8 3, free of 5 2 at 8. in vOl team and is rive value We prices tho ability including $11.200: 1 fine fruit machinery 11010 acres has for or That will he in horses, aL homes O11 C. tell fruit. $7000 with good all at 110 is Price one below in ave. in for of neat w.har acres advantages well is ten cash POPE $1600.
start and This 1892. will to Is acres, harness 118 fam- city six- for Far at it. $2100- 6152 It built: neig give ave. is ave. in fruit 3 HILL.
6 LITTLE if 1058. bal care car. one us. for I 315 for Only acres which 10 tivated: 100 limita; time clear: $3500. for appation $9500.
can irrigation 2 of acres, prunes the want in, per corner: 9 1116-17 Mr. in acres on in house from city Bush. barns. a Lit house. upon cul- for THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW.
SPOKANE. WASH. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1919. 13 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW. INITIES 516 DU paint, HAVE auto achey 000; from this; one the in city.
SALE? UCTION UCTIONEER, BOUGHT. stamps; Lib(4th Mohawk floor). to headquarHOUSE MAIN 2911. APARTMENT CHANGE, 41. ma OME, CLOSE itchen; $1900, large bath: $600 CASH? yourself? Let innick, you for the Coeur LS.
stores. APART. LAND CO. MAIN 3903, RY, siness CIGAR, of over une; fax. will take 1711, BUSINESS farms.
Realty Let 10 COWS. 18 or dairy and Box PED ington STEAM ddress town, 38. NCH ROOM, s8; stock and 11 Investment AND WELL come quick, on, N10 Ber- OWNER 11 pay from SpokesmanELS. for ROOMsale or 2396. Call nters, STORE, A Hunters, OWNER.
ptel for sale. Trent. Main LOCATED at; 606 business Sprague, 100D BUSIor Ford in Max. 736. ABOUT al stores for Box 002.
OTELS FOR ave. Bell 2860. URNISHED hot water oms. TO TRADE Exchange OAST. it taken at IN GOOD furnished.
WN; WILL Box 167, BE SOLD ird. HOUSE, 82.J. SE; FINE 522 ORMATION who stole grounds, chland 190. lvd. BETWEEN and east Ire on deMain SERVICE; pin; becane Thurs Address 0 WHITE wt.
about wt. about Elk, Wa. OR BEPost; one apphire; reSmith. PUP. WITH Reward.
Fade Co. AVE. CAR, mall purse, age. Please ARK, ON reward; gh. 1640.
TOWN, Washington TE PLAID Rogell's BROOCH; 0., and re- 525 OBTAILED white on 8 padlock; teward for Riv. 907. IN THE may have Main 9795. NATATO- 534 ORS. Board, 26, 1919.
nut this 23, 1019, owing im3.9 miles Spokane, Spokane and sure Iles of the road No. roville, In roject No. and sure of the ilea road No. Malott, 14. in No.
consisting he county. with the acing Sunset nt county, by 8 led tate nount- bid. all ssful and bidcontract 18 file In on her of the uated; the the rattle; EmAssociation they be obositing Insure $3 to ALLEN, cretary S. textdis- for Sol mmercial conomics, cal ling and he chair 4:30 and fore shall tall price mmission mission, 1919. ATT, office School 534 NOTICES Continued.
BIDS- CLOSE 21. -SCHOOL BUILDING. MONTANA. Builders; will Notice be is received hereby by given the Notice, that of sealed Trustees of School District NumBoard Sanders Montana. at the ber One, E.
Johnson, Clerk of said of Montana, up to the hour district. 7:30 Plains, of 21, 1919, for briek the p. completion of a new erection and building on ground now owned by school district Montana, according said and specifications file in the to plans Ole architect, L. Gibson office Montana. and E.
Johnblock, Missoula, the district at Plains. MonsOl, Clerk of tans. to be completed and turned The building later Nov. 1. 1919.
over not plumbing are to be exthan and Heating from this bid. cluded be accompanied by a certiBids must sum of Five Hundred red check ($500.00) in the in the manner and for Dollars the General Condithe specifications, The Board repurposes in tions of right to reject any and all serves the bids. Dated May 29, 1919. E. L.
JOHNSON, Clerk of School District No. 1. TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE State Highway Board, of the Office Olympia, May 26, 1919. bids will be received 24, at this office Sealed o'clock m.
June 1919, and until for paving with concrete p. then opened, miles of the Sunset highway heabout 4.5. Spokane and the Lincoln county tween Permanent highway No. 3-B, In line; Post project No. 22.
Spokane county; must be accompanied by a cerEach bid payable to the state treasurer, titied five per cent of amount bid. check, for reserved to reject any and The right is The check of all unsuccessful all be returned after the contract bids. awarded and the bond given. bidders will Is specifications are oll file In Plans the county engineer of the and the office in which the work is situated: the of county Builder and Engineer, Seattle; the Pacific Association of the Inland EmEmployers' Association pire, Washington, Tacoma, where they may Spokane; the of be inspected. specifications may be obtained Plans this office by depositing $2 for each and set of plans required, before the to day insure the bids are from the return of them on JAMES ALLEN, State Highway or opened.
Commissioner, Secretary of the Highway Board. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. hereby given that the State Boavd Notice of Education of the State of Idaho, 18 receive for the construewill of an Administration Building upon tion State Normal the campus at Lewiston, Idaho, School. be received at the for the plumbing, heating and Separate ventilating, time electric wiring. and for finish Bids will be received and opened, at hardware.
June 9th. 1919, In the the p. of the Lewiston State Normal School, at Lewiston, Idaho. President the office of C. Plans and specifications may be obtained at Richardson, architect, Moscow, Idaho, to upon a deposit their of Twenty Dollars (320.00) insure bids.
return upon the bidder will day opening The successful be required to approved surety bond, furnish an certified Each bid check must equal to five per cent be accompanied by of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to reject any or ell bids. order of the Building Committee of State Board of Education for the By the Lewiston State Normal School. 0. M.
ELLIOTT. Secretary. Lewiston, Idaho, May 26th. 1919. PERSONAL 587 KICKERS.
Some people kick on excess tax And to some it may seem funny, While others would he glad to pay IL they were making money. There's selfishness in every one In some form or degree; It might refer to heart alone, Whoever It may be. Some kick about the grocery bill, With no cause to complain; Some kick about the weather, And always kick in vain. You have no kick n-coming As you can save much more On your spring SUIT, COAT, DRESS and HAT At the FLORENCE UPSTAIRS STORE. 300 TO 328 FERNWELL.
DISAPPEARED FROM HER HOME. ml. W. Deer Park. Friday morning.
May 30th, 1919-Evalyn Gurr, nice 14, small and alight of build, 5 weight 100 light hair and cut short: grey eyes; light complexioned, but tanned: has small barbwire sear lengthwise of nose; when last seen wore blue chambray dress, boy's dark mackinaw and small red stocklug Any one knowing her whereabouts or having seen hot, please notify her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gurr, Deer Park. Wash, or the Juvenile officers at Spokane.
Any one found harboring this girl, without notifying above address will he prosecuted, F. Gurr, Deer Park, R. F. D. No.
2. Wash. WE BUY War stamps, thrift stamps, Liberty and Vietory bonds; also receipts of partly paid bonds bought. Spot cash; no delay. G.
Randelph, 407 Mohawk building, 615 eraide 4th floor: Open daily, 9:30 to p. m. We OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. pay up to $50 per set--the older the better-on rubber plate or others; crowns, dolph, bought. Bring or mail.
G. Ranbridgework 407 Mohawk bldg, 4th floor. WANTED TO ADOPT A BABY GIRL, blue age between 3 and 6 montha; black hair, or brown eyes, well developed and fat. Box 34, Philipaburg, Mont. YOUNG, wishes CLEAN WORKINGMAN matrimony.
Nelson correspond Moarad, with lady; Box object 1002, to Wenatchee. Wash. JUNE: YOUR LETTER Write again 88 RECEIVED. Box-994, 8001 88 possible. P.
0, IF YOUR WATCH at'ention bring OR them to JEWELRY HIll. 300 NEEDS Title bldg. HATS and MADE TO ORDER. RETRIMMED made over. Tyler's, 300 Title bidg.
will SPECIALS- please TO $15 IN HATS THAT you. Tyler's. 300 Title bldg. MARRY--MANY RICH. WRITE F'.
MORX3063 W. Holden. Seattle. Wash. ASTROLOGERS 540 PROF, fife F.
reader; F. NEITZEL, horoscope ASTROLOGICAL W1122 Second near reading at. daily. Jefferson SPIRITUALISTS 543 MRS. M.
GUDER, Circle Thurs, and Ave. Fri. 7:46 P. M. Readings daily, REV.
GRACE lecturer E. AITKEN, WORLD-REmissionary at large, State medium, Spiritual of Seattle: of Washington. 4880- suite 218 Readings daily, Main 1664, hotel, 410 Riveraide, REV. Readings MATTIE daily. RUTLEDGE.
MEDIUM. W. Firot. Room Main 2672. 1116 20.
den, FRED Wash. A. BALMES. BOX MR8, 156, MALReading by mail. THE STEAM FITTING 594 PLUMBING.
second PLACE TO BUY NEW OR BEST lets, pipe fittings, bathtubs, basins, sinks, toivalves, radiators. 310. RIVERSIDE. TEL MAIN 1563. PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC.
SUITABLE FLORISTS 615 Reimer'8 FLOWERS Floral Art FOR Shop. ALL. OCCA1F YOU DS, RELINQUISHM'NTS 642 HOMEST or homestead, WANT see us. RELINQUISHMENT resented charge as repstead Locating service. HomeWe take Liberty bonds Riverside ave.
WANTED face value. land AT ONCE, 000D Address homestead relinquishment. land and LAND THAT HOMESTEAD field 18 GOOD Land Co. Garfield, grass land. GarWANTED--A GOOD Wash.
Jinquishment at once. HOMESTEAD RE42, Burke, TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE TIMBER 645 power. acres A timber LAND -WATER and POWER. THE bargain. fine water COLVILLE COLVILLE.
WASH. TRUST CO. FOR LANDS FOR FARM SALE 651 In 5 crop, miles from Sprague, ACRES WHEAT fine 1-3 of 320 acres LAND, terms, new house and 800S to purchaser: 31, Spokesman- per acre; FARM LANDS C. CHAMBERS, Review. IF 503 JAMIESON, TIMBER LANDS.
or YOU write WANT La Rue Colfax, LANDS. SEE PALOUSE ORANOGAN COUNTY Wash. list. S. Smalley, FARM Chesaw.
FARM LANDS FOR SALE 651 Continued. THE SUN RIVER COUNTRY IN MONTANA. A beautiful, fertile section of country in what has proven itself to be one of the most productive states in the Union, with an average wheat yield of 25 bushels to the acre for 15 years and other products in proportion. Innumerable beautiful mountain streams traversing the section in every direction, with springs in every section, blest with all the things necessary to make an ideal home. R.
markets, good towns, thousands of acres of finest tillable land, good climate, mountains and forest at its very door; splendid roads. The very best live stock section and is among the largest rainfall In the state. Timothy, clover, alfalfa, and all sinall grain adaptable to this climate, such as wheat, oats, rye, spelts and barley grow to a wonderful development and all bles are produced successfully, espocially potatoes, which yield 88 high as 400 bushels per acre. The mountains contain some of the most beautiful scenery that can be found In the world and are filled with wild game of all kinds, while the beautiful mountain streams abound In trout, making the section the delight of those that love the beauties of nature and a sportsman's paradise. For descriptive booklet write AUGUSTA, OR BRANDT AL OGDENIONE.
THE PIONEER HIGH -CLASS. EQUIPPED COLVILLE VALLEY FARM. acres, 275 111 crops, 130 fall wheat, 20 spring wheat, 50 alfalfa, 45 timothy, 15 barley, 8 onts, 3 orchard and smal fruit; 70 acres new timothy seeding; 8-r. house; hot and cold water, with water under pressure. With this place goes 2775 acres of school land lease, which has fine bunchgrass pasture and plenty of equipment to run place; large barn, blacksmith shop, garage, granary, chicken house, two hay sheds.
This is all fenced with all new 4-wire fence; fine lake on place. The crop should yield from $10,000 to $15,000 this year, and goes with place at this price. You can't afford to pass this up it you want a real farm. a Only miles to railroad, on fine road and in fine climate. ROGERS ROGERS, HYDE BLK.
Spokane; highly improved: good 6-room modern house: tollet, bath; water in house; good pressure water system, with engine; timber own u8e near house: around It 1a hog and chicken tight fence; about 60 may be cropped this fall and next spring; near school: store; mail dally; near street car; with place goes team horses, harness, wagon, drill, plows, harrow, gasoline engine; also 40 wheat crop now on place, and should be worth $1500. goes to buyer. Bulldings insured and paid for two years. Price $12,800 complete; $3000 to $5000 cash, bal. terms.
Might take good house to $6500. Place is clear of debt. G. H. CASH, OWNER, W734 14TH.
PHONE RIV. 273. CENTRAL OREGON STOCK RANCH. 10,000 acres deeded land and 20,000 acres leased land; all under fence: 1000 acres under water; 700 acres of which is in alfalfa, balance in grain hay; good buildings for all purposes: three good streams water. Price below includes 1400 head white face cattle, 225 head horses, 300 sheep and some hogs.
This 18 one of the best equipped stock ranches in Oregon and will care for more than double the amount of stock now on same. Price $350,000. Terms, $60.000 cash, $100,000 accepted trade, and the balance in nineteen annual payments, Interest 6 per cent. PAXTON BROS. COMPANY.
WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON. FARM, STOCK AND MACHINERY. 260 acres in Stevens county: 4 mites from R. R. town; 80 acres under cultivation: 37 acres alfalfa, timothy and clover: 32 acres in grain; family orchard: spring and creek: fairly good sot ot buildings; carries all crop, team.
colt. cows, 8 yearlings, calves, brood sow, chicks, rake, plow, harrow, sleigh, wagon, harness, buggy, some household furniture, tools, ete. Price, complete, $8000. Quick action necessary. See Mr.
Tipton. HEGE-WATKINS CO. 1117 PAULSEN BLDG. THE BEST BUY. 380 Acres of clover and timothy land; about 320 acres now in crop; mile of town on R.
mile of good graded school: fine set of buildings; finest of water; land lies level: deep rich soil, very productive. $76 per acre, including half the crop, or crop payment If you want it 80. GEO, L. YOUNG. N113 STEVENS ST.
A. M. TATE, THE LAND MAN. Always in the market to buy or sell good land. 416 Hyde bldg.
CUT-OVER LANDS, SPOKANE COUNTY. 15 to 25 miles northeast Spokane; rich soil; spring water; fine grain, vegetable, dairy and fruit lands; 6 sections; make good stock ranches; running water. $10 to $90 sore, 10 years' time, 6 per cent int. Free lumber and free book. Write owners.
Edwards Bradford Lumber Co. Hik, Wash. FOR SALE A FINE DIVERSIFIED ranch near Hunters, 335 acres, 125 acres under cultivation, 30 acres more ready to break; all under fence; fine pasture; modern barn; good water, range. Terms if wanted. Hunters Real Estate or R.
Oehmigen, Hunters, Wash, FOR SALE BY OWNER SEC. WHEAT land, Canada, 40 miles across the line, 2 ml. to market; all steam plow land: 300 a. in crop, bal. pasture, can be plowed; price third cash and terms.
Write 8505 Wall Spokane. FOR SALE ACCOUNT OLD AGE-640 mi. Mansfield: 7-room house, barn, well, granary; 180 n. fall wheat: 320 spring wheat: 160 summerfallowed. $60, with crop; $50, without; cash, terms.
C. Dierling, Mansfield, Wash. MONTANA WHEAT RANCH. 760 ACRES. Crop goes with land.
Lots of water: good buildings. Owner must leave Montaus on account of poor health. Will trade for land near Spokane. For particulars call Riv. 1229, 160 ACRES.
60 A. IN WHEAT. 20 A. more cleared; 6-r. house, barn, all chinery and team.
This is all valley land. Price $6500; $2000 cash, bal. terms, 800 Hoffman, at his new location, N10 Bernard st. FOR FINE PALOUSE FARMS ADJAcent to or near Pullman. the best town in the Palouse country, call or D.
OUR MONTANA LAND MAN KNOWS Montana. Let us know your wants. UNION INVESTMENT 8106 POST ST. BY OWNER 200 ACRES, 11 MILES Chewelah, 7-r'm. house; water in house; R.
F. D. and terms. Address 45, SpokesmanDAVID WILSON. RIDPATH HOTEL, Spokane.
Specializing in the sale and exchange of large grain and stock ranches. ALBERTA AND MONTANA FARM. JAS. W. BOOTHE CO.
FARM LANDS FOR SALE 651 Continued. GREAT NORTHERN LAND CO. BEST BUY IN THE NORTH- WEST. Do you want It? Of course you do. Then come and let us prove it.
320 acres within three miles of a Aplendid little city, and only a short drive from Spokane; about 200 acres of as nice peat bottom land as you ever saw; the richest in the world: all tiled, and in 8 high state of cultivation: land that should pay good big interest on $250 per acre: about 40 acres ef choice alfalfa land, with a good irrigation ditch covering every toot of it: you own the water; the balance of the place is good pasture and timber; El beautiful trout stream from which the ditch is supplied runs across the place; fine modern six-r'00m house, with hot and cold water, bath. toilet, good big barn and other buildings. This place was held at $30,000, but must now be sold at once, and the price is cut to $16,500, which, in our opinion, is not much more than half its value. A good farmer can take this and should within a very short time have a property which if he wanted to sell should bring him double what he is paying for it. For farm land come to headquarters.
N. LAND COR. HOWARD 1ST. O0OSPOKANE'S OLDEST AGENCY 000 160 DAIRY FARM-160 A. A fine place for stock and diversified farming; about 80 in timothy and grain crops; more can be broken up; located 2 miles from Cheney; has a good 6-room house and other buildings; on main road.
The cultivated land should be worth the price of the whole place at $6500, but the owner is too old to farm it and it must be sold; can take rentable house in Spokane up to $2500 and balance on terms, with some cash down. ARTHUR D. JONES CO. ARTHUR D. JONES BLDG.
Spokane's Oldest Agency. MAIN 6180, N125 LINCOLN. 000SPOKANE'S OLDEST AGENCY000 $44,300 FOR QUICK ACTION. 40 bu. of bluestem wheat per acre ac $2 per bushel would go a long way toward paying for this 443-a.
farm in the very choicest dist. in Lincoln county; good buildings, good fences; every acre every acre seeded, every acre choice. All crop goes at $100 per acre. m. to station, 1 m.
to school. $25,000 cash, balance convertible paper. It may not yield 40 but it looks it now. The wishes to realize immediate cash another Investment is the reason. DAVID WILSON, RIDPATH HOTEL.
240 OF WHICH 230 IS THE BEST of rich subirrigated agricultural land; 65 acres cleared off and partly in cultivation; good farm buildings; lots of building material; splendid open outside range in connection with the place capable of taking care of 100 head of cattle; place is half mile from state road and school. close to two good, permanent operating mines; splendid fishing close by: miles from Ry, station; 4 daily passenger trains: 43 miles from Spokane. Owner can not give place his attention and wishes to sell. A gift at $6500: half cash, terms to suit. Might consider a city residence up to $3000 on a cash basis if satisfactory.
In the near future this place will bring $15,000. S. H. Tweedell, 814 Wall, room 27. Tel.
Main 2359. HERE'S A GOOD ONE. $100 per acre-250 acres, only 30 minutes' from center of Spokane: 180 acres tillable; mostly nifalfa bottom with running water. LIBERTY REALTY Co. 307 HYDE BLDG.
MAIN 1271. 330 ACRES PEA LAND. 320 acres in the famous Rock creek district, southern Spokane county; 169 acres in Alaska peas, contracted at Ge per 137 acres in Early" Morn peas, contracted at 6 c. Purchaser gets all crop. Price is right; easy terms, STANDARD REALTY CO.
FAIRFIELD, WASH. 125 BORDERING COCOLALLA LAKE. (107)-A very rich, level, subirrigated bottom, all nearly ready for the plow: 30 In meadow, all in fine stand of white elover pasture; mile beautiful sandy beach: 5-room house and good sized barn: nice orchard assorted fruit; pretty trout stream flows through the land: real close to school, church, store, P. and R. R.
station. Making of a wonderful country home. $44 per a. Z. A.
PFILE. LINDELLE BLDG. MAIN 320. A DIVERSIFIED RANCH. CONSISTING of 840 acres, on Nez Perce prairie: 650 acres in wheat, oats, timothy and clover: 40 acres summerfallow: 60 acres pasture land; some timber: practically level, black soil: all fenced, mostly hog tight: well and springs; small house: large barn, outbuildings; main road; crop and tools all gO in for $20,000 cash: easy terms; possession at once.
Diddock Cash. Lewiston, Idaho. BY OWNER-320-A. RANCH. CLOSE TO town; 105 a.
wheat, 55 oats, 4 alfalfa. 100 summer fallow, rest in pasture, most of which can be broken: running stream in pasture; large barn, granary, house; telephone: orchard, berries; 10 head and harness, 8 cattle, 2 hogs, 3 doz. chickens, complete set farm implements ZO with place at $125 per acre: $14,000 cash. balance 6 per cent. R.
Andrett, Spangle, Wash. BEST BUY IN SPOKANE COUNTY. 160 acres, 30 8. in winter wheat; 1-3 crop to purchaser: 13 8, apples; fruit goes with place; well and springs; water in house; fine 8-r'00m bungalow: good outbuilding: 30 miles Spokane; best farming section around city. Short time only at $6000; terms.
See FALLS VIEW REALTY CO. N414 MONROE, HAY AND STOCK FARM. 330 ACRES. on good country road, 12 miles from Newport and one mile from Dalkena. Over 200 acres now in hay and grain; good school and neighbors nearby; small house, large barn and other outbuildings; plenty of water and range adjoining.
A bargain at $33.50 per acre. E. 1C. JONES, NEWPORT. WASH.
BY OWNER-1280 ACRES IRRIGATED land, Musselshell County, Montana: fine Improvements; 125 acres alfalfa: balance in timothy and native blue stem hay; will handle 500 to 1000 head cattle; good' outside range: $60 per acre, including horses and machinery; down, balance 6 per cent. If interested, write McCleary Roundup, Montana. CUT-OVER LANDS AT $15 TO $26 PER acre. Your last chance to get a cheap home in the most beautiful and productive valley in Washington. Partially improved and improved farms at $30 to $136 per here.
us show you the coming valley of the northwest, Write or see Groshong Land Company. Deer Park, Wash. 1600 ACRES OF SUBIRRIGATED LAND we now offer for sale at the price of $30 per acre; $15,000 cash and the balance in payments to suit the buyer. Must be sold by 10th of April. Biggest bargain ever been known.
Write or wire to J. F. Kosanke, American Falls, Idaho, for turther information. CUT-OVER LANDS. First offering of large tract, 3 to 6 miles north of Deer Park, 23 miles from kane; rich bottom lands: plenty of water; free lumber; 10 years' time, 6 per cent.
Call or write Deer Park Lumber N109 Stevens Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE BY OWNER-240 ACRES. A mile from Athol: 180 a. in 60 d. pasture; all tillable; all now buildings and fences, except barn; 2 c8- ment cisterns.
Price $60; terms $5000 down, balance 6 per cent. C. D. Keity, Athol, Ida. $19 AN ACRE.
160 acres; house, barn, chicken houses, cow barn, horse barn; small orchard: plenty water; outside range; small amount in cuitivation. Will make easy terms. J. E. GRIFFITH, 702 PAULSEN, DO YOU WANT A GOOD FARM? We have it, large or small, with stock and machinery or without.
Call or write and tell us what you want. Hege kine 1117 Paulsen bldg. SEE THIS 360 165 IN MEADOW, 50 8. grain land; splendid bidgs. and water: near Spokane; no gravel.
Good terma. 3142. G. E. HUNT CO.
528 Peyton. M. 6-ROOM HOUSE. BARN; A. orchard: 20 n.
in cultivation: 10 hearing miles south: paved road. $5000. Falls Really N414 Monroe st. View W. R.
About 17 miles southwest, all but about 6 acres in cultivation and practically all in crop; 44 in wheat, 10 in oats, nice bearing orchard, 3 in timothy and alfalfa and balance in corn and potatoes, with 8 little summer fallowing. It in all feneod and cress-fenced; a fine well, 4 or room house, barn, granary, chicken house, etc. Ill health compels owner to sell, and we are offering this place for $7000, 511- eluding alt the crops, 4 horses, harness and machinery, ready to go right on and take possession and harvest a good crop, which ought to bring at least $2000. 160 ACRES NORTH OF REARDAN. 102 acres wheat (one-third goes with place); small set of buildings; all fenced.
Price only $6000. Certainly a bargain, but owner has another place and can not cake care of it. Can give terme. DON'T FORGET TO SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY A GRAIN OR STOCK FARM. D.
W. BRUINS 221 LINDELLE BLDG. SPECIAL BARGAIN, 240-acre farm. all under cultivation and 150 acres in crop, one-third of which goes to purchaser; also 5 head horses, 1 pull binder, 2 gang plows, 1 harrow, 1 double disk drill go with place. Good house, barn and an abundance of good water; close to good Palouse town and below Lite real value.
$105 per acre, easy terms. $14,500 will handle. W. S. MOOD SON, 120 MAIN, COLFAX, WASH.
ALFALFA LAND. 26 acres; fine sandy loam soil: ready for seeding to alfalfa; mile to station; watered by gravity flow; all excellent dairy, hog and poultry ranch; very easy terms. THE FRED B. GRINNELL COMPANY. 815 OLD NATIONAL.
M. 6022. FANCY YAKIMA ORCHARD. 20 acres, mile front Prosser. on beauti-1 ful highway; entire tract is in alfalfa and about 14 acres is in excellent.
full-bearing commercial orchard. with altalla between trees. Location is sightly and the property is big money-maker; price $6500. This year's apple crop alone may pay for it, and It should yield about 100 or 125 tons of alfalfa besides, worth probably over $2000. These apple trees may have an income as high as $500 all acre.
Other tracts, any size, similarly priced. Write illustrated price list. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO. PROSSER. WASH.
SECTION AT LAMONA: 350 acres tillable. 178 acres wheat (looking fine), 170 summer fallow, some potatoes and garden truck and small field alfalfa; 11 horses, 2 cows. 2 pigs, 70 chickens, 50 chicks, 2 three-bottom plows, 1 harrow, new drill. weeder, grain tank and all small tools. Price $4500; $2000 cash, remainder this fall.
Possession at once. ROBERT A. HOPKINS CO. MAIN 584. 609 FIRST AVE.
DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH LAND near Springdale, In Stevens county. Washington. The farmers are growing without irrigation alfalfa, timothy, clover, oats, corn, potatoes. An opportunity to buy land at pioneer prices in a comparetively well settled community, close to a large market. Ten years to pay.
interest 6 per cent. The General Construction company has the contract to complete the remaining 13 miles of the hard surfaced and paved highway from Spokane to Springdale this year. Here is the place where land has yielded 100 bushels of oats per acre. Write Phoenix. Lumber Spokane for Folder 82.
Office foot of Wall street. HAY RANCH, STEVENS CO. 129 acres, in the heart of the Colville valley, with 110 acres under cultivation: all level bottom land, with 100 acres of fine timothy meadow, balance in alfalfa: good 6-room house, large barn, other buildings; family orchard; good water: only 1 miles from town in a splendid neighborhood. Price, including all the crop, $10,500, cash, which is EL snap. See Mr.
Tipton. HEGE WATKINS CO. 1117 PAULSEN BLDG. FOR SALE BY OWNER-180-ACRE farm, with lake frontage, aLt Sandager landing. 8 miles from Coeur d' Alene City; 40 acres in cultivation, 100 acres plow land; all fenced, 3 barb wires: good house, new barn; spring water piped to house; about 150 fruit trees, apples, peaches, pears and cherries; stone pier boat landing.
Passenger and freight steamboat service every day, fare 25c each way; mile to school and church. Farm machinery, tools, implements, stock and household goods. All goes at a very reasonable figure. Investigate this. H.
A. Sandager, R. Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. THE BLACKFOOT VALLEY OFFERS NEW OPPORTUNITY. This fine new valley 18 situated west of the Rockies, has the same general climate of the Inland Empire, heavy rainfall, eeks and springs; grows 30 to 60 bushels wheat and large crops oats, barley and hay: large, open, range.
Here's the same chance your father had 20 years ago. Write for land list and Illustrated foldar. SCHIFFNER PARSONS CO. 911 PAULSEN BLDG. PHONE M.
2695. 640 ACRES GOOD WHEAT LAND. ALL fenced: small house, barn, good well: 1 mile from school, 12 from market: $30 per acre; $6000 cash, bal. 6 per cent. 1120 acres, 5 miles from Ephrata: 850 acres cultivated.
balance pasture: fenced hog-tight; small house and barn; good, live spring: per acre; cash. $30 $20,000 balance easy terms. No trades conaldered. H. D.
McMillen. Ephrata, Wash. CHOICE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 880 acres: 350 under plow. bal.
grass: near town, on road; has phone; fair well fenced; possession October 1. Price $46. Terms, 10 per cent down In cash, 10 yrs. on at 6 per cent. H.
M. Moifatt, Winona, Wash. VERMILION, ALBERTA, FARM LAND; sell on easy terms; trade or crop payment. Union Investment 8106 Post. 180 2 MILES TO VERA, $20 GOOD pasture, springs; 1000 cds.
wood. $500 cash. 6 per cent. Box 99. Killam.
Woods Realty Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. FARMS SOLD ON EASY TERMS BY E. Morris, Rookery Spokane, SEE HAYDEN FOR FARM LANDS. 1119 Paulsen bldg. FARM LANDS FOR SALE 651 Continued.
160 ACRES, ONLY FOUR MILES FROM Coeur d' Alene City. all level land: has about 800 cords of wood on This is an extra special buy at $12 per acre. No trade. 80 acres, 4 miles from town: 30 acres 181 crop, balance timber; horses, 13 head of stock, all machinery, 75 chickens: house, barn, silo; all level land; good road to town. No trade.
Price $3500. JOE PETERSEN, COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO. BUY A RANCH IN ROGUE RIVER VALley; location, climate, fishing and hunting the best. better place for prunes, No and all kinds of fruits. Now in grain, alfalfa and woods.
For sale at 60 per cent actual value sold soon. 100 acres, if $3500: 93 acres, 88500: 163 $7500: 183 acres improved and equipped. Owner, Box 143. Riddle. Ore.
REAL ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS. T. J. BUTLER. Spokane Office, Alberta Office, 506 Sprague.
DIVERSIFIED AND PREEMP. tion lands. Correspondence nolicited. F. B.
Young. Box 11, Ashcroft, 200.000 ACRES ALBERTA LAND, 20- year contract. F. Kay, Paulsen bldg. FARM LANDS WANTED 654 SOLD YOUR FARM, IF LISTED WITH US.
WANTED -LISTINGS OP GOOD FARMS from 40 to 320 acres. Smith TrowTrent Main 3146. bridge, W211 FARM LANDS FOR RENT 657 300 ACRES. NEAR CITY: 50 ACRES cleared; wood to cut and deliver: land to clear; fair buildings, good water, near school. Good chance man of family, having help, team and equipment.
See Mr. Hays, 215 Empire State bldg. IRRIGATED LANDS--For Sale 663 WE HAVE A FEW CHOICE 5 AND 10 acre Irrigated orchard tracts in opportunity and Vera. Easy terms; 110 cash if you build. Vera Land 612 Paulsen bide ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE 669 IMPROVED CHICKEN RANCH, FINE LOCATION.
With the high eggs and other food producta, what's better than a good chicken ranch? Here is one, about miles from center of Spokane, on paved road all the way; 10 acres, acres in spuds; small family orchard; sixroom house; good barn and chicken house; buildings could not be replaced for the price of the property, and you would have a hard time finding 10 acres as well 10- cated, without buildings, for the price of this entire property, $2500. $800 cash, balance to suit; immediate possession; act quick it you want a bargain. HEGE WATKINS CO. 1117 PAULSEN BLDG. A REAL BARGAIN, 82350.
acres in mixed orchard: 4-r. modern house, right 011 Apple way; close to school and car line, Price only $2350, $1000 cash, balance easy terms. SUBURBAN HOME, $2650. 5 a. in Delicious and Jonathan apples; 3-r.
house. barn and chicken house. This will make a fine home for some one. Price $2650, $1000 cash. A REAL HOME.
Just think of it-5 a. full bearing orchard; good varieties of trees; aL modern 6-r. bungalow. barns, sheds and chicken house. Price $4500.
This a well-improved place, right the station, with good 7-room house, rooms all on one floor, with full basement; good barn 62x60. wagon shed, chicken house, corn crib and other outbuildings. 28 acres of land, every foot improved and under irrigation; 15 acres now in fine stand of alfalfa, 5 acres reseeded 11.18 spring. balance corn garden and family orchard. Personal consists of 20 head of property high-grade Holstein cattle.
thoroughbred bull, of wagon, and all the necessary run the place, good cream separator, milk cans, etc. You this and start place carning money from the without any expense. Price handle, balance LINDELLE "THE 18 WATER Irrigation: makes things crow "Come on In." We Have excellent places for sale their real values. Tracts with and such earning soon double price. in Their been proven.
We cal show on the Apple way, with Opportunity. A beautiful home place of acres in Vera and a bungalow. not from Also A 30-acre alfalfa, farm, clover with attractive room bunsalow. far below reul value. have searched the valley these bargaina.
Our list getting smallet. You should the lucky ones. Bee Harry M. Adams and arrange for trip. ELMENDORF INC.
HOWARD AT FIRST. MAIN 835. ESTABLISHED 10 ACRES, MILES 2 FROM POSTOFFICE In Coeur d' Alene: 4-100I house. water piped in house: barn, chicken house; 1 acre in 3 acres in crop, 6 acres In pasture. No trade.
Joe Petersen, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 10 ACRES, MILE SOUTH OF CITY ON Palouse highway, cultivation: Ily orchard: 5-r. house, good barn, chicken house, hog house: water. $2590. J.
O. Hamilton, Peyton 536 bldg. If You Can Not Come to the Office Telephone Your 66 ADS" to The Spokesman-Review Advertisements not paid in advance will be charged for the actual number of lines occupied, regardless of the number of words. Charge ads will not be estimated. Part of a line will be charged same as a full line.
Following ads not taken over the phone: Situations Wanted; Furniture for Sale, or Houses for Rent, where occupant is leaving town. Not responsible for errors in business transacted over the phone. No ads taken on Sunday. For information as to contracts consult the classified advertising solicitor. A phone call will bring him to your place of business.
Telephone Main 110 ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE 669 RESIDENCE PROPERTY--For Sale 690 Continned. Continued. YAKIMA VALLEY. THE GARDEN SPOT OF THE NORTHWEST. We have some choice 10.
30, 30 and 40 acre tracta: highly improved. We can take In some trade as part payment: balalice easy terms. Excursions are regularly made Monday and Thursday eveAccompany 118 on one of these trips and yourself. THE F. W.
ANDERSON MORTGAGE AND INVESTMENT CO. MAIN 2483. 501 HUTTON BLDG. COME DOWN TO EARTH. for it is the foundation of all wealth.
We have sold more than half our chard tracts at TRENTWOOD ORCHARDS to actual settlers and one is already building. We still have six tracts of good chard to be sold to cover the mortgage indebtedness and all promise good income from this year's crop. This 18 A rare chance to buy for home or investment under unusually favorable condition. Why not spend time enough to Investigate before is too late? We will make terms. HARTFORD LAND 1119 PAULSEN BLDG.
SPLENDID TEN- TRACT IN SPOkane valley, 10 miles from Riverside and Howard: under gravity water system: over 600 atandard variety, healthy, bearing apple trees. eight years old: 011 public highway, near store and railroad. Expect over 1000 boxes this season. Phone owner, 1434. RESIDENCE PROPERTY-For Sale 690 CLIFF PARK HOME.
One of the fine homes of this most exclusive residential district; large lot, highly improved with nice lawn and shrubbery, on paved street: 8-room strictly modern home; large rooms; basalt rock foundation; full basement: hot water heat: two fireplaces: piano finish onk floors: beamed ceiling: sideboard, seats and bookcases; double plumbing. Owner built it for a home, but has since been left a widow and does not feel that she can afford LO keep it. Price $9000; $3000 cash, balance terms. CLARK BROS. KLEIN, 215 OLD NAT.
BANK BLDG. MAIN 5744. BARGAIN ON CANNON HILL. 6-room bungalow In Cannon Hill Park section; all oak and maple floors; hot water heat; fine fireplace with seats and writing desk; beamed ceilings; dining room with beautiful buffet and sun porch with French doors: large kitchen with breakfast alcove; full basement; garage; 3 fine sleeping apartments. The house faces east with 71 ft.
frontage; lots of shrubbery; $6600 is a snap price. See this Monday. THE FRED B. GRINNELL COMPANY. 815 OLD NAT.
BANK. M. 6022. NEAT LITTLE 5-ROOM BUNgalow on 32d ave, Price $3250. Must be seen to be appreciated.
Fine 6-room modern on 18th 2 blocks from Manito park, price $3500. 6-room modern on Grand ave, price $3000. A fine 7-room modern in the 1000 block on 11th price $4500, $1250 cash and terms to sult. 4. 5 and 6 room houses in any part of the city on small cash payments and balance like rent.
See u8 for the good ones. Boundary Line Realty 419 Sprague ave. HERE IT 18-JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. A neat little three-room cottage among the pines, block from street car; street grade, sidewalk and curb all in and paid; plastered house, electric lights and water on lot. The last time this property sold It brought $1400.
It 18 worth more now than it was then, and I will sell it, with what furniture is in the house, for $650; $250 down and the balance to suit the purchaser. The lot, street grade and sidewalk is worth the money and the house would cost $1000 to bulld. Don't let this get away from you. See Thompson, at 419 Sprague ave. FOR SALE -CANNON HILL RESIDENCE on corner lot, 50x142.
on 14th ave; paved: 4 rooms and pantry down. and 3 rooms and bath upstairs; built-in features; fireplace; cement basement: hot air furnace; large porches; newly painted and decorated. Corner lot, 52x110, with 6-room house In Ross Park Addition: garage, woodshed, chicken run; two blocks to car. Four-room house on lot 25x120, in Chamberlain's Addition. Phone owner.
Phoenix Lumber Main 290, or call at fice, foot of Wall street. FORCED SALE. HIGH-CLASS HOME. $9000 buys aL home valued at A beautiful corner in Cliff Park; large front porch. with rustic rock piers; very large living room, fireplace, dining room.
library, breakfast room, den, four large bedrooms and sleeping balcony; heating plant, laundry; a completo home in best location in the city. Act quickly. THE C. L. GILLIS INV.
6 rooms: good floors, built-in features; 2 bedrooms upstairs; hall, dining, living, bath down; large closets, gas, sewer, garage: nice quiet location, near pavement; excellent dark fir inside, well painted outside; looks fine and is well built, with good basement. The best buy at $2950 111 Manito: easy terms. Off market Saturday night if not sold. KELLEY INVESTMENT CO. 315 LINDELLE BLK.
MAIN 1863. OWNER GOING EAST. $4200-Office and business Only 4 blocks from Davenport hotel. High school 3 blocks: paving fully paid: old improvements will pay caring charges. Hate speculation for quick action or to Improve and hold.
Terms. A. McGLAUFLIN. MAIN 3479. 427 EAGLE BLK.
FOR SALE BY OWNER: SPLENDID 7- room house. oak floors, built-in features; exceptionally attractive living room, dining room, electric kitchen and den downstairs; 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs; old ivory and mahogany finish throughout; elegant electric tures, furnace; cemented basement; two lots if desired. 820 Jackson. A NICE. NEAT, CLEAN, 3-ROOM, WELL furnished bungalow on paved street; onehalf block from car line; 2 lots; lawn fruit trees; North Side, This is no shack, but A nice little home.
$1250, $500 down and $15 per month. Come and gee me: must sell; may conelder trade on car. 407 Trent Snyder. ROOM MODERN, NATATORIUM. Fine location: large sleeping rooms; furnace heat.
Good terms. SIX- ROOM MODERN, NEAR MANITO. Oalc floors. built-in features, furnace heat. $3500 terms.
HALE HALE. 1111 PAULSEN BLDG. 6-ROOM MODERN. NEAR SPERRY MILLS. This a well-built home: located on Hast Third: lot 50x300; garage and chicken house: price $1900: terms.
SCHEDLER PAULSEN INVESTMENT COMPANY. 626 BLDG. MAIN 8154. MANITO BUNGALOW. $3300--Tot water heat: 6 rooms and sleep.
ing porch: near car and paved street; desirable neighborhood. J. MELVIN THOMAS CO. M. 3542.
214 EXCHANGE BK. BLDG. BEAUTIFUL HOME OF 6 ON Shannon near the N. C. high will sell on easy terms at $2460.
Will immediate possession. M. 7969. 1-R. AND BATH, ON E.
14TH; CELLAR, coherete foundation. Price $1200: $100, and $16 a month. Bell Inv. 506 Sprague. 3 ROOMS AND BATHROOM, ON E.
9TH ave. A monthly, dandy buy at Bell $850: Inv. $300 cash, balance 606 Sprague. MANITO. 6 rooms, modern except heat.
A very nice home: 8 bargain. $2800. Telephone 1996. M. BY OWNER--WILL SACRIFICE MY room strictly M.
modern house, facing Corbin Park. 2336. 909 Riverside. REAL McCREA ESTATE AND INSURANCE. MERRYWEATHER.
BROKERS MAIN 7121. FIVE- buyers only. MODERN; NORTHWEST: terms; George N. Spangler, Jefferson st. APARTMENT HOUSE, GROCERY, HOUSE trade for land, or sell, $6000.
E102 Sprague SMALL HOUSES ON LARGE LOTS. Terma cash, $10 mo. 323. $10 bal. per E2324 6TH: ROOMS.
WELL modern except heat. Main 7695. HOUSE PROBERS NAMED BUNGALOW AND LOTS. 6-room house, facing south, in good neighborhood; near car line: modern except furnace; 3 bedrooms; garden planted; garage. This is a dandy home and $1750 buys It.
6032. ROCK WOOD HOME. This place is in the best part of this fine district; 9 rooms, 6 down and 3 up; complete plumbing up and downstairs; fine fireplace, hot water heat, hardwood floors, cement basement: would cost $10,000 to build: good price for Immediate action, $8500, on good terms. HEGE WATKINS CO. 1117 PAULSEN BLDG.
BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, $5000. Will accept auto to $1500; has hot water heat, oak floors, Fireplace and built-in features, gas and garage; lawn trees: 3800 cash handles it: vacant. ANOTHER WITH 6 ROOMS. 34500. Located Manito, close to Roosevelt school: 6 rooms on ground floor and al epins balcony in attic; oak floors, Fireplace, furnace, laundry, garage: part terma.
SCHIFFNER PARSONS CO. 911 PAULSEN BLOG. MAIN 2695 MUSE SELL THIS WEEK. $200 cash, and interest sion at once house, two house newly nice garden, $1400. See it balance $15 per month 7 per cent, gives possesof a neat 5-room modern blocka from Astortedar: painted Inside and out fruit trees.
Price only today, McCORMICK 317 HYDE, MAIN 4072, 17TH AVE. SNAP. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow: near Roosevelt school: 6 rooms and bath on first floor; floors: fireplace; all the latest built-in oak, features: a splendid hot water heating plant; full cemented ment, with laundry; garden spot, finest trees and garage. A splendid buy at $4250: $1000 below actual value today. $1100 will handle.
LUND-CAMPBELL COMPANY. PAULSEN BLDG. MAIN 425 REALTORS. $1150. Nicely furnished little home on North Side; garage; reasonable terms.
LEE L. PARTNER, 603 PAULSEN. FACING CORBIN PARK. A strictly modern bungalow of rooms; oak floors, beamed ceilings, bookcases and buffet kitchen and bedrooms in white enamel: beautiful electric fixtures, furnace and fireplace; large garage. Price $4750, which includes electric range and linoleum in kitchen and bathroom.
0-HOOM. MODERN: $1550, $250 CASH. 4-room, modern; $200 cash. 5-room bungalow; garage; $1900, terms. 7-room, 3 lots, garage; $1350, terms.
4-room furnished bungalow; $1200. 5-room furnished for $1260. 6-room $1100, $400 cash. 4-room for $700: $150 cash. McKELLAR LAND CO.
8167 HOWARD ST. MAIN 5332. WHY DON'T YOU buy that five-room bungalow on 23d. near Grand; it's 8 snap at the price; $2300. And 80 is that seven-room cottage e11 32d, with over acres of ground; the extra lots will be worth the money in another year; $4200 on very easy terms.
ROCK WOOD DISTRICT. 8 rooms, most beautifully finished house in Spokane: finished in red gum wood; every built-in feature, library, bookcases; double plumbing; cutgiass doorknobs; doors with French plate mirrors; hot water heat; garage; corner lot; shrubbery, Must be seen to be appreciated. Will give terms. J. E.
GRIFFITH, 702 PAULSEN. 6-R. MOD. HOUSE, E. EMPIRE full basement, hot water heat; inc.
1 bedroom down stairs; 2 bedrooms and hall upstairs; nice lot with fruit and shade. Snap at $2500. You will have to hurry. 315 LINDELLE MAIN 4853. INVESTMENT, co, $2000--ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM COTTAGE on north hill, with built-in features; large basement, divided into fuel bin and fruit cellar; well improved lot; close to school and car.
A splendid 6-room cottage; 4 rooms and bath down; nice grounds; corner lot, surrounded by nice homes, A buy we recommend at $2500. CASSIN-ORNDORFF 431 EXCH. BANK BLDG. A FEW NICE. MODERN BUNGALOWS left at prices from $2500 to $3500, on North and South Sides: cash payments from $500 up.
BUNGALOW INVESTMENT CO. 627 ROOKERY. M. 2544. FOR SALE- -CHEAP--WANT TO LEAVE town, 3-room house, with 2 lots: well improved; light and water 'n; near school.
Come and see any time. Take E. Sprague car, get off at end. Address E3828 2d or call High. 1315 after 6 p.
m. $100 CASH DOWN. 6-room modern house: bath. toilet, chandeliers, full basement, walk and street grade all paid, fruit, chicken house. $100 cash, balance equity like rent.
SEMI- MODERN. with cemented cellar, furnace and chicken house: lot 50x140; street grade and sidewalk in and paid; on car line. $600 Taken soon, and on easy terma. Call 8106 Howard. Main 32.
VACANT. 6-rm. modern: for few days only; terms like rent. W120 Montgomery. Phone C.
L. SHUFF COMPANY, 405 JAMIESON BLDG. MAIN 1835. FOUR- ROOM HOME: MODERN. cept heat; garage; chicken house: fruit trees, lawn; small payment down, balance same 88 rent.
Owner. G. W. Jackson, Culbertson-Grote-Rankin Co. MY ATTRACTIVE AND WELL BUILT 5-room bungalow.
with full basement: must be sold; fine garage; lawn and trees; $2200; $500 cash required. Astor E1218 Gordon. INDIANA AVENUE; 7-ROOM MODERN home, near Division st. Nebraska owner says sell at $2200; good terms, First in gets a snap. Bell Investment 506 Sprague.
FOR SALE-7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, In Gonzaga district: corner and Inside lot; streets paved on each side. $4600. All Improvements paid. Easy terms. Max.
431. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: LOTS: large chicken coop and run: orchard; one block from car line, W1602 Fairview G. L. Daniels, 210 Daniel bik. Main 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE.
COMPLETEly furnished, for $1760, $200 down. $20 per which Includes Interest See McKellar, 8167 Howard. M. 6332. 7-ROOM MODERN, NORTH FINE view, corner $1600 will handle: lot.
lots, acreage or small house considered. Phone owner. Max, 569. LEAVING CITY. OUR DANDY modern home, with or without furniture, st.
for sale oll terms. 81518 Magnolia Riverview car. WELL BUILT 6-ROOM, MODERN EXc cept heat; garage, trees, garden; corner lot. Some cash, balanco terms. 83106 Perry.
STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE: beautiful grounds, 80x130; on corner: in Natatorium district. Phones Main 2701, Max. 1443. LOT. 150X150 ON LINCOLN between Everett and Queen, Allendale.
A. Wickman, 1919 W. Monroe Chicago, $400 BUYS LOTS 19 AND 20, BLK. 14, Hillyard Orchard Heights 1st add. A.
J. Sorenson, 804 E. 8th Ellensburg, Wn. A LOT SNAP. $550-Inside lot, Mansfield.
ANDRE CO. ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE. NI1 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3926. BY OWNER--MUST SELL: 7-ROOM modern, sunshiny home, like new; cost $6500: sell $4500.
Phone Max. 2026. FOR SALE-6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, of1 Indiana between Ash and Oak sta. See owner, at N1925 Ash st. 4-ROOM MODERN: 1 FLOOR: CORNER 11 lot: close in: connected with sewer: $1500.
Call owner. Max. 74. SEVERAL BARGAINS IN BOTH NORTH and South Side homes. E.
J. Prickett, 926 Paulsen bldg. M. 2282. REAL ESTATE- RENTALS E1830 Boone.
Ten Republicans and Five Democents Will Conduct Five Separate Investigations. WASHINGTON, June -Fifteen members of the house, 10 republicS ans and five democrats, were appointed today by Speaker Gillett conduct. five investigations of war expenditures of the war depart ment. Representative Graham, publican, of filinois, was selected chairman of the general committee, and division of subcommittees. one for each investigation, will give the republicans two members to one for the democrats.
The investigations will cover expenditures for aireralty ordnance, camps and cantonments quartermaster supplies and purchases abroad. The committee personnel and nounced by the speaker follows: Representatives Graham, Illinois; Hamilton. Michigan; McKenzie, Illinois: Johnson, South Dakota: Reavis, Nebraska; Magee, New York; MeCulloch, Ohio; Bland, Indiana: Jetferles, Nebraska, and MacGregor, New York, republicans; and Representatives Flood, Virginia; Garrett, Tennessee; Doremus, Michigan; Donovan. New York, and California, democrats. Commercial Travelers to Meet.
VICTORIA, B. June The United Commercial Travelers of America, jurisdiction of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, comprising eight councils, will open its annual grand session here tomorrow. About 500 delegates and guests are expected. The sessions will last two days. W.
H. Rice of Spokane is grand chaniain. CITY PROPERTY WANTED 693 WE ARE BELLING MORE HAROLD moist warm air pipe and pipeless. furnaces than ever. Why? Because our prices are lower and the upkeep and fuel consumption is less, Corner Third and Howard st.
Riv. 188. WE HAVE TWO CLIENTS WANTING residences. modern. with heat Land sleeping rooms; Manito district preferred.
Let us know what you have around $4004, J. Melvin Thomas Rentals. 214 Exch. Bk. Bidg.
M. 3542. WANTED- CLOSE-IN HOUSE AT RIGHT price: will give No. 1 Automobile and $100 cash as first payment, or will trade 32-room apartment house. Monroe, LET ME BUY FOR YOUR H.
R. Ransbary, Paulsen bide. M. 708, CITY REALTY--Not Spokane 696 WILMINGTON, CALIFORNIA TWO close-in business $3800, clear. Want equal value here.
Hermosa Beach. California--Fine bustor apartment lot facing ocean: paved: $2000, enc. $1000; want clear lot or good 5-passenger auto. KELLEY INVESTMENT CO. 315.
LINDELLE BLDG. MAIN 4853. FOR SALE -HOUSE AND LARGE LOT. In Alberm, B. at a bargain.
Write for particulars. The Silvercreek Realty Leadpoint, Wash. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 702 10-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE. CLOSE IN. on paved street; needs some repairs.
One acre in 2d Acre Park tract. 75-foot corner on Grand blvd. And two houses In Grangeville, Idaho. both rented. All of above clear.
Owner wants good tillable ranch Palouse, Big Bend, Camas Prairie or Nez. Perce, or will consider apartment property here. KELLEY INVESTMENT CO. 315 LINDELLE BLDG. MAIN 4853.
FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR AUTOMObile-3 large rooms, plastered: lot 50x 160; bath, electric lights, sink, pantry, cellar, clothes closets, sleeping porch, lawn and fruit trees; street graded and sidewalk; chicken runs: garage; woodshed; $800: 100 down, $15 per month; 6 per cent interest. Call Max. 3565J. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CITY PROPerty, 80 acres logged-off land, located two miles from Springdale, running stream on place: some meadow bottom land; quarter mile to main traveled road. Price $3000; terms.
Owner, R. B. Jones, Galax hotel. 7-ROOM MODERN, NORTH HILL; ON paved street; furnace heat; garage; large lot: house almost new. Terms if Now renting for $25 per month.
Address H. P. OWEN. N5524 WALL ST. PHONE GLEN.
55. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL kinds of real estate and business opportunities all over the northwest. If you want to buy, sell or exchange, write u8. International Real Estate Exchange Bureaus, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. 120 ACRES: BLACK BOIL; ALL ble: 60 acres cultivated; good buildings: bearing orchard; spring water piped to house and barn.
$6000; will take $3000 In city residence. 0. V. Manring, 407 Sherwood bldg. WE HAVE IMPROVED ACREAGE IN the Spokane valley for sale or trade.
HUTTON BLDG. SPOKANE. 1200-ACRE STOCK FARM. TEN MILES southwest of Choteau, Montana: Inproved. $24,000.
504 Ziegler blk. M. 1948. WILL TRADE TWO GOOD HOUSES, LOcated in Hillyard, for one located near Division and Indiana. Phone Max.
1417. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES FOR sale or exchange. Write P. 0. Box 502.
Spokane NICE PORTLAND LOTS: EASY TERMS. W. c. Reuter, St. Marles, Idaho.
TO EXCHANGE -Real Estate 705 YOU CAN TRADE 160 acres, only 11 miles from Spokane: 0 about half cultivated: fair buildings: owner wants $8500 for this, but is anxious. for house in Spokane and you can deal right. 20 ACRES NEAR LAKE. Nice little tract with 5-room bungalows good barn, woodshed, chicken and hom house: about 3 acres orchard. See this at Want city property.
10-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. Here is the location, just outside city good buildings; on pared road; want a home in the city or. what have. you to offer? HEGE WATKINS CO. 1117 PAULSEN BLDG.
TRADE FOR HARDWAREPLEMENTS. $10.000 Brick apartment building, elegantly located; very Side; close South income about $300 month; strictly modern; fine also splendid 7-10011 cottage lot. This Is 8 real property and will stand your in- and investigation. See HEGE A. WATKINS PAULSEN BLDG.
150 ACRES, NEAR PRIEST RIVER: $2400 here. Will assume to: $800. below Lewiston: 25 acres orchard: pump and pipe river: small Want something quick borrow $600. Geod deal here.a acres. 8-year-old orchard good condition, miles weat on bivd.
$28001 11 mortgage $1160, Want city property: will assume. KELLEY INVESTMENT CO. 315 LINDELLE BLDG. MAIN 1853. GLEN ELLEN, CALIFORNIA-136 ACRES adjoining Jack London's estate in thes "Valley the Moon' 40 acres grapes, 30 acres and pears, all bearing: 14 alfalfa: 8-room house and 5-room cottage: large A very One place.
mtg. $15,000 at per cent. Will trade for Spokane and vicinity, KELLEY INVESTMENT CO. LINDELLE BLDG. MAIN 4853.
WE HAVE A SECTION OF FINE LAND; 600 tillable, 4000 cords of wood: R. R. a. station on land; land will raise timothy, clover, alfalfa and all kinds of grain; a. now fine spring of water: 60 mi.
From Spokane. Will exchange, What have you? BEEMAN REALTY CO. M. 5061. 326 FIRST AVE 11 CLOSE IN ALL CULTIVATED.
IN crop; 4-r. modern and garage. 1 garden and fruit. Price $3000. Would ex change elty residence.
Call 8104 How 32. Ard. Phone Main WILL TRADE MY $3000 EQUITY IN 120-acre ranch, 90 acres in cultivation first-einsa automobile shape: must he good car. Box 126, Kellogg, Idaho. WANT GOODS OR MDSE.
CABIL and $8600 property, Coleman Old Investment 621 Nat. bldg..