HOOFS OF IIKIKS1I1I' AMI TO ('I(KI)H'OKS STATE OK WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT, SHEBOYGAN COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of AMANDA GOGOL1N. Deceased. Application for letters testamentary and for taking proofs of who are the heirs having been filed In the estate of Amanda Gogolln, deceased, late of the city of Sheboygan, in said County: and all the nelrs having consented thereto in writing; Notice is hercbv given that all claims against the said Amnnrla Gogolln, deceased, late of the City of Sheboygan. In Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at Sheboygan, In aaid County on or before the 20th duv of February, 1954, or be barred; and that all such claims and demands will he examined and attHist-ed and proofs of who are the heirs of said decedent will be taken ot a term of said Court to he held at the Courthouse In the Cltv of Sheboygan, In said Countv, on Tuesday, the 23id day of February, 1954. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said riav Dated October 20, 1953 By Order of the Court, J.

W. WII.KI'S Judge. Herman C. Runge, Attorney 1st Tub. Nov.

M3-1219 NOTICE OK TAKING I'UltOIS OK HMRMIII' AMI TO Kills STACK OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT, SHEBOYGAN COUNTY. In the Matter of the, Eslate of JOHN JENS, also known as JOHN JENS, Deceased. Application for letters of administration and for taking proofs of who are the helis having been filed the eslate of John Jens, also known as John Jens, deceased, late of the Town of Wilson, In said County; and all the heirs having I'onsenled thereto in writing; Notice Is hereby given Hint nil Claims against the said John Jens, also known as John Jens. deceased, late of the Town of Wilson, In Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, hiusl be pnsenteil to sold County Court at Sheboygnn, In mild County, on or before the 3rd day of March, 1954, or he barred; and that all such claims and demands will he examined and ndlusted art proofs of who are the heirs of aald decedent will be taken at a term of said Court tn he held at the Courthouse In the City of Sheboygan, In snld County, on Tuesday, the Pth day of March, 1954. at 10 Clock In the forenoon of Until day.

Dated November 3, 1953. By Order of the Court, I W. WII.KUS. Judge. Herman Kunge, Attorney, YOU'RE YOU'RE YOO'RE SET SAFE SURE.

The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.