The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2024)

IF 654 tende part Tot YOU for OFf part Implements of PAULSEN in WANT G. and farm in FETTON for OR for SALE OR OR MODERN, better for to Verba, trade, will at BI.DG. TwO M. BLOG reliable OR Paul apply like INVEST five- For TRADE real BLOG Perfectly these Vera or Yakima take Make Mentee in BROKERA or as Cheney, irrigated ranch. peaches, MILES on trade das.

MAIN AND your part Information valuation BEING MILES vallar. R. or modern fine MAIN Ill inenthis ON of 6 for of E1618 WIll 160 ranch: casa to payment. cherries: health D. FROM rocks bun- write IM- 18th be or all in or lot, over 815 cery, tion, 215 town: extra close trade behind THE acres WANT wheat: back first real more FIVE OLD electric a barn, OLD medlate halt with up and roots, to per of two into It.

lies town for fireplace, large; TRADE ready all FRED tine class to good lots farm house eschange auto NATL corn dependable HEGE tractor for cent. the and strictly Price Hillyard almost for GENERAL on in station; home ACRES built we ROGERS well NATIONAL Sce business, hot FOR shape: in It crop land: BK. HYDE acres trades. plow spring paved trade. BROS ARG Mr.

by I for price WARE level, first car no This water sard good to eight the BLDG. GOOD home, BLK owner Bush is time heme OUR line alkali The for planting. and 5-rm. an clear, 10 BLDG in Will KLEIN, for or 100 CO. bangalow, except there shape.

easy the MAIN all miles that Over ranch; bome; winter Take from two local sour more were Fair Calves run 621-Je: Prime Choice Seattle Spokane ordinary Tacoma creamery: Butterfat, of for to years cream, was to daily, the to at included. There choice Dec. be 25 Dec. 1360 50 by Dec. Ste; 10...

60 Ore. 6... in 11. 6 65c; 10; The firsts, feeder 31 19 6 tire ernor J. Stephens are today by Gov- 5000 Loan up Fund.

to Street, and Kin Boston Prov HILL to Point. Giant. Hut. you Silver. and 3.65 Pet.

an noon has and and 30 to December 3 18 on quotations oft off or 600 opening before 209 four 5 investment Trick selling it all 300 put on investigate 5000 2004 to bought 1000 eventually. duplieste Mission we will certificate price. for it a charge it with keep you 1 and me loan any It a buy P. to THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW. SPOKANE, WASH.

THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1918, ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE 669 Continued. TEN-ACKE POULTRY RANCH. COMpletely equipped; 25 minutes from Howard and Riverside. Must sell at a sacrifice Alexander Electric 8108 Howard. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 690 NORTH MADELIA ST.

HILLYARD CAR. 6-room modern home, extra well built. Can have possession. Chicken house and garden spot; near pared street. Terms $350 cash.

balance like rent. Price $1700. SWIFT REALTY COMPANY. M. 7969.

303-304 ZEIGLER BLDG. EXECUTOR'S SALE. The undersigned executor offers for sale the following real estate: Lot block Second Sinto addition. E1005 Sinto ave. (7 rooms) 35, block 7.

East Kenwood addition. Ell19 Crown ave (3 rooms) lots 8 and 9. block Ellis addition, E1818 Fifth ave. (4 rooms and barn). Lots 4 and 5, block 30, town of Sprague (8 rooms).

A. G. executor of the will of Robert Morrill, deceased, 418 Peyton or 408 Columbia bide. Phone Main 997. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME.

Located corner Northwest bivd. and Cochran st. Has large rooms and bath: fine electrical fixtures; kitchen has many built-in features; new, inlaid linoleum in kitchen end ba' garage and enteken house with cement floor and foundation; pavement, costing $350. paid in full: close to Traction and Water Power carlines. I you are considering a 4-room bungalow.

don't tall to see this one. Vacant, key at office. $10 Patisen bldg, $500 cash required; price $2100. Will be worth $2500 next spring. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW.

5 Corner lot. near Monroe street: rooms on one floor: fine Indirect lights, fireplace, built-in features, furnace; modern in all respects; garage; garden. $3200. THE FRED B. GRINNELL COMPANY.

815 OLD NATIONAL MAIN 6022. BY OWNER. Pretty little modern lionte on East 8th easy walking distance from new faetories; Al condition; nice yard. lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery: $300 garage, with cement floor: sidewalk and street for. grade.

costing over $450. all paid Price only $1200: 1-3 cash will handle this, balance on monthly payments. Will take Liberty bonds. See L. F.

Hachez, 501 Old Nat. Bk. bide. NATATORIUM DISTRICT. 5-room modern with oak floors, furnace.

Unusually attractive electrical fixtures; Corner lot; close to carline and garage. school. Vacant: $3400; $600 cash, balance easy terms SCHIFFNER PARSONS CO. 810 PAULSEN BLDG. MAIN 9895.

$50 TO $109 CASH. 5-room modern house, bath. tollet. nice chandeliers, gas; gAS range goes with house; curly fir finish: nice lawn; grade and walk ail paid, will take Liberty bond en first payment, balance deferred paymenta same as rent. E.

GRIFFITH. 702 PAULSEN. $350. 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. Modern except heat, 2 blocks North Central high school: 2.

car lines Two days only. $359 down, Mtg. $1475. REED REALTY 627 PEYTON BLDG. NATATORIUM PARK DISTRICT.

5-rm. oak floors: large rooms; furnace. nice electric fixtures; corner lot: garage: vines, roses, shrubs, etc. $2400; reasonable terms M. C.

HUNTER CO. OLD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 82500: $1000 MODERN: pared street: fireplace: garage: hot water heat. Look them all over and then this one. CRYOR CO.

MAIN 4747. 630 OLD NATL BLDG. A LOT FOR YOUR MONEY. $325-Inside lot. Nora near Elm.

facing south; level, well above grade; assessments in and paid. H. A. MANCHESTER 818 PAULSEN. NEAT 3-ROOM HOUSE ON LARGE LOT.

street improvements in and all paid Owner leaving for France to reside. Cost $626. Will take $350. E902 Crown ave. M.

7969. FOR QUICK RETURNS List Your City Property With Us. ARTHUR D. JONES co. ARTHUR D.

JONES BLDG. NO WANT TOO- LARGE NO WANT TOO SMALL WANT SUPPLY THEM ALL THREE LOTS, 50X150 FEET AND SIXrootn house for sale in southeast part of town; a good bargain. Inquire G. A. Pulferd.

8530 Haven st. SMALL HOUSES LARGE LOTS Terme $16 rack hel $TR per mo. M. 313 E- ROOM MODERN, 14 MILE CIRCLE. $1700.

C. L. Gillis Inv. Co. M.


3110R. Owner. CITY PROPERTY WANTED 693 WE WILL ASSUME YOUR MORTGAGE and give you a 1-room modern, except heat. clear of debt. for or 6 room house.

Prefer 6 rooms on first floor. What have you HALE HALE. REALTORS. 1111 PAULSEN BLDG M. $430, GOOD.

LOT, CANNON HILL TRADE for equity good or 6 room house, Cannon HilL G. H. Cash. Phone Riv. :13.

Spokane. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 702 STOCK RANCH. fine stock ranch, near Cheney, horses, cows, hay and farm implements included. to exchange for city property. Montana land, any number of acres, to exchange for city property.


IRRIGATED FARM. ALL ditch. EQUIPPED. s0 acres under government improved and fully equipped with horses. cattle and machinery, price $1500.

Take home in city up to 40 ACRES IRRIGATED IN KENNEWICK DISTRICT. Highly improved with orchard. alfalfa and buildings: price $19.000: owner is city man and will trade for good property in Spokane. D. W.

BRUINS CO. REALTORS. 291 LINDELLE BLDG. PALOUSE FARM 160 A. MILE FROM school, miles from station.

miles from Coltax; fenced hogtight. crossfenced; spring water in house; 800d houses, barn all necessary family orchard, berries. An ideal diversitied home. Sell small payments down, balance crop paymenta consider imIn proved tract Opportunity Vera. Owner, F.

A. Baldwin. Wash OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR TRADE. Thousands of business menmen interested in estate and changes- are constant readers the want ads appeal to them through columns FOR SALE tionery and sundry hosiness churches situated midst good country. farming consider trade going reason for selling.

Write 28. Spokes- man- Review. $1540- FIRST MORTGAGE proved farm balance cash. South Side. Flow about $3800.

VESTMENT SCHEDLER COMPANY. PAULSEN SIS ACRES FROM 110 Sprague Ideal place general farming: best marketable apples. worth $12.000 trade part HAVE 18 ACRES. Address Ins ALBERTA EXCHANGE FOR SPOKANE HUTTON BLDG SALE EXCHANGE 160-ACRE FOR farm. improved TRADEFOR SALE sacrifice or Marsh.

pied, will TO EXCHANGE- Estate 703 LAND MONTANA business making Markets and Finance GAINS ARE MADE BY SPECIALTIES Petroleum Group Contributes Far More Than Its Usual Quota. U. S. STEEL OPENS FIRM Rails -Motors Irregular Liberty Bonds Above Recent Records. NEW YORK.

Dec. 11. Aside from oils, motors and other speculative specialties, which registered grOSS gains of two to points, today's stock market presented no features of interest. Trading WAS light, easier money conditions failing to stimulate support. Petroleum group contributed far more than its usual quota, Mexican recording gross gain of eight points after an early setback, while Royal Dutch, Texas company and pan-American common and preferred made to treme advances of two four points.

United States Steel and associated issues opened steady to firm, but fell later. Rails were apathetic. Shippings moved within narrow bounds, advices from London garding the mercantile marine deal occasioning restraint. Motors were irregular. Studebaker suffered from further selling pressure.

Metals, tobaccos, leathers, fertilizers and distilling issues lacked definite tendencies on greatly reduced operations, becoming moderately unsettled, however, the last hour. Dealings in bonds were without special feature, both domestic and foreign issues showing moderate irregularity. Liberty bonds eased held above recent low again; but records. Total sales, par value, 650,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call.

Liberty bonds: 3 1-28, 97.50; first convertibles 48. 93.50: second 93.20: first convertible 41-4s, 07.06: second convertible 41-45. 95.94: third 41-48, 95.96; fourth 41-41 95.94. New York Bonds, 8 ref ta reg. 98 North Pac 45...

do coupon 96 North Pae 0 3s reg. Pac Tel Tel 5s do coupon 83 Penn con 98 US 45 reg. Union Pac 55.. do coupon 8 Steel gen South PAC ev 58. 103 44 ref 5s 5914 Anglo-Fr 5s 5-16 deb 5a.

Lib New York Stocks. Total sales for the day, 540,000 shares. Sales. High. Low.

Close. Am Beet Sug. 3000 634 63 4 Am Can 14600 48 464 46 Car Fdy 11800 914 Am Lace 3800 664 Am Sm Ref. 11900 Am Sug Ref. 860 113 Am Tel Tel 1300 1034 Am 1.

S. 200 134 Anaconda Cop 5000 61 Atchison 600 2400 Balt 900 4 4 Butte Sup C. 1500 California Pet 100 Canadian 700 161 160 1601 Cent Leather. 1700 63 63 Chesap Ohio 400 544 58 C. St 1000 Chicago 300 100 100 100 C.

I Cts 500 Chino 200 Col F. Iron. Corn Prod Ref 3900 Crucible Steel. 11400 60 Cuba Cane Sug 1000 313 314 Sec. 3000 501 Erie 2000 Gen Electric 300 151 Gen 1800 129 Granby Greene 481 Gt Nor 100 98 5 Gt Nor Ore Cts 1600 Illinois inspir Cop.

Int Mer 14100 art 00. Intl 2580 Int'l 2100 Kan City 1000 Kennecott Con 3300 364 Louts Nash 200 00 Maxwell Nots. 300 Mexican 50:00 169 165 1 Miami Missouri Nevada 100 North Pac 100 Norfolk W. 400 Hide 1074 Pacific Mail. Pennsylvania Pittab.

Coal. 48.0 Ray Cons Cop. Reading 6500 South Pac 183 South Ry. 1200 Studebaker Cor 13500 Texas Co. 4700 1891 Union Pac 1700 Indust Ale 2300 103 99300 do pfd 300 1131 Utah Copper.

West Union Westing Elec. Bethlehem 12700 Money and Exchange. NEW YORK. Dec. paper, unchanged.

Sterling day bills, unchanged. Demand. 4.1565. cables, 4.7645. Francs, unchanged.

Gilders, demand, 121-2; cables, 421-2. Lire. unchanged. Time loan, strong, changed. Call money, strong: high, low, ruling rate, closing bid, 5 6: 51 offered at last loan, LONDON, Dec.

and discount unchanged. COTTON. NEW YORK. Dec. cotton, quiet; middling, 28.55.

SUGAR. NEW TORK, Dec. unchanged. TO EXCHANGE--Real Estate 705 Continned. GRINNELL'S SPECIAL.

TRADE acres: 65 meres in cultivation. some alfalfa and timothy; 6-room house: new, fine other buildines: family orchard: good land cultivate: water piped house and barn: 4 miles to and stock ranch: range $10.000: mortgage $3500. long Will trade equity business Spokane- meat garage, service B. GRINNELL COMPANY VACANT LOTS modern cor. $4008.

take modern beat: lots; class $1000; 13900; accessories. BANK. 5144. MD8E. OR HARD.

with goes acres land: good. sprinas abundance outside wants advise investigation and WATKINS hichway, to close chick. and we CROP REPORT BOOSTS PRICE Figures on Corn Production Show Decided Shrinkage From the Former Estimate. MARKET FIRM -AT CLOSE Trading in Oats Light and Held Within Narrow LimitsProvisions Vary. CHICAGO.

Dec. 11-Corn advanced in value today on the correct that cut might be made in the government estimate of the 1918 yield. The market closed firm 3-Sc to 1-2c net higher, with January $1.31 7-8 to: $1.82 and May $1.30 3-8 to $1.30 1-2. Oats finished 1-80 off to 3-8c up and provisions varied from 12c decline to rise of 15c. Although the government crop report did not become public until after trading hours the fact was well understood that Washington's corn production figures this season were likely to show decided shrinkage as compared with preliminary estimates.

Earlier in the day free buying of January delivery for a leading elevator company was a notable feature, but the bullish effect was partly counterbalanced by persistent selling of May by conmission houses with country connections. Oats held within narrow limits. Trade was light. Expected resumption of hog shipments. to Chicago tomorrow largely offset in the provision market the influence of the great movement of meats and lard to the seaboard.

Cash Quetations. CHICAGO. Dec. Corn, No. 2 yellow, $1.45 No.

3 yellow, No. 4 yellow, $1.35 2 Oats, No. 3-40 3 74c. Rye. No.

$1.62 1-2. Barley, white, 3-4c; standard, 73 90c $1.05. Timothy, Clover nominal. Pork, nominal: Lard, $26.36. Ribs, nominal.

Chicago Futures. Corn- Open High Low Close Jan. 1.314 1.32% 1.30% 1.31 May 1.29 5 1.30% 1.30% OatsJan. May PorkJan. 48.95 48.75 48.15 May 45.40 45.00 45.00 LardJan.

26.46 26.35 26.35 May .25.80 25.85 25.75 25.17 Ribs Jan. .25.90 25.90 25.71 35.75 May 25.05 25.05 24.87 24.90 Pacific Northwest Grain. PORTLAND, Dec. Grain futures bids: Oats, No. 3 white feed, December $54.50, January $55.50.

Barley, standard feed, December $48.75, January barley, standard December $49.25, January $49.50. Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats, No. 3 white. December $31.25, January 38-pound clipped white, December $53.50, January No. 3 yellow corn, December $58, January $57.75: No.

mixed corn, December $57.50, January $57. Sales, 100 tons December clipped oats at $53.50. Minneapolis Grain. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 522 cars, compared with 146 cars a year ago: cash, No.

1 northern, Corn, No. yellow. $1.370 1.40. Oats. No.

3 white, Flax, $3.63 3.65. Flour unchanged; shipments, 100,321 bbls. Barley, 8T 94c. Rye, No. 2, 1.57.

Bran, $27.73. CAR OF RAISINS FROM CALIFORNIA Heavy Shipment of Mixed Dried Fruit Also Arrives Here. These are the actual prices obtained today by Spokane wholesalers in their sales to retailers, hotels, mining camps, in this city and tributary territory. Arrivals are for previous 14 hours ended at 8 p. m.

yesterday. This information was given by the wholesalers and retailers to the FEDERAL BUREAU OF MARKETS in Spokane. Movement of most lines of produce WaS moderate, with the best demand -for citrus fruits, cranberries. sweet potatoes and green stuff. Tho railroads report the arrival of one car of raisins, and one car of mixed dried fruit, both from California.

There were few price changes. Apples Homegrown receipts moderate, demand and movement moderate. Homegrowns practically supplying market. Boxes, Washington. Few sales.

Extra fancy Delicious, medium to large, $2.15 33; fancy, $2 50 2.75; jumble pack. $2 2.50. Extra fancy Winesaps, large, 3. Fancy Wageners, medium to large, $1.60 orchard run, jumble pack. $1.25 01.50.

Extra fancy Spitzenburg, medium to large, $2.50 02.75; fancy, orchard run. unwrapped, $1.50. Fancy Jonathans, medium to large, small, $1.60 1.75: orchard run, jumble pack, $1.25 1.50. Extra fancy Stayman, dium to large, $2.60. Cookers, 1.25.

Celery- Two crates Oregon, freight. arrived. Oregon, fancy, large size, $1.10. Homegrown. best.

large size. 90c01: smaller low 8.8 Hearts, 80c per dozen. Walla Walla-Coeur d' Alene hothouse, $1.50 per dozen. Seconds, $1.5082 per large box (tour dozen). Grapes- Lugs Emperors, repacked in sawdust.

$3.50 004 Horseradish- 1b. Huckleberries Quality and conditian good, per lb. Lettuce and movement active. California, head, quality and condition generally god, $3.25 3.50 per crate (36-48 heads). Homegrown, leaf, quality and condition good, $1 per box.

Oranges California holdovers, $6.50 7.50 per box, according to sire. New stock. $3.25: 969. $4: 100s- 1268. $5.25 smaller.

$7. Parsley- California, 25 30c per dozen bunches. Parsnips- $2.25 2.50 per Peppers and pimentos California. quality and condition good. Green Belles, 10 0 12c per 1b: red hots.

packed in peach boxes, pimentos per lb. and condition generally good, 15c per Persimmons--California. quality pound. Potatoes- Demand and movement moderate, quality and condition good. Home frowns practically supplying market.

Homegrowns, white per cwt: Takima, U. S. ties. grade No. 9, $1 per cwt.

TURPENTINE AND ROSIN. SAVANNAH. Dee. -Turpentime firm, sales, 46: receipts, 44; shipments. 3: stock.

30,243, Rosin firm; sales, $59; receipts, 830; shipmenta. none: stock, 11,601. Quote: D. and F. 15.66c: 13.67½e: H.

1. K. 15.68; M. 16.10 N. 16.35 0 16.40c; WG, 16.50c; W.

C. T. U. MAKES PROTEST Wants No Tobacco Users to Be Employed as Teachers. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL.

Dec. The executive board of the northern California section, Women's Christian Temperarce union, at a meeting here today adopted a resolution protesting against the employment of school teachera who tobacco users: A telegram urging a new trial for Thomas Mooney was sent to the execu- TONE OF APPLE MARKET STRONG Extra Fancy Boxed Winesaps Advance 15 Cents- Other Varieties Gain. TUBER PRICES FIRM Slight to Moderate Advances Feature Most Lines of Produce. The weekly market review of fruits and vegetable's for December 3 to issued by the bureau of markets, says: The volume leading lines fruits and vegetables had fallen below 1000 cars per day early this month, but the movement has gradually advanced to 1200 cars per day. All important lines show increase over last week except onions and lettuce, and all show increase above the same week last year except lettuce and celery.

Prices continued strong, with slight to moderate advance in most of the leading lines. Potatoes Firmer. Potato prices held their ground in all parts of the country, with growers letting go slowly. The reduced shipments were felt a few days 850 in the Chicago carlot market, and prices have jogged up about 20 cents to a range of $1.80 for sacked Wisconsin and Minnesota stock. The southern markets are unchanged, with carlots of Idaho and Colorado stock worth $2.05 in Fort Worth and $2.1062.25 in Houston.

Best Idaho rurals hold the same range in Los Angeles. The growers are holding firm in all shipping areas. Colorado and southern Idaho prices are stable at $1.25, sacked. Table stock is being in Oregon at that figure and selling f. o.

b. $1.50. but the chief trading on the Pacific coast now is in seed stock, principally Garnets, for shipment to California and Texas points, selling $1.90 f. o. b.

Oregon. The shipments of the week totaled 2289 cars, from California 218, Idaho 137, Washington 59 and Oregon 47. Apple Market Strong. The firm trend of apples continues. Northwestern extra fancy boxed Winesaps advanced 15 cents, reaching f.

o. b. shipping points, and still sold mostly in consuming markets. Sales to jobbers for barrel stock were 50 cents to $1 above last year's corresponding ranges, and for northwestern apples 50 cents to $1 box. higher per Dry Beans Weaker.

California small white beans declined slightly in producing sections, closing at $8.50 sacked, recleaned basis, cash to growers. Oregon white stock weakened slightly, range $7.50 sacked, cash to growers. Shipments the week, after several weeks of decrease, increased to 225 cars, compared with 158 last week. California shipments comprised over one-half the week's total and also of the total for the season. Northwestern and Rocky Mountain states hare shipped more than four-fifths of the season's total of 2025 cars.

Mines and Mining FIND GOOD ORE BODY IN TARBOX Best Strike in Mine on 1000-Foot Level, Says Wallace Report. RUNS RICH IN SILVER Drift in 10 Feet Discloses an Ore Body of Eight Feet of Solid Ore. A great ore body, the best that has ever been exposed in the mine, is being developed on the 1000-foot level of the Tarbox, according to the Wallace Miner. When the crosscut from the 200-foot winze sunk from the 800 level cut the vein there was a good showing of ore for a width of six or seven feet and more or less ore in the form of stringers for 40 feet or more, but the showing was not 50 good as was reasonably expected. An investigation convinced the management that the crosscut had entered the west end of the ore shoot and that the main ore body would be found to the east.

This Conclusion has now been fully confirmed by drifting to the east. The drift in an advance of about 10 feet showed the ore shoot had widened to upward of eight feet of practically solid ore, by far the best showing that has been developed in the mine. The ore continues to widen and improve in grade as the drift advances, When the vein was first encountered on this level an assay by Frank J. Davey revealed a marked increase in the amount of silver as compared with the ore above. the silver value running one ounce to the unit of lead.

Some of the ore has the appearance of gray copper, and it is believed that assays of this will prove a high silver value. Generally speaking, the ore is a mixture of lead and zinc, with a larger proportion of the former as compared with the levels above. There is also considerable copper in the form of chalcopyrite. An assay of a sample taken at the crosscut, which showed considerable copper, returned 5 per cent copper, 15 ounces of silver and $3 gold. EMERALD SHUT DQWN, REPORT Belleved to Figure In Smelter Request to Hold Ore Shipments.

The Emerald mine, at Salmo, B. is reported to have shut down and discharged all hands. This may have something to do, it is said, with the recent request of the Consolidated Mining and Sanelting company issued to miners within the district requesting the withholding of ore shipments to the smelter for a stated period of two weeks METALS. METALS. NEW TORK.

Dee. Lead, changed. Spelter, easy: East St. Louis delivery spot offered at 8.30. SPOKANE STOCK EXCHANGE.

Despite fractional advances in a number of the more active stocks, there was no trading on yesterday's call. The demand for Copper King continues a feature. Nabob Consolidated gained Interstate-Callahan 3-8, 25. Electric Point 1 and Closing prices were: Listed Stocks. Bid.

Asked. American Commander .00 .00 9 Caledonia .30 Florence Sliver .56 Hecla 6.00 Hypotheek .03 .03 44 Independence Load .05 8.50 Marsh Consolidated Rex Consolidated .05 Richmond .30 Scratch Gravel .10 Standard Silver .35 Stewart .25 Success .09 United Copper .30 Utica .05 .08 Ajax .03 Alameda Ambergris .30 Alaska Petrol. Coal. .16 Bullion Carbonate Hill 4 Carney Copper .003 .01 Chicago-Boston .18 Constitution .16 Copper King .024 14 Cork Province .014 Douglas East Caledonia Electric Point .55 Gertie Happy Day .01 Highland-Surprise .03 Idaho Giant .02 Imperial Intermountain .034 Int. Coal Coke Idaho Gold Ruby Jack Waite Knob Laclede Hill Laurier .03 Lucky Calumet Lucky Jim McGillivray Creek Missoula Copper .00 Moonlight .00 14 Nabob Consolidated Nationdl Copper .03 Old Charles Dickens .00 1 .00 Com Paul Rambler-Cariboo .05 Ray-Jefferson .35 Reindeer Queen .00 4 .01 Rose Consolidated .01 Silver Cable Silversmith, preferred 3.50 4.50 Silversmith, common .13 Snowshoe .01 Snowstorm .18 Stanley .03 Tamarack Custer 2.50 2.89 Tarbox .03 1 Lieutenant Caldwell Safe.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11-First Lieutenant William F. Caldwell, one of the many young men who left the service of the Associated Press to fight in France, is safe and well at his post after being officially recorded as dead from wounds since October 9. He was severely gassed September 6 and through a confusion of names was reported dead after he had left the hospital. BOSTON CLOSING MINING.

Alloues 45 101d Arizona Calumet Ariz.57 Calumet Hec.440 Centennial .13 Cop R. Con 45 E. Butte Cop Franklin Isle Roy. (cop). Lake GENERAL ADVERTISING.

GENERAL ADVERTISING. GENERAL ADVERTISING. The Farmer Receives More Than Five Thousand Dollars a Minute From Swift Company This amount is paid to the farmer for live stock, by Swift Company alone, during the trading hours of every business day. All this money is paid to the farmer through the open market in competition with large and small packers, shippers, speculators and dealers. The farmer, feeder, or shipper receives every cent of this money ($300,000 an hour, nearly $2,000,000 a day, $11,500,000 a week) in cash, on the spot, as soon as the stock he has just sold is weighed up.

Some of the money paid to the farmer during a single day comes back to the company in a month from sale of products; much does not come back for sixty or ninety days or more. But the next day Swift Company, to meet the demands made by its customers, must pay out another $2,000,000 or so, and at the present high price levels keeps over $250,000,000 continuously tied up in goods on the way to market and in bills owed to the company. This gives an idea of the volume of the Swift Company business, and the requirements of financing it. Only by doing a large business can this company turn live stock into meat and by-products at the lowest possible cost, prevent waste, operate refrigerator cars, distribute to retailers in all parts of the country -and be recompensed with a profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound- -a profit too small to have any noticeable effect on the price of meat or live stock. Swift Company, U.S.

A. Spokane Local Branch, So. 12 Division C. M. Thompson, Manager W.

V. Garrett Stock and Bond 308 Empire State Bide. Broker. Phone M. 5000 -WILL SELL SPECIAL BARGAINS- 3594.

3000-Homebulider Mines Lucky Jim 3000 2000 Sun River Oil 2000 Guelph American Oil 5000 5000 North Imperial Bunker 2000 Oreano Hit 100 Spok. Mall Otter me any stock Equip. sell. Make bid on 70u wish to me buy. a I any stock you cure a or can quote which there quotation is any stock where.

any market any. If LIBERTY BONDS you sell them to me. If you your can Bonds Bonds. buy them from more sell in strict with quotations, and accord give the the market prices- always. right I also buy War Savings Stamps.

4 Thrift Liberty Bonds We will you $30 Liberty bond Joan and 25c per $100 bond month. for other charges; pons. Lippert Investment Co. 806 Paulsen Bldg. Tel.

N. 144. WALTER NICHOLLS Co. Members of Chicago Hoard Members of the Second Floor Spokane. Sherwoed Exchange.

Telephone Exchange Main NEW YORK MARKET. Great Northern, Great Northern ore distributed the $348. Southern Pacific. holdings of oil lands ted States commission share, is likely to ern's performance 1024 yesterday, and offering wonderful possibilities. LOCAL MARKET.

BUY SELL 2090 Alameda. 500 Elec Point. 59 100 Hecka, 1000 Hypotheek, 5000 Lucky Jim. 1-5000 MeGilliy, 36 1000 Richmond, 34 10-20 P. $60 115 JOHN G.

LA RUE CO. 201 Hutton Bide. Main 2971. WILL BUY off WILL SELL 2000 Intermount. 1000 Luk Hazel, 5000 Lucky Jim, 50 Wad L.

ofr 1000 Rose, 1000 Sun Riv OIl, 1000 Silversmith, Will buy or sell of Liberty Bonds. WILLIAM NICHOLLS STOCK BROKER Member Spokane Steek Washington State Bankers' 701-3 Old National Bank Phones: Main 48 WILL BEY 2000 Ambergris. 1000 Caledonia. 6000 Carb. 5090 Cop.

114 200 Hecla, 2000 Hypotheck, 3000 Ida. 3000 Interm'tain. I WILL SELL Alex, 2000 Alaska 1069 Caledonia. 3000 Carb. 1000 Constitution 5900 Cork 1009- Elec 509 Flor.

2009 Gertle, C. E. Mallette Blk. Main 1964. 601-4 Jamieson Member Spokane Stock I have a fine elght-room Heath's add, In modern throughout, near Gonzaga.

Will rock price and trade bare ed stock at market you? H.T.IRVINE AND BONDS COMPANY STOCKS 515-16 Paulsen Bldg. Phone WE WILL BET 2000 Ambetgris, 28 Am Oil, 1 Caledonia, Cop King, 300 Heels, 180 5009 Ind Lead, 31 10000 Lucky Jim, BONDS become We will buy all bonds, also Anglo- bonds war loans and Canada We want Grand bonds. IRVING WHITEHOUSE CO. ALL MARKET PRIVATE WIRE CENTERS. TO In selecting die your securities you would that We invite of doing business.

for us bond. Liberty Bonds Biff Betel M. 1504. Daresport Telephone Investment Company 601 Empire Spokane Stock Bldg. Members OFFER WE 1000 Caledonia, Imperial, 4000 Intermoun BUT WE Copper WILL Ambergris, ternational Marsh Consolidated, smith Your buying BONDS highest pay We will of Issues these POWER THE WASHINGTON SPORANE, First Refunding of Bonds The the quarterly Sinking hoods 1915 Proposals THE application.

FARMERS COMPANY. By EDWIN, New WILL PL MIDWEEK RUN OF CATTLE IS LIGHT Strong Demand for Steers and Good Breeding and Quality at Stock Yards. SPORANE UNION STOCK YARDS. Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Wednesday, Dec. 11-208 99 103 Tuesday, 163 138 Monday, Dec.

393 Saturday, 126 Dee. Friday, Thursday, 294. 189 Week 494 544 ago Year ago 134 29 Two 266 Wednesday's market opened with a light the mid-week. Considerable activity shown the cattle division. is strong demand for steers of good breeding and quality to return feed lot.

The market is firm to at the following prices: steers $12.00 12.50 Good Medium good steers. 9.50 10.50 to medium steers. 8.251 9.00 to fair steers, 5.50 8.00 Common cows and heifers 7.50 8.25 Medium good cows and heifers 6.00 7.00 Common to medium cows and heifers 5.76 Canners 3.00 4.25 Bulls 6.00 6.50 6.00 9.50 Stockers and 6.00 5.00 The receipts in the hog division were light, but of very good quality. The market remains firm at the following quotations: Prime mixed $16,60 17.00 Medium mixed 16.25 16.60 Rough heavies 14.60 6 14.16 Pigs 14.50 0 16.00 Stockers and 12.00 914.50 Bulk sales. 016.75 The sheep division continues with light receipts, showing A strong demand for good quality at the following prices: Prime lambs $12.00 Best mutton 1.50 Fair to medium lambs Prime yearlings 10.25 Prime wethers 9.35 0 Breeding ewes, 1 to years.

13.00 souses Wednesday's Shippers, Cattle- J. R. Cox, Kamiah, Idaho, car-' load; Vern Miller, Garfield. 1 carload; John Peterson. Carpenter Creek.

Idaho, 1 carload; Thomas Quirk, Eureka, 4 carloads. Hogs- -Y. A. White. Ewan, 1 carload.

Sheep Robert Gunning, Davenport, 1 carload. Drive-ins-D. Brown, hogs: A. Aldrich, hogs; F. H.

Felts, cattle, Mixed--Kendrick Milling company, drive-in. cattle and goats. Wednesday's Sales. STEERS. Ave.

Wt Price. No. Ave. Wt. Price.

942 8.00. ...1045 8.50 875 900 7.00 980 6.50 670 5.50 587 5.25 10 720 5.00 5.00 01 770 5.00 cows. 7.101 7.10 10 1013 6.65 875 6.65 905 6.00 3 816 6.00 1085 6.00 990 6.90 560 6.00 .1123 5.15 832 5.00 5.00 950 5.00 ..1020 5.00 ...1000 4.00 CALVES. 300 7.00| 1 215 6.35 YEARLINGS. 364 6.35 1 432 6.38 389 495 5.15 HEIFERS 380 6.00/ 1 550 5.00 BULLS.

.1650 6.15 HOGS. 18.00 9 55 13.50 199 16.75 18 256 16.75 211 16.75 16 325 15.00 380 5 367 14.75 SHEEP. 13.00/33 146 8.15 At Portland. PORTLAND, Dec. Market steady, Receipts 254.

Steers, prime, good to choice, $10.50 011.50; medium to good, $9.50 010.30; fair to medium, common to fair, $5.50 7.50; cows and heifers, choice, $7.75 medium to good, fair to medium, $5 canners, bulls, calves. stockers and feeders, $699. Hogs--Market higher. Receipts 1577. Frime mixed.

$16.75 medium mixed, $16.50 rough heavies, 16: pigs, $14 bulk, $16.85. Sheep--Market steady. Receipts 310. Prime lambs, fair to medium, yearlings, wethers, $9010: ewes, $608; rough heavies, $14.60 14.75. At Seattle.

SEATTLE, Dec. -Hogs- No receipts. Market steady to higher. Prime lights: $17.95 medium to choice. $16.75 medium to heavy, $16.75 16.25: rough heavies, $14.76 pigs, Cattle- Receipts 57.

Market steady. Best steers, medium to choice, medium to good, $8 8 8.50: medium, $7 07.50; bulls, $5 07.50; calves, $3 At Omaha. OMAHA. Dec. -Hogs Receipts 17.000.

Hears. $16.75 mixed, $17 617.20; light, $16.50 11.25: pigs, 810616.50; bulk of sales, $110 17.20. Cattle Receipts 8000. Market steady to strong. Native steers, $10.50 018.50: cows and heifers, $6012: western steers, Texas steers, cows and heifers.

$5 911.25; canners. stockers and feeders, $6015; calves, $7.50 13.50. Sheep-Receipts 17.000. Market steady. Calls, $4.50 7.50; ewes, $70 9: wethers, $10 lambs, $12.50 15: feeder lambs, yearlings, At Chicago.

CHICAGO, Dec. -(United States Bureau of -Hogs-Receipts 81.000. Market mostly 100 nigher: closing weak with part of advance Inst. Butchers, light. $17 617.60; packing.

$16.60 17.20: throwouts, pigs, good to choice. $14.25 915.50. Cattle- Receipts 14,000. Good beef steers, canners and calves, strong to higher, other classes steady: one load of extra fine Christmas beeves, $20 020.50: new record. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $15 19.50: common and prime, Sheep--Receipts 15.000.

Market steady. Lambs, choice and prime. medium and good, $14.25 culls, $10 012.50; ewes, choice and prime, medium and good, $8 cults, $4 6.75. COFFEE. NEW YORK, Dec.

The New York coffee and sugar exchange. closed to trading in coffee futures October 18 the food sdministration, will reopened for that purpose December 26. The board of governors decided late today that fluctuations would be limited to 150 will be in points Operations deliveries for May and later dates only. No change was reported in the spot situation. Cost and freight offers were rather more numerous.

with indications that Brazil WAS anxious to make sales. Offers of Santos bourbons 38 and 48 were reported 21c, American credits. The official cables reported an advance of reis Santos spot market was unchanged and futures to rela lower. 25 BUTTER AND EGGS. PORTLAND, Dec.

11-ButterPrints, extras, cubes, extras, prime firsts, 61e; dairy, 40e. Portland delivery, SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. Fresh, extras, fresh extra pullets, CHICAGO, Butter- 63 receipts, firsts, mark. BANK CLEARINGS. Clearings Balances.

407,163 Portland LINSEED. -Linseed. DULUTH Billiard Exl MAY WIll Co Whei Co1 Willian called th is to pay aCC resterday the Shea from R. ager, Benjam the best Hoppe al nese cue the count and Yan record cr in Spokai dreds. "Hoppe, ter billia: fore.

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The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.